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Enchanting Star of Syfy’s “The Magicians” Brittany Curran Spills Her Fitness & Beauty Secrets

Brittany curran
Photo Credit: Annie Shak

Breakout beauty and veteran actor Brittany Curran is ready once again to cast her spell across the world with the highly anticipated return of Syfy’s “The Magicians” season 3. Returning as a series regular for the newest season of the wildly popular television and book series, the fight for magic and Fillory continues. Brittany portrays the character ‘Fen,’ the Fillorian wife of Eliot (Hale Appleman), and a member of the High Council to the kingdom of Fillory.

Brittany Curran catches up with us to share her spectacular experience on the show and much more in a candid interview with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You are a stunning actress best known for your roles in the TNT television series Men of a Certain Age, Dear White People, and the ABC Family television series Twisted. Tell us more about your journey in Hollywood? 017 Wimbledon Championships. Looking back at the incredible journey that you have had, how does it feel?

Ms. Brittany Curran:

It all started in 1999 when I went to a Britney Spears concert in Worchester, Massachusetts. I saw a flyer for acting classes in Boston and told my dad I wanted to go, and started taking classes shortly after. A year later, I went to a convention in Los Angeles where an agent and manager “discovered” me. Their names are Diane Hardin and Judy Savage they instantly got my career going. I moved out to LA six months later and a couple months after that I booked my first role on Mad TV. The more I acted, the more I fell in love with it. I took acting classes, kept going to school, kept booking more jobs and steadily stepped up the proverbial ladder. I took a short partial-break to attend UCLA and get my degree in American Literature. And now here I am working on The Magicians! I split my time between LA and Vancouver now. I love it.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

It is often said that there is cut-throat competition and you have to work really hard to survive here. What would be your best tips for a newcomer entering Hollywood?

Ms. Brittany Curran:

Yes, to survive you have to work your absolute hardest because there is always someone working harder. However, you also have to stop yourself from looking at other actors as competition. You’ll drive yourself crazy and drive wedges between yourself and other people who just have the same passion as you. We’re all struggling through this crazy business together, we should support and encourage each other along the way. Also, for newcomers, remember that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. No one makes it overnight, you have to earn it, and you have to forgive yourself for your “failures.” There is no such thing as a failure unless it’s followed up by you giving up. Every single actress and actor you admire has been told ‘no’ hundreds of times before getting to the place they are now. That’s really important to remember. My other piece of advice would be to fill your life with things other than just acting. Actors who just act and nothing else are boring; have a life and be a real person, that’s what makes an interesting and unique performer.

Full Interview on Next Page!

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness

Photo Credit: Annie Shak

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Introduce us to a day in your life, while shooting and on a day off.

Ms. Brittany Curran:

On a shoot day, I usually wake up early (usually between 4:30am and 8am, depending on the day.) I do my morning skin routine, then go downstairs where a driver from the show (usually Leah or Bob) picks me up. Then we stop at JJ Bean on Cambie in Vancouver and get a latte. We drive to set, I get to my trailer and change into my wardrobe while listening to 1920’s jazz and swing music, then hair and make-up. Usually sometime during this morning routine, I re-read the script of whatever episode we’re currently shooting. Then I walk to set, we block and rehearse the scene, get hair and make-up touch-ups, then shoot the scene. Then we repeat that routine for however many scenes we’re shooting that day. Around 3pm, I’ll go into the production office and make myself an espresso. I’m obsessed with the cute little espresso cups. One of our production office PAs, Patrick, told me about them because he loves them too. Now I keep stealing them from him. Throughout the day, sometimes I and the other cast will go into each other trailers to rehearse and hang out. I love hanging out with this cast. After we wrap that night (which could be 12 to 16 hours later) I go back into the hair and make-up trailer to wash off my make-up. Sometimes Jen Kaminski (head of the make-up department) will give me a mini facial. Hale and I used to fight over her at the beginning of the season. It was hilarious! When I get home I’ll try to force myself to still go to the gym, which usually doesn’t happen on really long days. If I don’t work the next day, I’ll maybe have a little glass of red wine and unwind by watching The Walking Dead. If I do work the next day, I hop in bed and go over my material for the next day.

