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Active Careers: 4 Careers That Keep You Healthy

 Active Careers: 4 Careers That Keep You Healthy

Let’s face it. The sad truth is that many of us work at jobs which entail copious amounts of time spent sitting at a desk or behind a computer screen. While this has become the norm for many of us, long periods of inactivity can actually have devastating impacts on your overall health. As long term studies have shown, sitting at a desk all day can dramatically increase your chances of cancer and cause eventual heart problems. Even if you do maintain a regular exercise routine outside of work, those long periods of sitting can still have problematic effects on your body.


If you’re looking for alternative career options that keep your mind and body engaged, there are plenty to choose from. You don’t need to sacrifice your physical well-being in the pursuit of a fulfilling career. Check out these four active careers that keep you fit and healthy!

Fitness Instructor or Personal Trainer

It probably wasn’t difficult to guess what made the top of our list. Becoming a fitness instructor or personal trainer is a surefire way to guarantee regular exercise in a structured setting that will allow you to enhance your physical fitness as well as your professional skills. While there are broad training regimens with which you can familiarize yourself, one of the most effective ways to distinguish yourself from others in the field is to find a narrower specialization. Getting involved in a dance fitness instructor certification from a program like Bombay Jam is a great way to demonstrate a unique value proposition to gyms and clients seeking something special in prospective trainers. 

Police Force or Firefighter

Taking on a public service role such as a police officer or firefighter not only commits you to a routine of consistent exercise, but also allows you to experience the satisfaction of helping people on a daily basis. Because these jobs demand a high level mental and physical fortitude, there is a substantial amount of training required in order to be admitted to your city’s police force or fire department. However, these careers are highly rewarding and offer a wide range of opportunities for advancement as you develop your skills.


Nutritionist or Dietician

While physical exercise is certainly important, nutrition and healthy eating is also an incredibly vital—and often overlooked—component of the equation. A career as a nutritionist or a dietician is a great way to equip others with the tools they need to lead a healthier lifestyle. Nutritionists and dieticians regularly get to see their advice and recommendations translate to real, tangible improvements in the lives of their clients; that’s not something every career can boast about.

Being a nutritionist or dietician means that you’ve spent the time to learn the complexities of nutrition and wellness, and that knowledge enables you to apply the principles you recommend to others to your own life.


Physical Therapist

Similarly to a personal trainer, physical therapists teach their clients exercises that they would otherwise be unfamiliar with in order to help them to build their strength and achieve their health-related goals. For clients recovering from injuries and accidents, physical therapy is an invaluable asset in helping them maintain their mobility and quality of life. Becoming a physical therapist is a one way to be active as an individual as well as assist others in their path towards increased strength and mobility.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career that keeps you fit and healthy, these four options provide great opportunities to do so!




Dated 03 September 2015

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