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Aguaje: The Miracle Fruit For Women

Mauritia flexuosa, known as the moriche palm, ité palm, ita, buriti, canangucho (Colombia), or aguaje (Peru), is a palm tree. It grows in and near swamps and other wet areas in tropical South America. It is an elegant tree which can reach up to 35 metres in height. The large leaves form a rounded crown. The flowers are yellowish, and appear from December to April. The fruit, which grows from December to June, is a chestnut colour and is covered with shiny scales. The yellow flesh covers a hard, oval, nut. The seeds float, and this is the means by which the palm tree propagates. In natural populations the tree reaches very high densities.

Moriche palm fruit is edible, has a high vitamin C content, and used to make juice, jam, ice cream, and a fermented “wine”. An oil high in vitamin A is extracted from the pulp and is frequently used to treat burns because of its soothing qualities. The inflorescence buds are eaten as a vegetable, and the sap can be drunk fresh or fermented (see palm wine). Threads and cords are locally produced from the tree’s fibers.

Buriti oil is an orange-reddish oil extracted from the fruit of the moriche palm. The oil contains high concentrations of oleic acid, tocopherols and carotenoids, especially betacarotene. Recently it has been found to filter and absorb cancer-causing UV rays from the sun.

Agauje is pronounced “Ah – gua – hay”. This is the name in Peru, in the Brasillian Amazon its called “Buriti” and in other places, “Moriche Palm”. Aguaje is a reddy brown fruit with a scaly covering, and a deep yellow pulp inside. It is the fruit of a palm tree which grows all over the Amazon regions of Brasil and Peru. Aguaje is an extraordinary fruit, containing between 7 – 12 times the beta carotene of carrots, making it the most concentrated natural plant source of beta carotene (vitamin “A”) in the world.

Although very little research has been done on Aguaje, it is known that it contains considerable quantities of “phyto-hormones”. These are naturally occurring compounds that mimic the female hormones such as Oestrogen, in the human body. This means that consuming Aguaje can gently and naturally supplement these hormones and provide hormone support to women who are undergoing menaupause. Also, perhaps this fruit is also capable of helping women who want to benefit from the results of greater female hormones in the body and the resultant effects – such as increased breast, buttock and thigh size. Agauje is part of the staple diet of millions of people in the Amazon regions of Peru, and who consume this fruit daily, both men and women. Aguaje oil is used by the indigenous tribes of the Amazon to protect the skin from sun damage.

Agauje benefits to the skin

The oil extracted from the buriti fruit is rich in many nutrients, including essential fatty acids, vitamins, and beta-carotene. In fact, the oil is said to provide the richest known source of beta-carotene—even more than carrot seed oil. Natives used the oil to treat skin burns, because of its calming, soothing, and regenerating properties. It makes sense, as when you look at the nutrients in buriti oil, it can be seen how it benefits the skin:

Essential fatty acids:
As I’ve mentioned in past posts, essential fatty acids form the building blocks of skin’s structure, and help to maintain elasticity and firmness. Buriti oil is a rich source of fatty acids, which help not only support the production of collagen and elastin, but also provide moisturization.

Vitamin E:
This potent antioxidant protects the skin from free radical damage, and is also critical in wound healing.

Another powerful antioxidant, beta-carotene is known to protect from sun damage. Early studies have shown that it can filter and absorb ultraviolet rays known to contribute to skin cancer.

Vitamin C:
Buriti oil is a good source of vitamin C, which works with vitamin E to provide antioxidant protection, and is also crucial for the production of collagen.

In addition to these benefits, buriti also has a natural anti-inflammatory reaction that can tame redness and calm skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. It’s also deeply hydrating, and can help reduce the dryness of winter and mature skin, producing a more supple, softer look and feel.

Aguaje is on the rise due to high demands from women who would like to increase their buttocks, breast, hips, and thighs in the United States.

Health benefits of Agauje

  1. Renew the body
  2. Balance hormones
  3. Estrogen
  4. Menopausal
  5. Controls hot flashes
  6. Fertility
  7. Increase buttocks, thighs, breast and hips in women
  8. It also does allow the women body to shape naturally in shape.

According to researchers at IAAP (Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana in Iquitos), aguaje contains one of the highest plant sources of vitamin A as carotenoids – as much as 5 times more than carrots do! The fruit is also high in essential fatty oils and vitamin C. Buriti Oil is made from this fruit and the oil is rich in vitamin E and emollient factors that are especially beneficial to the skin. The fruit also contains a decent amount of protein – crucial for any effort to increase your butt size.

Aguaje is being hailed as an “Amazonian Superfood” and a “Curvy Fruit” that can increase female curves.

The reason why eating aguaje is a natural route to a bigger butt and an hourglass figure is mostly because the fruit is rich in phytoestrogens (plant-based estrogens). The fruit also contains oleic acids, which are beneficial to helping estrogen develop female sexual characteristics. The protein found in aguaje can help be beneficial – since proteins are crucial to any butt-building diet and the vitamins certainly help your body overall. But the main reason why aguaje helps butt enhancement is because of its phytoestrogenic content, not necessarily anything particularly special about the fruit.

Aguaje’s “superfood” title mostly has to do with the fact that it is rich in electrolytes, vitamins and nutrients which help to enhance overall health and beauty.

Aguaje is believed by the locals to refresh and nourish the body, as well as balance hormones. Menopausal women eat the fruit to control hot flashes and restore estrogen values. Some sources say the fruit can even restore fertility and the Amazonian locals go so far as to warn against eating too much of the fruit.

According to researchers at IAAP (Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana in Iquitos), aguaje contains one of the highest plant sources of vitamin A as carotenoids – as much as 5 times more than carrots do! The fruit is also high in essential fatty oils and vitamin C. Buriti Oil is made from this fruit and the oil is rich in vitamin E and emollient factors that are especially beneficial to the skin. The fruit also contains a decent amount of protein – crucial for any effort to increase your butt size.

The high vitamin A content is crucial because it helps to form and maintain healthy teeth, tissues and bones, mucuous membranes, and skin.

Buruti oil has long been thought as as the nectar of the Gods in South America and is slowing finding its way into the mainstream US and European market. Even major players like the Body Shop are preparing to release a new collection of skin care products derived from Buruti oil.

Buruti oil is incredibly beneficial for the skin because it easily penetrates the skin’s layers to develop its rich nutrients. The oil extracted from the Buriti nut is the richest known source oil in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene and its breakdown product (vitamin A) are two of the most important antioxidants for the skin.

Burití Oil easily penetrates the skin’s layers to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is a rich and nourishing facial oil that lubricates tissues, restores elasticity, and harmonizes your skin. The oil is also a great source of essential fatty acids, containing a high concentration of oleic and palmitic acids that help to moisturize the skin and protect fibroblast cells that are essential for supporting collagen and elastin.

Buruti oil is great for nourishing the skin in general and can be a crucial addition to your butt enlarging routine – it supplies your butt skin with essential fatty acids and improves your skin elasticity to prevent against stretch marks as your butt expands. But buruti oil does not contain the phytoestrogens that aguaje pills or powders do. If you’re looking for the phytoestrogen content in the aguaje fruit to help you grow your booty, it is best that you take an aguaje pill or powder. Buruti oil can be used as a topical supplement.

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