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Fitness Trainer Camilla Akerberg Spills All Her Fitness Secrets!

Instagram star, personal trainer, and nutrition coach, Camilla Akerberg boosts of more than 300,000 followers on her Instagram account. 

She offers eBooks, nutrition coaching and training programs, including her 4-week to stronger abs program.

Women Fitness President, Namita Nayyar, joins the Fitness Trainer for an illuminating chat about her fitness goals and how she wishes to inspire more and more women in 2020!
Namita Nayyar:

You are a certified personal trainer and qualified nutrition coach, what motivated you towards the world of fitness?

Camilla Akerberg:

Initially, the world of fitness came to me as an approach to better my own life. I was going through quite a rough, anxious time of my life, and training for me was like a form of meditation- an escape that really helped me through that time. Next came the results and I got addicted to seeing my hard work pay off and loved feeling strong and energetic. I have always been very fascinated by nutrition and its effects on the body and the combined passion of the two is what drove me to educate myself further in the field and start helping others. I love how fitness also bring people together, so besides the healthy aspect of eating cleaner and exercising more, it also makes you feel better because of the community it builds.

Namita Nayyar:

The first thing that you changed in your daily routine to stay fit?

Camilla Akerberg:

My top five rules I swear by for you to live a healthier & fitter life:

  1. Eat a variety of vegetables in a range of colours and different parts of plants
  2. Limit sugar in your diet
  3. Eat real fresh foods- lean proteins (from protein sources that works for your body), healthy fats and carbohydrates- and limit processed foods, fast foods and packaged foods
  4. Be mindful of your intolerances and listen to your body. Some foods that are good for others, may not necessarily work for you.
  5. Drink plenty of water & get enough sleep.
Namita Nayyar:

‘I eat mostly a pescatarian diet, as that works well with my body, but I do eat other meats on occasion too.” Elaborate & tell us more about it?

Camilla Akerberg:

I am very in tune with my body and understand what my body feels good consuming and what I can personally digest well. We are all so different from each other so listening to YOUR body’s signals to understand its needs is very important.

I feel the best eating a pescetarian diet- and I get most of my protein out of fish (and eggs and vegetables).

We live in a society where are wanted to define ourselves with one word- vegan, pescetarian, vegetarian etc.-  but I strongly believe in balance. I’m not a vegan, but some days I will eat a plant based diet, I know my body doesn’t digest meat as well as fish, but sometimes I will enjoy other meats too. Finding a balance that works for you is what health is all about. And that also includes finding balance between the occasional naughtier treat or a social drink with your friends, and all the perceived “healthy choices”. 

Namita Nayyar:

What does your first meal of the day look like?

Camilla Akerberg:

This varies a lot where in the world I am- and even day to day. Presently, most days I am training first thing in the morning and not eating my first meal until brunch time/ early lunch time. Every now and then I wake up feeling hungry and then I eat first thing. Yesterday my first meal was barramundi and vegetables and sweet potato mash. Today I had an omelette with a side of avocado. 

Full Interview Continued On Next Page

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting http:// or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2019 Women Fitness

Namita Nayyar:

What type of workout works best for an endomorphic body?

Camilla Akerberg:

I highly recommend resistance training as a part of the fitness regime for all body types. Building strength and lean muscle mass is so important for people of all ages, and will also help you burn fat and look toned. Remember to warm up appropriately and don’t forget to stretch afterwards! Apart from this I also highly recommend walking. Our bodies are made for walking- not sitting in an office all day. So, take every opportunity to walk when you can. You can use one of many step counting apps to keep track and help you hit a daily or weekly step target. Variation in your training is also important to keep your body guessing what’s next, and will also keep things fun! I personally LOVE circuit training for a bit more intensity. Don’t be afraid to try a class of Pilates, Yoga, a stretch class, swim laps, play tennis with a friend, play a round of golf, test out boxing or do a circuit training class.

