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Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter
Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter

Thursday November 05, 2009

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This Week in Health

New Happening

Neither regular nor diet Soda does your body any good. In fact, a steady habit of soda consumption can do a great deal of harm. You ought to be making every effort to wean yourself from it completely. To learn more check out this week's article on The Health Hazards of Drinking Soda.

Hot Fitness Tip of the week

The key to surviving through the holiday last minute rushes- BREATHE. Take 30 seconds -- yes, you can find 30 seconds -- stop, and breathe. Slow, easy, long, deep and peaceful breaths all the way into your abdomen. And feel each relaxing breath expand into your lower back, so your entire midsection is inflated. Then blow out any tension, stress, tightness, frustration and anger with each exhale. Additional benefits are created by pasting a great big smile onto your face, for no reason.

The act of taking big breaths and smiling will help you re-focus on the big picture. When you become more deeply and profoundly peaceful inside, you will realize that the craziness is superficial, existing only on the outside, as waves are of little consequence to the vastness of the oceans.

Words of Inspiration

Life's Energy is What You Make it

Anyone who knows the basics of sailing can maneuver their boat to the desired destination, regardless of the wind direction. The ability to adjust the sails appropriately, and the amount of wind, are of far greater importance than the wind's direction.


Winners and achievers in life know how to use all of life's energy -- the tail winds and the head winds -- to move ahead toward goal achievement. Fear gives us the heightened sense of awareness necessary for taking on difficult situations. Challenges give us superb opportunities for learning and growing. Setbacks and obstacles strengthen our resolve and determination. That is, if we decide to take them that way.


You can't control the wind, but you can control how to set your sails. And you can't control what life hands you, but you have complete control over what you do with it. Fear and challenge can blow you off course -- or they can supply the energy to propel you ahead.


It all depends on you.

Learn more 

Success Quote

"It does not take sharp eyes to see the sun and the moon, nor does it take sharp ears to hear the thunderclap. Wisdom is not obvious. You must see the subtle and notice the hidden to be victorious." 
-- Sun Szu

Healthy Recipe

Stuffed Chicken Breasts


Makes: 8 servings



  • 4 sun dried tomatoes, dried

  • 1 cup frozen chopped spinach, thawed

  • 1 teaspoon lemon peel, grated

  • 2 teaspoon non/low fat margarine

  • 2 tablespoon parsley, minced

  • 4 ounce boneless skinless chicken breasts

  • 1/2 cup seasoned breadcrumbs

  • toothpicks


  • Prepare sun dried tomatoes according to package directions.

  • Chop tomatoes and combine with remaining ingredients, chicken and breadcrumbs.

  • Flatten chicken breasts slightly with mallet. Spread equal portions of sun dried tomato mixture over each chicken breast.

  • Roll up chicken breasts, secure with toothpicks and roll in bread-crumbs.

  • Place chicken in a baking pan and bake at 350 degrees F for 35-40 minutes.

Nutritional Information:

  • Serving Size: 1 chicken breast

  • Calories: 300

  • Fat: 4 g

  • Cholesterol: 75 mg

  • Protein: 27 g

  • Carbohydrates: 40 g

  • Fiber: 6 g

  • Sodium: 220 mg

Article of the Week

The Health Hazards of Drinking Soda


The chemicals in soda fall under the categories of artificial flavorings, artificial color additives and dyes, acidifying agents, buffering agents, viscosity-producing agents, foaming agents, and preservatives.


Drinking as little as one can of soda a day -- regular or diet -- is associated with a 48% increased risk of metabolic syndrome, a key predecessor of heart disease and diabetes.


Soft drink consumption may be a major factor for osteoporosis. Phosphoric acid, is added to many kinds of soda pop to help keep the carbonated bubbles from going flat. Because good health depends upon our bodies being able to maintain a one-to-one balance between calcium and phosphorus in our systems, calcium is released from our teeth and bones into our bloodstreams to help balance the phosphoric acid in the pop we drink. Eventually the phosphoric acid is excreted, taking with it the released calcium. Thus, a habit of soft drink consumption actually robs our bodies of calcium, leading to a condition known as osteoporosis – soft teeth and weak bones. The phosphate content of soft drinks like Coca -Cola and Pepsi is very high, and they contain virtually no calcium. Sugar and acid in soft drinks so easily dissolve tooth enamel. Phosphoric acid is also known to neutralize the hydrochloric acid in our stomachs. This is unfortunate, for we need hydrochloric acid to help us digest our food and utilize its nutrients. It is especially required for calcium utilization. So, not only does phosphoric acid leach calcium from our bones, it also prohibits hydrochloric acid from helping to restore it. Bones and teeth just can't win with this stuff in our diet.



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