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Brooke Burke-Charvet Reveals Her Health & Fitness Secrets!

brooke burke

Brooke Burke-Charvet, was born on September 8, 1971. She is an American actress, dancer, model and television personality.

Brooke was born in Hartford, Connecticut, but was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Her parents, Donna and George Burke had two children, Brooke being the youngest. Brooke’s father left the family when she was only two years old and because of that, her Armenian stepfather raised her. He honored her mother by raising her Jewish. Brooke has carried on that tradition by also raising her children Jewish and considers this an important part of who she is.

Not only is she a great host, but also a great model and writer. She appeared in magazines such as Maxim, Stuff, Playboy and FHM, and in 2007 was listed as one of Blender’s hottest women of film and TV. Brooke wrote and published her first book titled The Naked Mom: A Modern Mom’s Fearless Revelations, Savvy Advice, and Soulful Reflections in February of 2011. It features her reflections on motherhood, Hollywood, romance, and the challenges of creating a blended family.

Burke has been married twice. Her first marriage was to plastic surgeon Garth Fisher. They had two daughters together: Neriah and Sierra. She then married actor David Charvet and had a daughter Rain and a son Shaya. In 2011, Burke announced that she would be taking husband David Charvet’s last name.

On November 8, 2012, Burke Charvet announced she had thyroid cancer and underwent surgery. She was very strong and brave throughout the whole process, and a few months later on December 12, 2012, she announced all cancer had been removed.

Let us take you through Brooke Burke-Charvet’s incredible fitness journey in an exclusive interview with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Brooke, you have been ranked as one of the sexiest women in the world and have appeared on top-selling swimsuit calendars and magazines. Most women feel they need to starve in order to look fit. Could you please give us some insight into your diet routine?

Ms. Brooke Burke:

“I don’t believe in fad diets and quick fixes. I don’t think they last and they do not work. For me, the key is really developing a healthy lifestyle and a diet that you can maintain. I don’t even really like using the word diet, but I do eat sort of a “Mediterranean diet”. This consists of lots of good fats, nuts, Herbs, spices, lean meat, fish, salads, and veggies. I also drink a ton of water and eat frequent small and healthy meals.”

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2016 Women Fitness

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

In 2012 you launched two DVDs being “Transform Your Body with Brooke Burke – Tone & Tighten” and “Transform Your Body with Brooke Burke – Strengthen & Condition” focusing on improving body strength and definition. We would like you to extend to women, especially mothers, how to manage pregnancy and fitness.

Ms. Brooke Burke:

“I think one of the most important things for women is that they embrace their body when they are pregnant and think it’s totally possible to get Their body back after being pregnant. I think it’s about being smart about the growing and changing process. I believe in working out and working Out hard and pushing yourself to your limits, working to fatigue, working to burn and then moving past the burn. Of course, that’s a little tricky if You are pregnant, but once you get your doctor’s ok, you can work out the entire time and get back into your fitness routine. I did Pilates during my Pregnancies and a lot of core work. I started working out just weeks after delivery and worked out during my whole pregnancy. I ate smart and Often which was healthier for my baby and for me.

I really believe in tauts, which is my post-pregnancy belly wrap. I think belly binding does work and It’s a natural way of getting your belly back after birth. Its supports all that baggy baby skin, helps the uterus go back to its original size, and it Also feels really good.”

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

In one of your interviews you spoke about the Belly wrap to help support the annoying baggy belly skin post pregnancy. Does it really help and can women really benefit? And is there any specific wrap you would advise.

Ms. Brooke Burke:

“Belly binding is a concept that has been around for centuries. Women all over the world have done it. It’s a great natural approach to getting your belly back to its pre-pregnancy size. It feels good! It reminds you to engage your core and it helps your retain you’re muscles. I also think the support of compressing that baggy baby skin feels good. I bound my belly for 40 days and 40 nights after my third and fourth child and I got back into shape faster than I did with my first two pregnancies when I was in my 20’s. So, if the proof is in the pudding, I would say belly binding really works. I created Tauts because I couldn’t find a belly wrap on the market that was comfortable enough to wear day and night. It’s a post-pregnancy must have and it’s available at I also developed a fitness wrap to promote intense core sweating, which is a unisex belly wrap also sold at


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

A lot of women ask us how to have firm breasts, what exercises you shall advise for the same.

Ms. Brooke Burke:

“I didn’t do any exercises while I was pregnant, but I did do was wear a really comfortable sports bra and I slept in it which I think helps maintain Shape. I did breast feed and I didn’t have any problems after pregnancy, but I think its matter of taking care of your body and wearing comfortable Sports bras during the time when your body is changing. It helps give support with all that extra size and extra weight.”

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

How do you manage motherhood and staying lean and fit? What is one exercise you would advise every woman to practice daily which can prove beneficial in the long run.

Ms. Brooke Burke:

“I think a lot of mothers lose themselves in their responsibilities of raising a family. They put their family and their children first, and they stop being A priority, so what I like to write and preach to all women is that it’s ok to make ourselves equally as important and to carve out time for our Personal goals. Health and fitness has always been a big part of my lifestyle. I schedule my workouts just like I schedule my family commitments and I’m actually a less-stressed out mom as well as a better wife and mother when I’m doing something for myself. So, there isn’t one exercise I would Only recommend, but I think you have to set goals and you have to push yourself to your personal limits and taking one hour of me time, which for me Is my fitness. I think carving out me time, even as a busy mother, is super important.”


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Surviving Thyroid cancer must have been a long challenging journey. What was it that kept you going and fight the mental distress?  Share with us your health mantra.

Ms. Brooke Burke:

“For me it was really about being a good patient, educating myself, understanding the entire process , staying positive, really believing that Everything was going to be ok, doing exactly what I needed to do medically, and assembling a great medical team. I knew that I need to be strong for My children and the most important thing is to get educated. Know what you are getting in to and just stay sane in the process.”

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Women Fitness, since its launch in 2000 has continued to help women all over the world to stay healthy and fit. How would you rate the website ( as a health portal for women and your views about the site.

Ms. Brooke Burke:

“It’s full of great, inspiring information and it’s great to get recipes, and new workout moves.  It’s nice to be able to get ideas, recipes and be inspired By Other Women’s Fitness Process.”

Women Fitness team thanks Brooke Burke for sharing information and extends good wishes for her personal and professional life.

To know the latest about Brooke Burke follow her on social media:


All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2016 Women Fitness

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