Blanca Blanco is an American actress best known for The Dog of Christmas, Fake News, and Torch.
In 2016, Blanca received the Arido Award for her contribution to the film industry. 2018 has been a busy year for Blanca who appeared in films such as Woman on the Edge, Mission Possible, Daddy Don’t Marry Again and The Fabulous Christmas Holidays.
She is a supporter of the American Cancer Society, Autism Speaks, AIDS Society, The Salvation Army, Point Foundation, and is a community leader for End of Life issues.
Check out the interview below, in which the actress talks about her passion, workout & diet routine in close conversation with Namita Nayyar, president, Women Fitness.
Namita Nayyar
When was that moment when you first realised your passion for acting?
Blanca Blanco
I first realized my passion for acting when I was seven years old. I used to watch Western films with my grandmother, and I would tell her that I wanted to wear beautiful clothes and act in films like the actresses on screen. My grandmother encouraged me and told me that if I persisted, I would one day be acting in films. While growing up, I would also often act out and pretend to film scenes from my favorite movies with my sisters. I’ve always loved to act.
Namita Nayyar
Best part about being in this industry?
Blanca Blanco
The best part of this industry is that my work doesn’t feel like work. Booking jobs and working on set is always fun, and even though there can be hard work, it’s a labor of love. My passion always drives me forward to pursue challenging roles which has gifted me with a career that is non-linear and very exciting.
Namita Nayyar
What is your workout routine like?
Blanca Blanco
I aim to work out five times a week and usually early in the day. I find a combination of running for 20 minutes and light weight training for 45 minutes is the best workout for me. It’s toning, energizing, and helps me to avoid burn out because I can focus on different areas of my body during each work out.
Namita Nayyar
A healthy breakfast for you includes? What do you like to have for dinner? And on weekends?
Blanca Blanco
Healthy eating is a lifestyle for me. I usually eat every three hours or so and I include protein with every meal to keep my energy levels consistent. For breakfast, I often have an egg white omelette with lots of veggies – tomatoes, onions, and green bell peppers – and a cup of tea. I haven’t had coffee in over 14 years. For lunch, I love rice, grilled salmon or another protein, and more veggies. For dinner, I usually have grilled chicken and grilled veggies, and I always eat it before 6pm. I snack regularly throughout the day on high energy food like fruit or cheese. I eat much the same on weekends, but I love to add in Mexican food for some extra spice and variety.
Namita Nayyar
Name your all-time favourite actress? What about them inspires you?
Blanca Blanco
My all-time favorite actress is Meryl Streep. Her ability to transform so fluidly and naturally to an incredible range of characters inspires me. She’s one of my role models.
Full Interview Continued On Next Page
All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting http:// www.womenfitness.net/ or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2019 Women Fitness
Namita Nayyar
What is your most favourite body part to train? And how do you train it?
Blanca Blanco
My favorite body part to train is legs because I always see fast results. I train on various machines at the gym, sometimes with a trainer when learning new techniques, but mostly I love taking my work out as an opportunity to be present and have me-time.
Namita Nayyar
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Blanca Blanco
Intelligent. Caring. Hard worker.
Namita Nayyar
What’s your reaction on “body shaming” becoming popular among teenagers?
Blanca Blanco
I experienced body shaming during middle and high school. I was told I was too skinny, too bony, not curvy enough, my legs were too long, my eyebrows were too bushy, my waist was too small, and the list went on. Body shaming is linked to depression and anxiety and I remember how hurtful it was. I even asked my doctor if he could prescribe me medication to gain weight because it affected me so much. Luckily, I was able to recognize that when people criticize others, they are usually projecting their own insecurities on you to make themselves feel better about their own issues. I learned to ignore them and focused instead on loving myself. I decided that if I was going to change anything about my body, it would be for me. It wouldn’t be for external validation. I still experience body shaming regularly in the entertainment industry but can ignore it and focus on my work, my health, and positivity.
Namita Nayyar
What does a day off in your life look like?
Blanca Blanco
I treat my day off as a recharge and a mental check. I reflect on how my week’s schedule turned out then write down both the things that worked well and the things that have area for improvement. Self-care is a priority for me. I love to go for a hike or recharge at the spa to destress and decompress.
