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Love Island’s Cally Jane Beech Gives Us A Glimpse Into Her Lifestyle

Cally Jane Beech

Model and reality TV star Cally Jane Beech is best known for her appearance on the reboot of the show Love Island. She formerly held the title of Miss Great Britain. With over 405,000 followers on Instagram, Cally is one of the most popular faces of Reality TV.

Women Fitness President Namita Nayyar had the fantastic opportunity to speak with the beautiful actress and loving mom, Cally Jane Beech. Lets check out some excerpts from their conversation.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

After Winning Miss Great Britain title, you rose to fame after joining the cast of the dating reality show Love Island in 2015. Share with us your journey in the field of entertainment to making a mark for yourself?

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

It was amazing, I loved being on the show. People are aspiring to be like you, people knowing who you are, it’s a really crazy feeling. I loved going to events, film premiers and enjoyed every bit of it, getting to know more about the industry, meeting new people who have similar passions. It’s like giving myself a career boost and I’m also launching a business called SMILE, which is teeth whitening products, because I was a dentist before, that’s why I wanted to launch something I was interested in. Also, creating a very large following on my social media due to the show and I got great support from other people in the industry and it helped me push my dreams. I met the love of my life on the show and we now have a baby, it’s crazy to think we are where we are today, and it would have been impossible without the show.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have formerly held the title of Miss Great Britain. Tell us the factors that were instrumental towards you becoming a model?

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

I actually fell into pageants by accident. Some of my friends were doing this and they said it’s really great fun and therefore I ended up doing them, and winning quite a few. Then I went on doing another one and another one, and then a great one came up for Miss Great Britain and I just went for it and couldn’t believe it when I won. I was the face of Great Britain, and I was so happy. The factors towards it are you’ve got to have female empowerment, body confidence and support a lot of charities, since pageants are quite charitable, which is very good about them that they bring a lot of girls together from all different backgrounds having different interests. So I really enjoyed my experience and loved that.

Full Interview on Next Page!

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2018 Women Fitness

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Cally, you appeared in the finals of the show Love Island. Share with us your experience on the show?

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

Me and Luis, we came fourth on the show. The experience was amazing to be kept in by the public. It showed us that we had good support on the outside.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You are a model, reality TV star and a mother. We would like to have a glimpse into a day of your remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle.

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

I’m pretty lucky really, because I can run my business from home, and my mum runs it with me, without her help, I would be really really stuck. She has been there for me if I have to go for any modelling work or anything else. It’s pretty busy, anyone with a baby would know that it’s pretty full on and tiring. I juggle it quite well. The key to this multi-dimensional lifestyle is having support and help from your family, because without them I wouldn’t be able to juggle it like I do. They help me a lot.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

With your super-motivational workout videos hosted online, staying fit seems to be a must for you. Unfold the exercises that comprise your fitness regime on a daily basis? Also share how do you squeeze out time for your workout regime?

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

I don’t have a set time for a workout, I just do it whenever I can. I have Vienna so it’s really hard to do anything with her, so I make it just a bit fun with her. As and when I like it, so if I’m on a holiday or have a shoot coming up, then I do a little bit. But I’m not really hard in the gym and I have quite lucky genes in my family. I’ve danced from the age of 2 to 18, so my actual muscle tone has stayed with me.


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Adequate nutrition is an integral part of staying healthy. Which kind of diet do you follow to stay healthy and physically fit? Enlist your favorite foods?

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

Like I mentioned before, I have very lucky genes and along with that I have very good metabolism. What I do is I eat little but often, so instead of having 3 meals a day, I have like 6. I think that is the key to train anybody, to understand that it’s going to be fine. I feel a lot of people starve themselves thinking that it will make them look skinny, but I think of it as fire. You have to put fire in the coal before it finally takes the bend, so it is with your body. So I’m constantly feeding myself with nice little healthy meals, following a balance diet with some proteins, a bit of carbs and veggies.

What is important is to keep it balanced and this works for me as I have not had any problems so far. I have not had to do any harsh crash diets or cut things out of my diet. I literally just eat little but often, and I think that will train people’s bodies. Otherwise if you do starve yourself, your body thinks when it gets it back, it’s instantly going to take it and store it as fat, because it thinks I’m not going to get it back again for a while, so it stores it as fat. But since my body does not have any such issue, it lets it go with the flow.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and long, flowing hair – what skincare and hair care tips would you like to suggest to our visitors?

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

My hair had a bit difficulty during pregnancy, so I lost quite a lot of hair. It got really thick in pregnancy and I use caffeine shampoos now.

For my skin, I have been trying a skincare company that is going to come out in the next few months and it’s serums are going to launch. I am trying it’s blueberry serum and 24 carat gold serum and they have made a huge difference to my skin. Though it hasn’t been launched yet but I totally love it.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You gave birth to your beautiful daughter in 2017 and have been able to quickly shed off all the pregnancy weight. Share with us some tips from your post pregnancy exercise and diet routine.

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

I had quite a traumatic birth and I was quite exhausted. The weight naturally dropped off me because I was so busy having the baby, you’ve also got stress with you. But I was really careful with my eating and stuff, it is really important to keep your body going. I drunk a lot and lot of water, and it definitely helped. I ate a lot more vegetables; I was living with my mom. I was so busy, so my mom was helping getting the healthy balanced meals in, so that helped.


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

With an audience of over 405k followers on your Instagram account @misscallyjane you’re a social media sensation and an internet leading star. How does it feel to be a role model & an inspiration in influencing a healthy lifestyle of women around the globe?

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

It feels amazing. I get messages daily asking me things about my diet, my skin, about any recipes that I cook on my Insta videos. I do write back to as many people as possible. It’s really nice and I’m very honest with my followers. I also get a lot of support from mums, since I have a daughter, I love mums come to me for questions as well. So it’s really nice to help people.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

It is often said that there is cut-throat competition and you have to work really hard to survive in the entertainment industry. What would be your 5 best tips for a newcomer entering in this industry?

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

I do think it’s a very cut-throat industry and the key is to be true to yourself. Because you can’t fake a lifestyle for all that time. My 5 best tips for a newcomer entering in this industry will be:

  1. Be Yourself.
  2. Work Hard.
  3. Network.
  4. Still Make Time For Yourself & Your Family.
  5. Have Fun, if you’re not enjoying it then it’s not really gonna be there for you.

It’s got to be what you want to do and have support around yourself, like I said support is key. And just work hard and it will come to you when it is your time.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

WF team would love to have your inputs on our website and message for our visitors?

Ms. Cally Jane Beech:

It’s amazing what you do and I love Women Fitness. It’s really good for all different people, regimes, lifestyle, and people can talk to you honestly. It’s nice to have honest information for a reputable place. Thank you for all the support and the interview.

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All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2018 Women Fitness

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