On a day off, I’ll get up, do my morning skin routine, and take a morning walk to get a latte: Harvest Moon if I’m in LA, JJ Bean if I’m in Vancouver. I’ll either answer emails or read a book in the morning during my latte. I’m currently reading Dracula, up next is This Side of Paradise. Then it really differs on what I have going on that day. Some days I’ll have an audition, so I’ll immerse myself in that script all day. Some days I’ll have meetings and be running around Hollywood all day. I especially love exploring Vancouver on my days off. Sometimes I’ll take the sea bus over to Granville Island, get lunch, and then buy fish at the open market to cook for dinner that night. I try to write every day too. I usually exercise in the early evening then I’ll sauna for 15 minutes and meditate. I watch a movie almost every evening. I just recently started watching every film, in order, that has won the Best Actress Oscar. I started with Janet Gaynor for winning the very first 1927/1928 Oscar. Then I do my nightly skin routine and go to sleep. I get about nine hours of sleep every night when I’m not filming.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine?

Ms. Brittany Curran:

When I’m in LA, I’ll take a yoga class at Yogaworks in Studio City, Vinyasa Flow is my favorite, and then I’ll go on a 2.5 mile run at night. When I’m in Vancouver, I go to the gym. We have a gym, sauna, and pool in our building. I’ve really taken advantage of it since moving up here. I like going to the gym at night because it feels more peaceful and quiet. I do one to two muscles groups each night: Monday: chest & abs, Tuesday: back & legs, Wednesday: extra cardio & abs, Thursday: arms, Friday: legs & abs, Saturday: back, Sunday: extra cardio.

I do about four exercises for each muscles group and then three sets and twelve to fifteen reps of each. Then I run on the treadmill for thirty minutes. I always watch a movie on the treadmill, I’ve been re-watching Sunset Blvd and Jaws most recently. When I was watching Jaws recently I actually jumped while running. It must have looked peculiar to the woman on the treadmill next to me. Some days I’ll go for a swim too. Then I wrap up my workout by stretching and going in the sauna for fifteen minutes and meditating. One of my favorite things to do in the sauna is repeat positive mantras to myself, usually about things I’m grateful for and things I want to channel more in my life every day. Throughout the whole workout, I am drinking tons of water.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What kind of diet do you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Ms. Brittany Curran:

I follow a pretty healthy diet while also allowing myself to still indulge sometimes. I think a good balance is very important, depriving yourself isn’t good and usually doesn’t last for too long. I’ve been making an effort to eat breakfast every morning. When I’m on set, I have a latte, two poached eggs (plain), and a bowl of fruit for breakfast.

For lunch, I’ll have a protein (usually chicken) and a salad. For dinner, I’m all over the place. I have sushi a lot (I try to stick to sashimi and seaweed salad), but I love food and I love exploring cities by tasting their cuisine. Last night, I had pheasant with mushrooms and it was amazing. I experiment a lot, but generally try to stay away from too many bready foods. My main thing is eating tons of greens and protein throughout the day, I’ll have nuts and fruit to keep myself going between meals, and I drink A LOT of water. I almost never drink soda and try to stay away from dairy. I just love whole milk lattes so much, so I still drink those every day even though my facialist said I need to lay off them. As well, I also eat a square of frozen chocolate almost every night around 2am. It’s a HORRIBLE habit, but half-asleep Brittany wants nothing more but a bite of chocolate.


Photo Credit: Annie Shak

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair! Share with us your haircare and skincare routine.

