Smirnova Anastasiia is a Russian Professional Figure Skater. She lives in the city of St. Petersburg, Russia. She is candidate of Master of Sports in single skating. In single skating, she trained in the group of Olympic champion Alexey Urmanov and the honored coach of the Russian Federation Larisa Yakovleva. In pair skating, she trained with Alexey Sokolov, and also skated in the Netherlands from 2015-2018. She was also member of the Dutch national team from 2016 to 2018. She has participated in the show on the world’s largest liners Royal Caribbean International, as well as the Russian show “Shine on the ice”. She has also performed on Harmony of the seas (cast 7). She has worked as a coach in Den Haag (Netherlands) for two years.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Smirnova Anastasiia, an exceptionally talented Russian Professional Figure Skater, here she talks about her workout, diet, beauty secrets and her success story.
Namita Nayyar:
Where you were born? Your love for skating must have started early in life. You are also a candidate for Master of Sports in single skating. You became a Member of the Dutch national skating team. Tell us more about your journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
I was born in Russia, in Chelyabinsk. At the age of three I started to practice Rhythmic gymnastics, but when I was seven years old my mom found out that there is a figure skating school in our city and I was taken to the figure skating group to the honored coach of Russia Larisa Yakovleva. I fell in love with figure skating very much and when I was told to choose between rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating I chose figure skating.
By the standards of figure skating, I came quite late and I had to catch up with the guys who came to this sport before me and had already studied the jumping elements. Probably it was mine and played a key role in my formation, in order to quickly catch up with the guys from my group with me every day, my dad explained to me jumps according to the physical law. Thanks to the support of my parents and my coach, after a year I learned multiturn jumps and was able to show a fairly good level at competitions.
When I turned eleven, Olympic champion Alexey Evgenievich Urmanov came to our city to conduct a master class, he appreciated my sports skills and invited me to his figure skating group in St. Petersburg.
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2021 Women Fitness
Namita Nayyar:
You have been a member of the Dutch National Skating team from 2016 to 2018 and had competed in many competitions. Tells how you were drawn to this sport of figure skating and your meteoric rise to be a member of the Dutch National Skating team?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
When I turned fourteen, I was offered to switch to pair figure skating, I was happy to make this offer, because I always liked to watch couples skate on TV and dreamed of trying it myself. I paired up with my new partner under the leadership of Alexei Sokolov, but a year later my partner decided to end his career. I also thought that my career would end there and was already ready, as the skaters say (to hang the skates on a nail), but luckily for me I had to try my hand with a partner from Holland, who was looking for a partner.
I moved to Holland and started training in a new country, of course, it was not always just that there was no support from my parents, because they stayed in Russia and I had to rely only on myself and believe that I was doing this for a reason, we quickly skated and got in shape and very quickly got into the Dutch national team. I lived in Holland for three years, but we did not have a permanent coach and we had to learn a lot ourselves.
Namita Nayyar:
You have trained in single skating with the group of Olympic champion Alexey Urmanov and the honored coach of the Russian Federation Larisa Yakovleva. In pair skating, you trained with Alexey Sokolov and also skated in the Netherlands from 2015-2018. Tell us more about your experience of these exceptional opportunities to train with the world’s best in skating?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
I am very glad that initially I got into the group of the honored coach of Russia Larisa Yakovleva – this gave me a certain impetus for rapid development in figure skating. When I moved to the group of Alexei Urmanov, it was already a huge incentive, because training in the group of the Olympic champion places a great responsibility on you, which played a very important role for me.
Pair skating I have always loved and dreamed of trying myself as a pertner and I am very glad that I had such an opportunity.
Namita Nayyar:
You have been a participant in the world’s largest liners Royal Caribbean International skating show and as well as the Russian show “Shine on the Ice”. Tell us how you took the decision to get featured on these entertainment shows and what has been a catalyst to this exceptional achievement in your professional career?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
After completing my sports career, my parents played the main role for my further development, who supported my idea to try myself in ice shows, at first I performed in the circus on ice Shine on ice, but decided that I had to move on and wrote to the American company Royal Caribbeaninternational my first major contract was sent and I spent seven months on the largest liner Harmony of the seas where I performed in an ice show.
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
I always start my workouts with a jog, I run three kilometers at a free pace. Then I carry out a set of exercises that engages all the muscles and allows them to keep them in good shape. This set includes exercises such as squats, lunges, back lunges, push-ups, abs and back exercises.
Namita Nayyar:
What is your fitness routine in such pandemic times?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
During the pandemic, I was engaged exclusively at home, most of the exercises, in order to always be in shape and have a good figure, can be done at home and it will be no less effective than doing fitness in a specialized gym.
Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Anastasiia Smirnova:
In abdominal training, I think the main thing is to always practice new exercises, because the press very quickly gets used to the exercises if you do only one block of exercises this will not bring the desired result, you need to use different exercises every day to pump the abdominal press
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
Of course, when I was in big sports, especially in pair figure skating, I had to adhere to a strict diet and calculate each meal to a gram. At the moment, I do not adhere to a strict diet, I try to eat right, but in moderation and never overeat, I try to eat plant foods and vegetables, I do not eat meat in any form. And of course the last meal I try to do 4 hours before bedtime
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Anastasiia Smirnova:
Foods that I really like I can include
1) Macadamia nuts
2) I love seafood
3) Fresh cucumbers
4) Apples
5) Broccoli
To the products that I can eat at least, I can attribute
1) Milk
2) Tomatoes
3) Bananas
4) Potatoes
5) Bread
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine. What special care do you take for both during extreme winter weather?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
I try to wash my hair every other day, be sure to use shampoo, balm and professional hair oil. In everyday life, I do not do makeup, but daily take care of my skin with the help of: masks, scrubs, serums, and creams. In cold weather, I use creams that moisturize the skin and prevent the skin from chapping in the cold.
Namita Nayyar:
Share with us your personal struggles with any physical sports and skating injuries and what you may wish to share with other individuals who may feel motivated by your experience to win over physical sports injuries in their career?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
Of course, in figure skating, as in any other sport, injuries follow throughout your career. As a figure skater, I had serious knee problems, Schlatter’s disease common in figure skating, as well as problems with intervertebral discs. But sport, like any other professional direction, requires self-sacrifice from you, and then no injuries will interfere. We have a saying: Go to your dream. If you can’t walk, crawl. Can’t you crawl? Lie and lie in the direction of the dream.
Namita Nayyar:
Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.
Anastasiia Smirnova:
The brands of sportswear that I love to wear can be attributed to Nike, Puma, Adidas, Sketchers, Under Armor.
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding professional figure skaters, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of figure skating?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
All those who decided to take the road of sports are great fellows and, without augmentation, are real heroes. Figure skating is not an easy sport and in no case should you give up and throw half the way. Our sport is full of complex elements and the main thing to remember is that after each fall you will always be able to get up, the main thing is not to forget why you started.
Namita Nayyar:
A message for your Instagram followers.
Anastasiia Smirnova:
I want to thank all my subscribers, go in for sports, “Believe in you and never give up!”
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and the message for its visitors?
Anastasiia Smirnova:
I am very glad that I had the opportunity to become a part of Womenfitness.net. And to express my deep gratitude to both the creators of this project and the visitors of this site, I wish everyone good luck and of course you are all great fellows and you will succeed!!!
Anastasiia Smirnova Social Media Presence
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smirna1910/
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2021 Women Fitness