In 2019, for the first time in its history, Victoria’s Secret featured a size-14 woman in their campaign as part of their collaboration with the U.K. lingerie line. And none of this would’ve been possible without Bluebella finding its muse in Ali.
Since becoming a model, she has scored prestigious campaigns like Mango and Ralph Lauren. This Californian beauty is not just charming and stylish, she’s also a lover of all things green and created an eco-lifestyle page, Conscious Child, to raise environmental awareness.
Women Fitness President joins the stunning beauty for an interesting conversation on her journey into the world of fashion.
Namita Nayyar:
After becoming a model, you have scored prestigious campaigns like Mango and Ralph Lauren. Walk us through your spectacular journey and tell us about what motivated you to become a model?
Ali Tate:
I had some crazy turns in my life that lead me to be a model! I was a soccer player for 20 years and I had gone to London to study abroad and played for a team over there as goalkeeper. One day I was in a hair salon and saw an advert in a magazine for women size 12 and up for a curvy modeling competition. I thought, “I am a size 12 and maybe I could give this a try.” I hoped there were cash winnings because I was living on a student salary and was very broke at the time! So I showed up to the competition and made it through round after round. The last stage of the competition we had to walk in London Fashion Week. My parents flew over and a lot of my friends from home tuned in because no one could believe I was modeling in fashion week. I ended up getting a modeling contract from the competition and decided to take a gap year and stay in London to try it out. It was such a foreign idea to me that I could model and I felt like this was such a crazy thing I had to try it. Eight years later, I am still modeling full time and it has lead me down such an unpredictable route.
Namita Nayyar:
Introduce us to a day in Ali’s life both at work & at home.
Ali Tate:
Every day in my life looks different from the last. Sometimes I am shooting in foreign locations, other times I have a day at my Brooklyn home. When I am at home, I make sure to work out. I love F45 right now and have been doing that for a couple of months. I usually record a podcast episode for my show, and then later on I will meet a friend or two. My husband and I love to meet a bar after work a day or two a week because he is English and that is a ritual of the English lads! We will meet some friends and play card games. I also make sure to make time for my acting classes each week and I try to get upstate into nature whenever we have free time.
Namita Nayyar:
Your morning beauty ritual?
Ali Tate:
My favorite morning beauty ritual is to wash my face with my Korres face wash and my coral face scrubber. It is so soft and exfoliating. I will then use some vitamin C serum on my face, finished with some sunscreen. When I am feeling extra sassy and in the mood to pamper myself, I use a clay mask before I put my make up on. I also make sure to have either celery juice first thing in the morning, or if I cant do that, I have water with fresh lemon squeezed in. Both those things clean my system and flush out anything left in my stomach so I feel clear headed to start the day. I don’t drink coffee, but if I need a little caffeine I will have some tea.
Full interview is continued on next page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2020 Women Fitness
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine that you may like to share? 5 body toning exercises?
Ali Tate:
Because we are all in self isolation right now, I am in love with my work out bands. I go to the park across my street and warm up with juggling a soccer ball. Then I will do squats, leg sits, mountain climbers and some booty toning exercises with my work out band. Even though I haven’t been able to make it to the gym due to current world events, I am still feeling sore after using my bands which feels great. I have been trying a new thing in quarantine as well where every time I stand up from writing on my laptop I do 5 push ups and 5 burpees. It keeps my blood pumping throughout the day!
Namita Nayyar:
Five Ab exercises that you swear by?
Ali Tate:
I love holding plank to warm up my abs, I can usually hold it for about 60 seconds. Then I will do rotating bicycle crunches, 3 sets of 60 each.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take some specific diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit as a model?
Ali Tate:
I am plant based, so I stick to a diet high in greens, fruits and veggies. Usually in the morning I will eat avocado toast, and throughout the day I will have salad, or a vegan sandwich. I noticed when I went vegetarian 10 years ago that my mind was clearer and I had way less health issues when I adopted a plant based way of eating. Now I remain vegan due to the environmental and ethical impacts, but my body still thanks me for it too!
Namita Nayyar:
You have an incredible Instagram following of 168K followers, tell us 5 tips on posting an Instagrammable picture?
