Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter
Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter
Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter
Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter
Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter

Volume No. 370

Thursday September 18, 2008

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This Week in Health

New Happening

Exercise doesn't have to be grueling to improve your strength and stamina. Slow stretching improves both flexibility and strength, in addition to helping to firm and tone the body. This week we focus on Top 10 Stretches to Work your way to Fitness. These exercises are designed to achieve suppleness, eliminate tension, and firm up muscle tone.

Namita Nayyar, AFI

Hot Fitness Tip of the week

One of the biggest problems with dieting is the constant hunger. No matter how much water we drink, how many salads we munch or how much sugar-free gum we chew, the hunger is always there. Hunger makes us blow our diets, pure and simple. To manage this, start meals with a broth-based vegetable soup or a salad packed with a variety of veggies. Enjoy a piece of fresh fruit, fruit salad or even fruit canned in its own juice as part of most meals. Dried fruit has a much higher energy density, because the water has been removed. Choose fat-free or low-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese).

Words of Inspiration

Positive or Optimistic

How we handle stress depends upon our attitude. Optimists cope more effectively with life stress. They tend to recover more quickly. Pessimists on the other hand deny the problem, distance themselves from the stressful event, focus on stressful feelings, or allow the stressor to interfere with achieving a goal.

One way to start developing a more positive attitude is through "thought stopping." Start by noticing your attitude in various situations to see if you have a more negative or a more pessimistic view.

The next time you are thinking or saying a pessimistic comment, picture a big, red STOP sign stopping the negative thought. Then replace that thought, or the statement, with a more positive or optimistic statement.


Learn more 

Success Quote

"Succeeding is not really a life experience that does that much good. Failing is a much more sobering and enlightening experience.."
- Michael Eisner

Healthy Recipe

Berry Banana Smoothie

Makes: 2 servings.
1 cup frozen mixed berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries)
1 banana (medium)
2/3 cup unsweetened apple juice

Combine all of the ingredients in a blender. Puree until smooth.
You can increase the berries to 1 1/2 cups and use just half a banana for more berry flavor, if desired. When using frozen berries no ice cubes are needed. If you want to use fresh fruit be sure to add two ice cubes to the blender for a thicker consistency.

Nutritive Information:
Per serving: 131 calories, less than 1 g. total fat (0 g. saturated fat), 33 g. carbohydrates, 1 g. protein, 4 g. dietary fiber, 4 mg. sodium.

Article of the Week

Top 10 stretches to work your way to fitness

Exercise doesn't have to be grueling to improve your strength and stamina. Slow stretching improves both flexibility and strength, in addition to helping to firm and tone the body. These exercises are designed to achieve suppleness, eliminate tension, and firm up muscle tone.

Stretch plays an important role in exercise, which are performed slowly and precisely. If done four or five times a week, they will guarantee a sleeker, fitter, more supple body.

Good posture is vital, but it only comes with practice. At first, you may feel some discomfort from your new position. It will help if you concentrate on elongating as you inhale, and work into balance as you exhale. Think tall!


  • Stand with your legs, hip width apart, feet and knees facing forwards. Balance the weight evenly between the heels and balls of the feet, not allowing ankles or arches to roll in or out. To ensure that this is not happening, lift the toes off the ground to align, then place them down again.

  • Don't lock or bend knees. Keep them relaxed and imagine that you are raising the kneecaps without moving them.

  • Exhale and pull navel into the spine, tucking the pelvis under (pubic bone comes forward) and lessening the arch in the back. Draw the cheeks of the bottom in towards each other.

  • Inhale and elongate your ribcage, pulling it out of the waist. Exhale as the pelvis comes into balance. Do not allow the chest to be pushed forwards.

  • Inhale; as you exhale, rotate shoulders in a backward and downward movement towards the middle of the back.

  • Keep the back of the neck lengthened. Try to make your head touch an imaginary hand that is being held one inch above the top of your head.

  • The weight of the entire body should be evenly distributed between the heels and balls of the feet. When you feel this, relax your bottom but do not lose the lift you feel throughout the body.



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