Meet Amanda Bisk: An Exceptionally Talented and Accomplished Fitness and Yoga Expert

Dated 26 May 2016
Meet Amanda Bisk: An Exceptionally Talented and Accomplished Fitness and Yoga Expert

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Would you like to elaborate upon your life story on how you conquered over Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?

Ms. Amanda Bisk:
I was diagnosed with CFS in early 2011. I was training for the London Olympics at the time and it was something that instantly stopped me in my tracks and flipped my world upside down. I retired from athletics and felt like I had no purpose in life, I couldn't even function during the day I was just so tired and unwell all the time. It was the lowest point in my life and I just never knew if I was going to make it out.

In mid 2011 my doctor prescribed me anti depressants (used to help with some of the symptoms of CFS). This was the turning point for me. I knew that if I started taking them it would be a downhill battle with constant medications so I decided to throw them in the bin, and try to heal myself on my own.

For me overcoming Chronic Fatigue was about being more in tune with myself and understanding what my body and mind needed. I saw a psychologist, did meditation, acupuncture, researched about nutrition and started to eat better, saw a chiropractor, a naturopath, removed stressors and negative energies from my life, in short, I made an effort to try as many things as I could that might help. I think many of the things I tried added to my healing and I definitely learnt things about myself along the way..

One of the most important things I found on this journey was yoga. As a person who holds onto a lot of stress, pressure, and self-expectation on themselves, yoga is a way I break that all down. It's my time to tune into my body and mind and actually understand how I am feeling.

It was a 4-year journey coming back from my lowest point. Chronic Fatigue doesn't have a cure; you can only manage the symptoms so I know I will be living with it for the rest of my life. I know that the most important thing for me is to know when to slow down and to stay in tune with what my body and mind needs.

Meet Amanda Bisk: An Exceptionally Talented and Accomplished Fitness and Yoga Expert

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
With an audience of over 562k followers on your Instagram account @amandabisk has made you a social media sensation and an internet leading star. Tell us more about this internet craze phenomena and how does it feel that you do influence healthy lifestyle of so many individuals??

Ms. Amanda Bisk:
Instagram has really transformed the way the world connects and communicates. It has given us the opportunity to not only share our lives with the world but also connect with people who have the same passions and dreams. Suddenly, we aren't limited to the immediate environment around us; we can make friends and find inspiration from anywhere and anyone in the world.

When I first started sharing posts on Instagram I just wanted to create a positive space, somewhere to share my passion for living a happy and healthy life. I feel incredibly blessed for every single follower that has tuned in to my feed. They are a huge inspiration to me and I am continuously amazed by all of the positive energy and supportive comments.

Fitness and health is my life, and I am so grateful to be able to share what I have learnt over the years with so many people. I think social media can be a very powerful way to create and inspire positive change in the world.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What you wish to say about the website and message for its visitors?

Ms. Amanda Bisk:
It is such a great resource for women to make informed decisions about their health and active life.

To know more about Amanda Bisk, check out:

To get all the latest news follow her on her Social Networks:

Women Fitness Team thanks Amanda Bisk for giving us her valuable time for this interview and quenching the thirst of her fans to know more about her and making this interview happen.




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