Failing at Weight Watchers - What Did I Do Wrong?


Failing at Weight Watchers - What Did I Do Wrong

It happens to everyone.  You find great coupons and discounts, start the diet and everything is going great.  You're tracking your points online and visiting your coach once a week.  For the first few months you’re losing weight and then something changes.  The weight stops coming off, you become discouraged and you start falling back on old habits.  Don’t beat yourself up when this happens because it’s a normal occurrence.  Have you ever heard the phrase “two steps forward, one step back”?  Well, that’s what has happened to you.  You simply took a step back in your progress, and you can see it as an opportunity to re-evaluate and move forward.  Perhaps you got lazy about tracking those points or there was a crisis in your life.  Maybe you lost your job, had to move cities, or fell out of a relationship.  These are huge triggers for falling back onto old habits.

Moving through the set-backs

The first thing that you should do is talk to your coach as soon as possible, or if you don’t have one then you need to get one.  Go to more meetings in an effort to be around like-minded people who are working just as hard as you are to change their habits and their lives.  You’re not a failure if you start having trouble on the diet.  You just need to reaffirm your goals and move ahead with gusto and a better outlook on the journey.


It really isn’t all your fault when this happens.  Perhaps this diet isn’t right for you.  Maybe you would do better finding a deal on a prepackaged diet so you could do less thinking and counting and lose more weight efficiently. Based on recent research, Dr Michael Dansiger says that packaged diet foods may spur more weight loss because “having less freedom in choosing meals seems to help people meet their dieting goals”. Really evaluate if you want to stay on Weight Watchers or you want to perhaps try something more clear-cut like Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig. 

Getting at the truth of what's going on

If you’re not doing it already you absolutely need to keep a food journal to see what pesky problems are getting in your way.  Are you sneaking a chocolate here, or a bit of extra Mac and cheese there?  These things really do add up so it’s important to be precise when you’re following the Weight Watchers plan.  Cheating is allowed but you must mark it down and compensate for those points later in the day or week. 

What you absolutely should not do is give up on weight loss all together.  There’s no reason to compromise your health if you seriously need to lose weight.  It’s important to your confidence and sense of self that you lose the unwanted weight that is plaguing you.  Stay focused, get support, and you will get back on track.  You can get this month’s Weight Watchers promotions and deals at

Failing at Weight Watchers - What Did I Do WrongIn conclusion, if you failed at Weight Watchers, the following tips may help you move on.

  1. Forgive yourself. Don’t call yourself a “failure” because failing doesn’t make you a failure. You lost a battle, not the war. Be gentle with yourself and start anew.

  2. Seek help. Studies have shown that weight loss is more attainable with support and coaching. Even talking to a friend can help you regain your confidence and determination toward achieving your goals.

  3. Try another program. If Weight Watchers didn’t work for you, then congratulations! You found a method that doesn’t work for you. Don’t get discouraged. As Tony Robbins says, when you fail you set the foundation for the understandings of a new level of living that you can enjoy more. You can either run from your past or learn from it. I hope you choose the latter.

Dated 10 November 2013


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