Namita Nayyar
Your favourite activewear brands are?
Blanca Blanco
I like activewear with unique designs and bright, energizing colors. I wear Lululemon regularly!
Namita Nayyar
Social media channel you enjoy the most? What do you love about it?
Blanca Blanco
I enjoy Instagram the most because it’s like having my own magazine which I’m able to share with my fans. I enjoy all the social media platforms though because they allow me to keep in touch with fans from all over the world.
Namita Nayyar
Best memory from your first ever audition.
Blanca Blanco
I remember, when I got my first audition, working so hard on character preparation as soon as I received the sides and being so nervous when I arrived at the casting. But the second I walked into the room, my stress disappeared, and I immersed myself in the scene. The casting director responded positively and complimented my work which motivated and encouraged me to continue auditioning. It confirmed for me that I was going in the right direction and gave me confidence, knowing that if I do the work, preparation, and research for all the roles I go out for, that when the right roles for me come along, it will happen.
Namita Nayyar
Your morning beauty ritual before a shoot? Your haircare routine includes?
Blanca Blanco
Skin care is essential for me. First, I always make sure to drink plenty of water because adequate hydration is essential for keeping skin smooth. Before a shoot, I always do a hydrating face mask for about an hour, then I apply hydration cream, eye cream, and a hydrating mist. My hair care routine includes bi-weekly hair treatments at The Private Room in Beverly Hills. They always leave my hair feeling smooth and silky and looking very healthy! I also use Morrocan hair oil when I blow dry my hair. That’s it!
Namita Nayyar
After a long hard-working day, you relax with?
Blanca Blanco
After getting home from work, I always get into comfortable pajamas and do something relaxing like painting or drawing.
Namita Nayyar
If you had to pick one role, that you have done in the past, which is closest to your heart, which one would it be?
Blanca Blanco
The most special roles I’ve done are the dramatic roles that require vulnerability and digging into my own personal experiences in order to develop rounded characters and bring out their light. I love when I can stay in the zone and stay focused, especially when I’m able to create characters that are completely different from my own personality and behaviors. I also love comedy and find both genres very fun to work on.
Namita Nayyar
3 songs that are on top of your workout playlist?
Blanca Blanco
- Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira
- Fighter by Christina Aguilera
- Unbreakable by Kelly Clarkson
Namita Nayyar
If not an actress, what would you be?
Blanca Blanco
I can’t imagine pursuing another career but if I had to choose something other than an actress, I would say that I’d be using my master’s degree and serving as a mental health therapist or counselor. I enjoy and value understanding how the human mind and behaviors work differently for individuals, and I find the functions of the rewards system in human behavior fascinating.
Namita Nayyar
You are a supporter of Step up and Los Angeles Mission. how do you wish to help educate the society through these endeavours?
Blanca Blanco
I began volunteering with Step Up because their mission statement resonated strongly with me. They work with girls in underserved communities to help them reach their potential by encouraging them to be confident and focus on their career. I am a strong believer that education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty and that poverty does not dictate your future. One can overcome and achieve goals with tenacity, dedication, and commitment, and while it can be challenging, it’s always possible. I hope to serve as a role model for successfully turning barriers into challenges and staying focused while setting myself on the path I chose for my life. I gave myself permission to accept my situation and to then focus on growing and moving forward. I have also volunteered with Los Angeles Mission for over seven years now. I always volunteer during holidays to serve warm meals to those in need because I know how much it can mean to someone to have that. Many of the people we serve meals to don’t get another proper meal for a long time afterwards. I love to see everyone’s smiles and to be able to help however I can. For me, it’s a way of giving back to the community. Being of service to others is my number one principle.
Namita Nayyar
Message for your readers at Women Fitness.
Blanca Blanco
I would say to remember that while on your journey, there will always be obstacles, so choose to use those experiences to change your cognitive thinking. Reframe obstacles as challenges. Doing so will help you build a positive outlook and drive your goals forward. Lastly, always believe in yourself because if you don’t, how do you expect other people to believe in you?
All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting http:// www.womenfitness.net/ or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2019 Women Fitness