Abby Ryan Mooring is from a really small quaint town of Bath, NC (with roughly 250 people) Never in her wildest dreams would she had thought she’d walk New York Fashion Week, London Fashion Week and later sign with several agencies, do high fashion editorials, commercials, music videos and now crossing over from modeling to acting. She had never thought that she would leave her small town and drive across the country to Los Angeles! Sports had been her life…volleyball, basketball and softball since she was five….well with this job she can wear her cleats and heels and She says
You can be anything if you work hard! I love all the people I’ve met along the way so far: trainers, photographers, models, agencies, agents, hair and makeup artists, publicists, managers, actors and actresses.
She has been doing modeling consistently for the last three years now… She was scouted her senior year of high school at Northside High School for a basketball scholarship but as women in sports aren’t paid much, so she decided to pursue modeling after a friend saw her senior pictures and a Virginia modeling agency contacted her through Instagram. She had never thought about it honestly so she decided to try it and do an online college through Ecu and major in communications.
Her high school Coach Michelle Leathers helped her pave the way with discipline and never stopping attitude #stillstandingstillstrong mentality. She believes in eating smart (She eats gluten free, low carbs and stay away from dairy) She also does Juice plus (so she gets the fruits, veggies, berries and omegas that she might miss out on from them every day) during COVID she switched to online circuit workouts which is more about body resistance movements and lighter weights.
She has been working with several agents and agencies @theblockagency (Tn) @nymmg (Nyc/Ca) @therossagencyinc (Tx) @nichemodelsandtalent (Hawaii) @soverneigntalent (La) and her manager and encourager @mcmmgt (Ca) with Marina Masowietsky! She is now crossing over to acting as well. As far as socials go she only uses Instagram @abbyrmooring. She loves spending time with her family, friends and her dog hiking different trails around Los Angeles. God first and her family and close friends have been very supportive .Her mom suffers from lupus so she advocates for people to donate to finding a cure @lupusorg her mother has been her strongest supporter and a rock through her journey.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Abby Ryan Mooring, exceptionally talented Fashion model/Actress, here she talks about her workout, diet, beauty secrets and her journey as a successful model.
Namita Nayyar:
You were born in Bath, North Carolina. You have been playing sports volleyball, basketball, and softball since you were five years of age. In your senior year of high school at Northside High School, you received a basketball scholarship. Later you decided to pursue modeling and walked the ramp at New York Fashion Week and London Fashion Week. This later propelled your career to the height where you have been at the top of the world of modeling. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
My New York City agency MMG got me booked with several fashion designers to do New York Fashion Week that was a surreal experience than two weeks later I was off to London Fashion Week to walk in a few shows there. An unforgettable experience. London is so beautiful! One of my favorite places I’ve traveled so far!
Namita Nayyar:
You are the one of the leading social media personalities, a professional model & actress. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
I have help, my mom helps keep me straight. It is hard I do get stressed out. I pray, mediate and do yoga. I remind myself I’ve done harder things, my first editorial shoot was in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina with Mindy Lee Allendar(one of my first and favorite photographers )we climbed a mountain and did six outfit changes on the way up …from dusk to dark…that was killer!
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
During Covid I had to change it up …I mostly follow different circuit training workouts. Other days if I want to do something different it will usually be yoga, hiking, paddle boarding or pick-up games of sports. Now that I’m in Los Angeles I’m working on learning different stunts and I am working out @dogpound.
Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Abby Ryan Mooring:
Again, circuit training is amazing for abs, those workouts give you a toned core. A secret about my toned body is eating healthy foods. The saying about abs are born in the kitchen is true. Aka you are what you eat! I love @hellofresh vegetarian meals!
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2021 Women Fitness
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
I don’t use the word diet because I feel like it gets me in the wrong mindset, I try to eat healthy foods. However, when I started focusing on getting in shape my trainer suggested to try and not have carbs after 3 p.m. which is when I noticed a difference in how I felt and how much more toned my body was, it is a very sustainable way to eat. It is important to have one cheat meal a week I use that as a reward.
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Abby Ryan Mooring:
Some foods I love are a Caesar salad, grilled chicken with Brussels sprouts, flatbread with feta cheese, cooked zucchini and tomatoes, gluten-free mac and cheese and anything from @truefood my favorite restaurant! Foods I keep to a minimum: Mexican food, pasta, chocolate chip cookies, and really any kind of dessert and dairy.
Namita Nayyar:
Share your hair care and skincare routine.
