Say 'No' to Diet Foods For a Lasting Weightloss

A wealth of new scientific evidence shines a critical light on the importance of natural foods and nutritional compounds in the fight against overweight, obesity and weight maintenance. Read on....


"Good" Bacteria Significant in Weight Management

In recent decades the traditional three meals at home pattern has been replaced by snacking, junk foods and takeaways, contributing towards weight gain. This has been compounded by a decline in physical activity with expanding car ownership and new forms of home-based entertainment. Read on....


Gastric Banding: not a permanent solution for "obesity"

Gastric band surgery involves fitting a band near the top of the stomach, restricting the amount of food that can move down into the lower part. The top part of the stomach fills up quickly, making the patient feel full. According to Susan Ringwood, chief executive of eating disorder charity Beat: ‘Having a gastric band fitted is a very serious operation that has long-term, permanent consequences, yet we know young people are not always being given this information and that is very concerning.’ The final weight loss with gastric banding is about one-third to one-half of the extra weight you are carrying. Read on....


Relationship with food: a rolling factor in weight loss.

We all have relationships: with our parents, children, partners, and co-workers. We have also seen that, for better or worse, we have a relationship with our food. To have a healthy relationship with food means that one is able to eat for the reasons of physiological rather than emotional hunger and to stop eating at a point when the body and mind are truly satisfied. In order to have a healthy relationship with food, one must first have permission to eat. Our diet mentality has robbed us of even having permission to eat. Read on....


Top 10 to build right attitude for weight loss

Negative thought patterns are all too common among dieters and one of the main reasons why so many are unable to lose weight permanently. To find out if you have a generally negative attitude to exercise, healthy eating and weight loss, just listen carefully to what that little voice in your head begins saying when you think about making some real positive changes in your life. Read on....


Tricks to lose those last 5 lbs

Before starting off ask yourself do you really need to tackle those last 5 pounds, or is your health, fitness, self-esteem, and quality of life already improved? Remember, "fantasy weight" -- is overrated because it can be very difficult both to get there, and to maintain. Read on....


Top 10 Triggers for Over-eating

For some women overeating means bingeing and for others it means consuming more or other than planned. Most of us are overeating for a hundred different reasons. We are eating due to stress, irritation and frustration. It may be worry or overwork. We eat because our stomach feels "blah". We are eating out of habit and with no real direction or thoughts about what we are doing with our face in the fridge. Read on....


Top 10 Reasons You're not Losing Weight

More and more women fail to understand that they have to work hard if they want to change the shape of their body. That means a balance of medium-high intensity cardio exercise along with challenging strength training workouts. Read on....


Emotional Attitude: a factor in Weight loss

It's not that people don't know that exercise is good for them and can improve their self-image. Obese and overweight people, in fact, are even stronger believers in the importance of exercise than those of normal weight, according to a survey of more than 1,500 men and women conducted by researchers at George Washington University Medical Center. Read on....


What Makes Me the Weight I Am?

There's no easy answer to this question. What you weigh, and how easily you lose weight and keep it off, depends on a variety of factors. Some (how much you eat or exercise) are within your control; others (genetics, body type) aren't. Read on....


Drugs for weightloss - How effective?

Weight-loss drugs may sound like a dieter's dream. But they aren't a good choice for everyone who's overweight. In fact, many doctors reserve them for people with weight-related health problems. Read on....


Understanding the weight reduction potential of Yoga

Putting on weight, is mainly due to result of heredity or a change in our lifestyle that is conducive to storing energy (calories) in the form of fat tissue or heredity. These changes can include moving from an active lifestyle to a more sedentary one, changes in diet, increased consumption of fats, sugars and other foodstuffs that contain 'empty calories'. Other changes may be a disease or an accident that makes us reduce our activity, but we continue eating as if we were as healthy and active as before the incident. Read on....




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