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Sleeping Off The Pounds


Some of us, even those who remain active and eat right, find that we gain unwanted weight as we age. What may be missing is adequate sleep.

Not sleeping enough seems to be associated with metabolic changes that can lead to overeating and obesity. Studies where sleep restriction in the laboratory was done, subjects tended to have metabolic changes and alterations of glucose metabolism that might lead to their becoming obese in the future. Sleeping too little can also contribute to weight gain by putting undue stress on the body. The body sees sleep deprivation as a state of stress; cortisol is the stress hormone. Cortisol causes, in turn, the release of insulin and insulin is a storage hormone that promotes fat storage.

Also as we age, our sleep patterns change significantly and most of us find we sleep less and less, almost by  nearly a half an hour per decade. The drop in slow wave sleep from young adulthood to midlife accompanied a similar drop in growth hormone levels. Growth hormone is lipolytic (breaks down fat) and acts to reduce and redistribute body fat. Besides sleep loss can affect many biological processes, including thyroid function and levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which was abnormally high in the evening in the sleep-deprived individuals.

Poor and inadequate sleep can affect many aspects of your quality of life: athletic performance, work productivity, immune response and well-being.

Tips for a better Sleep Routine:

A good night’s sleeping routine is important to weight management,appetite and hunger control. You need to awaken refreshed so you can plan healthy eating and exercise for each day.

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