Abby Ryan Mooring:
For hair, I usually use an herbal essences shampoo and Aussie 3 minute miracle. For my morning skincare, I rinse my face with water and apply a vitamin C serum, then a (youth to the people) air whip lotion and SPF 40 Super goop. Then at night, I wash my face with CeraVe face wash, then the @youthtothepeople dream mask. I’m a mix of Native American & European so even though I tan easily I always use @sunbum sunscreen.
Namita Nayyar:
Five skincare myths.
Abby Ryan Mooring:
You don’t need to wear sunscreen if you have makeup with SPF.
I’ll be fine if I sleep in my makeup.
What you put in your body makes a difference in your skin
Eat your fruits and vegetables -if you can’t get them all in I take “Juice Plus” everyday…my mom’s friend Kelly Proehl introduced our family to this amazing product!
Try to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep at night.
Don’t stress just take it one day at a time!
Namita Nayyar:
Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.
Abby Ryan Mooring:
The five leisure brands that I love to wear are Nike, Adidas, Stronger, Aerie, and Alo.
Namita Nayyar:
Five travel destinations on your wish list.
Abby Ryan Mooring:
Five places I would love to travel to are New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Bora Bora, and Greece.
Namita Nayyar:
Your high school Coach Michelle Leathers has been a catalyst that helped you pave the way to rise in your career with discipline and never stopping attitude of #stillstandingstillstrong mentality. Elaborate about her influence on your professional life?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
Coach Leathers is amazing, she taught me more things than I can write. She was my coach for basketball and volleyball. She was hard on me, but it was tough love that made me have thick skin and, in this business, it is needed because you hear the word NO a lot. Coach Leathers always talked about trying to get us ready for the real world and she did. I am so blessed to of had her as an influence in my life. And she is consistent and cares we still chat now. Discipline through sports works in this industry as well!
Namita Nayyar:
A tragedy that propelled your life?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
During the Covid pandemic, my “Papa” who never missed a ballgame and was always one of my biggest supporters had been suffering from the pain of 10 strokes over 14 years and his kidneys were shutting down. The last two months of his life hospice came in and he decided he wanted to pass away at home, it took a toll on my family and my heart. I helped care for him and it changed me and I’m thankful for all the years I had with him and I’ll honor his memory every day, he’s my angel!
Namita Nayyar:
You have done bold photo shoots for a number of fashion brands and on your Instagram handle @abbyrmooring. How you are so body confident and advice to your compatriots?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
I am bodily confident because I have a supportive family and close friends that make me feel good about myself no matter how I look. I also try not to think about how my body looks but focus on how I feel, I am not perfect at that I have moments where I do think about how my body looks and it does affect me. Some advice I would give is that not everyone has the same body, so try not to compare yourself. My agent Marina is always cheering me on and the industry has changed a lot with body types.
Namita Nayyar:
Your idea of a perfect date?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
My perfect date would be grabbing some dinner. A walk on the beach at sunset. I love easy conversation walks, bike rides and hiking. I love ballgames and have been blessed to be invited to so many professional sports events.
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and the message for its visitors?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
Be the best version of yourself you can be. Dream big the sky is the limit! If your told No let it push you harder. Never let no one person brings you down.
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding social media model girls, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of modeling?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
I’m from a really small town! Success can happen if you believe in yourself and my family and close friends cheer me on. “Patience, patience, patience and persistence.” Be smart and be safe and do your research on potential clients and photographers! I’m not doing what is considered normal around where I’m from, choose your own normal, choose what makes you happy not everyone else and go for it!
Namita Nayyar:
You have an impressive Instagram following of 378k followers. A message for your ardent admirers.
Abby Ryan Mooring:
Yes it’s taken me years to build that on my professional account, I use hash tags and tags really help to build up a good following. Support each other, build each other up! I’m all about cheering on the person next to me. It’s a huge world and there is room for success for everyone and I want that for everyone! #empowereachother
Namita Nayyar:
Your mother is diagnosed with SLE “systemic lupus erythematous” so you advocate for people to donate to finding a cure @lupusorg. Elaborate on this endeavor of yours of giving back to society?
Abby Ryan Mooring:
My mom suffers from SLE “systemic lupus erythematous”, she was diagnosed in her 40s and she’s in pain and fatigued all the time. There is no cure for it so I try to advocate and give a percentage of what I make to @lupus.org to try and find a cure.
Abby Ryan Mooring Social Media Presence
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abbyrmooring/
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2021 Women Fitness