With infertility on rise amongst women and many a times an unexplained one. A new technology in the form of apps and wearable sensors, are now helping couples to better understand the intricate physiological processes that influence their fertility, and so boost their chances of pregnancy. By gathering data from large numbers of women around the clock, these apps are also providing researchers with masses of information from which to look for broader clues and patterns about lifestyle and health factors that affect fertility more broadly, which could help other couples too – not just those using the apps.
- Ovuline’s Ovia or Glow: This app allows women to input such daily information as temperature readings, when their periods occur, what their emotions and moods are, and to track sexual activity and even sexual positions. Many people don’t know when ovulation happens or that a couple can only conceive during six days of a cycle . The manufacturers of the apps claim to use this information to give users tips on how to get pregnant faster. For instance, Glow will calculate the probability of a woman getting pregnant on any one day, and send reminders to her phone to tell her when she’s most fertile.
- Kindara: Try this women’s health app Bloomberg TV calls “The Future of Reproductive Health”. Get pregnant fast, track your periods, or avoid pregnancy naturally with the world’s most sophisticated and accurate fertility app. Perfect for tracking periods, BBT, accurately predicting fertile days and menstruation and getting to know your body better.
- OvuView: This app tracks and predicts your period, ovulation and fertility, using sophisticated sympto-thermal methods (STM). This app can be used both as an advanced birth control tool, or as a simple menstrual calendar, and help you to: maximize your chances of conceiving a baby/getting pregnant, avoid pregnancy using natural methods (contraception), plan your next holiday with future menstruation and ovulation dates predicted, track weight, headache, appetite, PMS and other symptoms, replace sympto-thermal paper charts with a more convenient way of charting. Ovuline claims to have hundreds of thousands of users (although it will not reveal exact figures) and says the number is growing by 20% each month.
- DuoFertility: It is a tiny sensor you wear against your skin. It constantly measures your body’s sign and signals and pinpoints precisely when to try. This information combined with our expert support is proven to make all the difference to your chances of success in pregnancy. Launched in 2009 by Cambridge Temperature Concepts, a Cambridge University spin-off, it has been steadily growing in popularity over the last couple of years as a result of the boom in both “big data” analytics and advances in sensor technology.
In present day time when couples are simply very busy they need to schedule their time together – these apps guide them, by giving up to six days’ advance warning of when to try, which is exactly what they need to align their diaries.