Ms. Brittany Curran:

Thank you! I’ve been focusing on my skin and hair this past year more than I ever have in my entire life. It all started on set last year when Jen Kaminski took me aside and gave a firm but loving lecture on the importance of taking care of my skin as an actress. It was a life-altering chat for my skin. First and foremost, the three most important things are washing my face EVERY night no matter how tired I am, I always wear 50 spf sunblock, and drink tons of water every day.

I use Keihls products, here’s my line-up: Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash, Epidermal Re-Texturizing Micro-Dermabrasion, Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado, Ultra Facial Cream, Midnight Recovery Eye, Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque, and Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Masque. So I use some of those every morning and night, I exfoliate once a week, give myself a facemask at home twice a week (Rare Earth on my t-zone, Hydration everywhere else), and I get a hydra facial ever four to six weeks at SKN Clinic in Yaletown, Vancouver. I also take a lot of baths; I’ll put on my face masque and meditate in the bath while it seeps in. Every couple of months I also get cosmetic acupuncture (acupuncture for your face). Additionally, film make-up can be heavy, when I’m not filming, I use La Bella Donna mineral make-up since it’s super light. I use Matrix Biology shampoo and conditioner every other day. I think what’s also important to remember is that stress can greatly affect the health of your skin and hair. Leading a low-stress life and meditating every day will lead to more glowing, beautiful skin and hair. Nothing is more beautiful than loving yourself and seeing your own beauty, even on your off-days.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

When we last saw your character at the end of season 2 of “The Magicians,” your character had been through a lot. Can you tell us anything about your role in the highly anticipated return of season 3?

Ms. Brittany Curran:

Yes, Fen had really been through the ringer at the end of Season 2. All I can say is she goes on a very important journey in Season 3. One that starts out with her slowly slipping into madness.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What are your future plans in the acting realm?

Ms. Brittany Curran:

I just want to keep portraying meaningful characters and telling great stories. Acting is storytelling and I want to tell as many stories as I can, big and small. In terms of specific journeys I want to go on, I really want to be in a Western, I’d love to portray a badass woman from America’s earlier and wilder days.


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding actresses, who all are your followers and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in this field?

Ms. Brittany Curran:

I would tell them to never lose sight of who they are. Every night when you’re at home and in the quiet of your own mind, ask yourself if you’re happy with the person you are and with the person you are becoming. You are the only person you have to answer to. Never let anyone compromise who you are. Leave a legacy that you are proud of and never be afraid to say no. Whether that no is being said to a close friend or to a producer who you’ve just met, at the end of the day you’re the only person who has to live with your decisions. A couple weeks ago I had to say no to a project because of how horribly sexist and misogynistic the script was. It would have been another job to add to my resume, but I couldn’t live with the fact that I would actively be contributing to the sexism in our society and in our industry. I only want to be part of films that I’d be proud showing my future daughter. My other piece of advice is if acting is your passion and you truly love the film industry, fight like hell for it and never give up. I’ve had some tough ups and downs, but I never gave up. I also surrounded myself with incredible people who support and love me, also my best interests at heart. Make sure to surround yourself with a great team.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Share with us your Top 5 Fashion Must-Haves For Winter’17-18.

Ms. Brittany Curran:

This winter my fashion must-haves are my classic green rain coat, black over-the-knee boots that go with everything and add a little sex-appeal while also staying warm, plaid scarves to go with most outfits (adds a little holiday charm to every outfit), wool slippers for staying cozy at night while watching Christmas movies, and my red velour dress that’s a perfect combination of sexy yet elegant for any holiday party. And if I may add a 6th must-have: disposable toe warmers for inside your shoes! Those things are life-savers when I’m filming outdoors on cold days.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and message for our visitors?

Ms. Brittany Curran:

I wish to say that I’m so grateful to for bringing such positivity and joy into their portrayal of women’s lives as well the women they feature on their website. I just want to send love and hugs to your visitors this new year. I hope that you guys find joy and the Christmas spirit in the little things this winter!

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All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness

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