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Birth control experts cast doubts on updated rhythm method
 April 11, 2004

Researchers have refined the outmoded birth control method, but it still has its sceptics, write Lucy Beaumont and Prue Clarke.

Creators of a new take on the rhythm method of contraception say it is now a viable, natural and reliable option for women, but Australian experts are not so enthusiastic.

For decades it has been seen as a relic of the pre-sexual revolution era, advocated by priests and grandmothers, and jokingly labelled "Russian roulette". Now the rhythm method is making a 21st century comeback.

Researchers at Georgetown University, in the US, call their updated version the Standard Days method. Using a computer model based on records of more than 7500 menstrual cycles compiled by the World Health Organisation, researchers have identified a 12-day window when a woman is fertile and can become pregnant from unprotected intercourse. The old rhythm method relied on temperature, vaginal discharge and guesswork.

"People used to think ovulation occurred 14 days before the end of the cycle," explains Victoria Jennings, director of the Institute for Reproductive Health. "We now know it is likely to occur at the mid-point of the cycle or a few days either side, regardless of cycle length."


That means, for example, that a woman who has unprotected sex on the Tuesday before the Saturday she ovulates has only a slight chance of becoming pregnant. On the Wednesday that chance is greater and so on until the Sunday after she ovulates, when she has very little chance of becoming pregnant.

The one caveat is that it will work only with women whose cycles are reliably 26-32 days long. Luckily, that accounts for 80 per cent of the population.

The Standard Days method comes with a set of coloured "cycle beads" that allows women to chart their cycle. On day one a band is placed around the first coloured bead. Each day it is moved one bead further until it reaches the first of 12 white beads, which designate the days the woman is fertile and should abstain from sex, or use some form of protection. Or if she wants to become pregnant, the white beads identify when that is most likely.

In Australia, the oral contraceptive pill is the primary method of birth control, reported by 40 per cent of contraceptive users, but 3 per cent practise periodic abstinence from sex to avoid pregnancy.

Clinical trials have shown the Standard Days' failure rate is 5 per cent if used properly, but Melbourne University sexual health professor Christopher Fairley said that "perfect use" rates were misleading.

"You'll get 25 per cent of people pregnant with the rhythm method in the first year of use," he said. "If the thing is used perfectly it might do somewhat better, but it still doesn't come anywhere near other forms of contraception."

Data published in The Lancet and cited by Professor Fairley, says the pill has a failure rate of 5 per cent in the first year but 1 per cent in perfect use. Male condoms lead to 14 per cent unwanted pregnancies in the first year, but this rate falls to 3 per cent in longer term relationships when they are used properly.

Standard Method's authors recommend women track their cycle on a calendar to guard against slip-ups.

But Australian Women's Health Network convenor Helen Keleher said that unless women were in "a stable long-term, monogamous relationship", they should use condoms to protect them from sexually transmitted diseases.

The new rhythm method is gaining appeal, with more than 100,000 women already said to be using it. Much of the institute's funding has come from the USAID agency, which considers it a promising alternative to condoms and birth control pills in developing countries.

"We've still got to promote condoms in those countries because of the prevalence of AIDS, in particular, and gonorrhoea and syphilis," Dr Keleher said. She urged women to be cautious when considering the method and only use it if they were "absolutely certain" that they understood their cycle.

Researchers say Western family planning groups are increasingly offering the Standard Method as an alternative for women wanting hormone-free, non-invasive birth control.