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Banish Bloating with Yoga Practice

Five Yoga poses that can help banish bloating and help return to your balance point.

As you go about the session remember that the exhale breath is critical to breaking blockages for internal cleansing. Inhale for a count of four and exhale to a count of eight while practicing these postures.

Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose)

Before performing the pose, determine two things about your support:

If you’re stiffer, the support should be lower and placed farther from the wall; if you’re more flexible, use a higher support that is closer to the wall. Your distance from the wall also depends on your height: if you’re shorter move closer to the wall, if taller move farther from the wall. Experiment with the position of your support until you find the placement that works for you.

Supta Virasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) :

Apanasana (Knees to Chest Pose)

This classic posture helps digestion and elimination and limbers the lower back.

Advasana (Prone Pose):

Balasana (Child’s Pose):

While bloating is temporary and can be helped by simple nutritional or yogic practices, if it persists, contact your healthcare professional.

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