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5 Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

5 Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

Plank pose

The plank engages several large muscle groups of the body including arms, abs, lower back, glutes and shoulders. This pose is often performed to ready the body for more difficult poses. It can also help with improving balance, supporting posture and is an essential exercise for overall fitness and strength. 

Triangle (Trikonasana)

The action of this pose may appear simple, but when performed accurately they are extremely beneficial for wellness and weight loss. This technique helps train the muscles around the shoulders, opens up the chest, increases range of motion of the hips and aligns the hips, torso, head and feet all in one plane.

Surya Namaskar (Sun salutations)

This pose flexes, tones and stretches most of your major muscle groups by elongating them. This pose helps with stimulating your digestive system, allows for blood flow as well as ensures your metabolism is balanced. All the while allowing to trim your waist line, tone your arms and strengthening your lower back.

Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)

This pose is packed with health and weight loss benefits. It allows for blood circulation, helps with digestion and boosts metabolism. When the pose is performed accurately, it strengthens your entire body and aids in stress relief as well. This is a great pose to add to your routine!

Downward dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This pose helps you lengthen almost every one of your muscles, and when performed correctly is jam packed with health benefits. The downward dog pose helps to elongate shoulders and arms and strengthens them, assists with toning the core muscles (burning belly fat!), brings blood flow to the brain as your head is held below heart level and most importantly stretches the spine and entire back.

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