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Stress Management



The word Stress is used to describe both external events that make demand on us and the internal responses they trigger. In fact, stress is the body’s general response to any demand made on it, regardless of whether that demand is pleasant or unpleasant, or whether it is emotional or physical.

All of us need some amount of challenge in our daily life to keep ourselves stimulated and lead our lives to the fullest. Damaging stress occurs when challenges becoming impossible to cope with the effect of excessive stress can manifest itself in a variety of ways; it can cause potentially harmful changes in the behavior and undermine both physical and mental health.

The way in which damaging stress manifests itself in the body varies from one individual to another. Besides one of the importance aspect of dealing with stress is knowing the way in which your body responds to the challenges that are too severe. These reactions are automatic and subconscious and might range from being irritable to overeating, breaking out in lives, developing a migraine headache or having heartburn. However once you understand stresses operating in your life, you can begin to cope with them. Slowly you will realize with practice that it is possible to control stress-related symptoms in a varied number of weeks.

When our body is subjected to stress over a long period of time, it remains in a prolonged state of preparedness for flight or fight. Blood pressure is permanently raised, continuing muscle tension leads to digestive problem, pains and aches and the body’s resistance to disease remains suppressed.



Do you recognize two or more of the following in yourself or some one close to you? If so, the problem needs to be tackled immediately :


Do you recognize two or more of the following in yourself or in someone close to you? If so, stress might be reaching a potentially dangerous level. Remember, however, that these can also be symptoms of other problems, such as physical illness.


When confronted by acute physical or psychological stress, the brain triggers a chain reaction that prepares the body to fight the perceived threat or to flee from it. Though essential to survival in life-threatening situations and often useful when dealing with challenges such as deadlines at work, the fight-or-flight response is less appropriate for dealing with more routine stresses. If triggered often enough, it can lead to serious health problems. These are some of the effects:


Women fitness has underlined some of simple and effective ways of handling stress:

  1. Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR) – close your eyes and direct your attention to each part of your body in turn. As you do so, tense the muscle of the area and hold for 5 sec, then release and totally relax the muscles. Concentrate on the sensation of warmth and heaviness you will experience for about 10 sec.
  2. Deep Muscular Relaxation (DMR) – Use the same routine as for PMR, but without tensing. Focus only on relaxing by directing your attention to each set of muscles in turn, feeling them become weak and heavy.

First ask yourself what your own ‘should’ or ‘must’s’ really are and write them down. Then challenge your own expectations asking yourself. ‘Why do I believe that? Is it possible to live up to this rule? What will happen if I don’t?’

Next revise your rules to make them more reasonable. Use self-talk methods, nice if others thought well of me. I certainly would feel uncomfortable if everyone did not like me. But I can accept, that some people may not like me. Besides which, I like myself and my friends like me, even if other people do not.


Once your stress-inducing problems have been clearly identified. You can think out on a wide range of possible solutions, rejecting those that you know from experience do not work. Focus on the quality of the effort involved rather than the amount of the solution.

If you regard happiness as coming from outside, you will waste a lot of time chasing it, because all the evidence suggest that happiness comes from within yourself. The same lies true with all other aspects of your life physical, mental, social and emotional life.

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