Ali Tate:
My top 5 tips for instagrammable pictures would have to be as follows:
- Take your picture with good lighting. No one wants to look at a picture that hasn’t been taken well so I make sure I take most of my photos in direct sunlight so everything is well lit.
- Don’t over edit. So important! People want to see your reality. I keep my photos pretty raw so people can see what I really look like.
- Show your personality! So many people are scared to show who they really are for fear of judgment, but people want to see your true self! It is so inspiring.
- Be confident. No matter what our perceived flaws are, we are more amazing than we realize. Take no heed if you see cellulite, or body fat, or acne. Keep it real, you probably look incredible.
- Keep your captions honest. And keep to the point if you can! Some posts require more explanation, but just be sure to try and keep your words approachable and relatable.
Namita Nayyar:
For the first time in its history, Victoria’s Secret featured a size-14 woman in their campaign as part of their collaboration with the U.K. lingerie line. And none of this would’ve been possible without Bluebella finding its muse in you. Tell us more about how did this happen?
Ali Tate:
I was really shocked when I found out the lingerie shoot I did was for Victorias’s Secret! I had no idea when I was on the shoot itself because I clearly did not read my job description too well. I got a call after I did it that VS wanted me for a press day at their headquarters in New York and I truly was stunned. On the day it launched and I saw my photos blown up in their stores, I was moved to tears. I never thought I would see a woman my size on their walls and I just felt like this was everything I could have hoped for and more. I imagined girls like me when I was young seeing my body on the walls and hoped they were being shown to hate themselves less and that all bodies are beautiful.
Namita Nayyar:
On your podcast, you have interviewed a lot of women with inspiring stories. If you had to pick one, which one would be your favorite & why?
Ali Tate:
My favorite podcast episode was probably with Sah D’ Simone who is a friend of mine and a spiritual teacher. We talked about his trauma associated with being gay and how he overcame that. We also talked about how trauma can run through DNA and becomes generational trauma, which is something I have always been fascinated with because I am Jewish and I have often wondered how my recent ancestors experiences may be affecting my experiences. My second favorite podcast was with Nick Pope who was the head of the MI5 UFO research department. I am so into the alien phenomenon and I got to nerd out so hard in the podcast.
Namita Nayyar:
You are an epitome of self-love. What would be your message for girls struggling with body-shaming?
Ali Tate:
To anyone struggling with body shame, I am sending out a big virtual hug to all of you. Know you are not alone. Know you have been programmed to hate your body, and know you can reprogram that. Self love is a journey, it doesn’t happen overnight and it is a constant practice. You can start to reprogram your mind by curating the people you follow on social media. If you feel bad about yourself after seeing anyone else’s highly curated social media feed, unfollow them! Replace them with people who make you feel beautiful and valued. Keep a journal so you can work out any trauma you have about your body. Try meditation and breath work to become more conscious of your thought patterns and deeply held beliefs. Listen to inspirational people. And if you have down days about yourself, be compassionate. Don’t beat yourself up! We all have down days, its normal.
Namita Nayyar:
Your hair and skincare routine? Five daily rituals?
Ali Tate:
My favorite skincare products I have been using are from Korres so I wash my face with their face wash and then put their vitamin C serum on. I make sure to use sunscreen every day on my face. I exfoliate three times a week with either a light peel or scrub. I use a face mask two times a week. And I have been loving using Oui shampoo and conditioner for my hair, specifically formulate for thick hair. I make sure to use leave in conditioner as well before I blow dry!
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and message for its visitors?
Ali Tate:
I want to say that in these strange times of self isolation, it is super important to keep a check on your mental health. It is so easy to fall into the trap of not moving your body and just binge watching shows all day- which is totally fine! But I want to stress the importance of getting any of your favorite kind of movement in, whether that is dancing, jogging, stretching. Our bodies play a key role in mental health and we need to give them that juicy movement they need. Also, keep your heads up everyone! We are living in crazy times, but we are all in this together. More than ever lean on your chosen families around you, use your community to work through whatever feelings you are going through.
Follow her journey on:
This interview is exclusively taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2020 Women Fitness