Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, degenerative, autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that affects approximately 2.5 million people worldwide. Idea behind involving yoga in healing MS, is to balance the nervous system without inflaming and aggravating the condition. Read more..



What is Multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common nervous system disorder affecting young adults. In this condition, nerves in the brain and spinal cord are progressively damaged, causing a wide range of symptoms that affect sensation, movement, body functions, and balance. Read more..


Nutrition and Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic degenerative inflammatory neurological disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. Dietary recommendations for people with MS are similar to those for the general population. Read more..



Pregnancy and Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is more prevalent in women of childbearing age than in any other group. When young women receive a diagnosis of MS, they frequently have questions about the effects of the disease on childbearing and vice versa. Read more..



Multiple Sclerosis Quiz

A progressive disease of nerves in the brain and spinal cord causing weakness and problems with sensation and vision. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common nervous system disorder affecting young adults. In this condition, nerves in the brain and spinal cord are progressively damaged, causing a wide range of symptoms that affect sensation, movement, body functions, and balance. Read more..



Depression: the Silent Epidemic

Depression in its clinical form, is a mood disorder in which the individual may feel sad, helpless, hopeless, as if life is just too overwhelming and burdensome. Every one of us experiences depressed feelings from time to time; no one can escape the hurtful things in life. Its how we react that matters in the face of adversity. Read more..



Healing Your Muscles

When the sensation and condition of our muscles change, this is due to physiological changes within the circulatory and nervous system in our body These systems are very sensitive and are designed to respond instantly to any changes imposed on the body, internal or external Since they consist of blood vessels and nerves which are everywhere in the body we can get to them and have an impact on them by working for the outside, as well as by working with processes within the body. Read more..



Top 10 Towards Building a Strong Immune System

Our immune systems are being challenged more than ever. The modern lifestyle is, let's just say, not very healthy. We have some of the poorest eating habits on the planet, we're stressed out, and our environmental pollution is growing on a daily basis.  Read more..



Yoga & Stress

Stress has been described over or lack of stimuli. Too little can lead to depression, lethargy, feelings of being devalued and lack of focus. Conversely, too much stress can lead to exhaustion "burn out" or even "nervous breakdown".  Read more..