I’ve got a fun 8-week program called the “Toned Body Guide” that incorporates a mix of resistance training, circuit training and includes a daily step target on my website: 

Namita Nayyar:

Why is a good warmup so important before a workout session? Give an example of a warmup you can do whilst traveling

Camilla Akerberg:

Warming up before a workout is important to prepare your body for training and will reduce the risk of injury. By warming up you are gradually increasing your heart rate and the circulation of blood to your muscles. It will help loosen your joints and mentally prepare you for the training session. 

A few methods you can include in a good warm up:

Here is a good 6-minute full body travel friendly warmup you can do anywhere, with just your body weight. 

Do each exercise for 40 seconds- no breaks in between exercises:

  1. Walking lunges with twist at the lowest point
  2. Alternate toe touches. Stretch opposite arm to opposite side toe and then stretch that same arm into the air. Try and keep your legs straight to feel the stretch down through your hamstrings. Repeat on the opposite side.
  3. Walk out to 3x push ups. Repeat for the given time
  4. Up and down planks from forearms to high plank
  5. Glute bridges
  6. Lower back rotation. Lay on your back with your arms out in a T- shape. Keep your knees together, bend them, and let them fall to alternating sides of your body
  7. High Knees
  8. Standing alternating external hip rotations- Standing up, bend one knee at a time and tuck it toward your body. Grab it with your arm and rotate it toward the side of your body. Place down your foot and repeat on other side
  9. Squat Jumps
Namita Nayyar:

Before starting resistance training, what are the key points to keep in mind?

Camilla Akerberg:

Before commencing any fitness session, you want to ensure that you have warmed up your body appropriately. When it comes to training with resistance, such as weights, a key point to remember is to work on your form first, and only when you are doing the exercise correctly add on appropriate weight. As you get stronger and fitter, increase the weight and/or the amount of reps you do to make the exercise more difficult.

Namita Nayyar:

According to you is there a perfect time to begin working out, post pregnancy?

Camilla Akerberg:

There is not a specific perfect time to start working out after giving birth. The time to get back into training depends between women as every labour journey is different from one another. If you have had an uncomplicated pregnancy and given a natural birth, you will be able to get back into exercising quicker than if you have had a caesarean, which is a major surgery that need more healing time. 

Namita Nayyar:

5 of my favourite exercises for toned abs?

Camilla Akerberg:

1. Planking & plank variations. Planking is one of my favourite core exercises that engages all layers of your abdominal fascia and is also a safe exercise for those with lower back injuries like myself. What I love about planking is also the several variations you can do to keep it fun and interesting, including side plank variations and planks with movements such as knee tucks, the up and down plank or alternating shoulder tap plank. For your basic forearm plank- Test out how long you can do a plank for- then add 3 sets of planking into your daily fitness regime and try to increase the time to 2-3 minutes per plank. If you are already at that level- push yourself for a longer plank. Remember to squeeze your glutes and engage your core trough out the exercise. 

2. Hollow holds. This is another amazing isometric core strengthening exercise that will make your abs feel the burn! Laying on your back- Raise your legs to a hold at an angle where your spine is being pushed towards the floor throughout the exercise. Let your head be raised looking down towards your toes. Your arms can either be held back stretched up past your ears (be the shape of a banana), or in line with your body for beginners. Try doing 4 sets of 20-30 seconds and increase the time if you find this easy.

3. V sit holds. This exercise is another one of my favourites and it targets your upper abs, your lower abs as well and oblique’s. Add in small crunch movements or a side to side rotation as a Russian twist variation.

4. Compound exercises that burn a lot of calories and require a lot of stabilization work from your core like lunges, squats, Single leg RDL’s or deadlifts

5. High intensity exercises like burpees, squat jumps, mountain climbers, box jumps or hill sprint intervals to help burn fat around the abdominal are

Namita Nayyar:

Your word for Women Fitness website ?

Camilla Akerberg:

I would define the Women Fitness website as a holistic health channel that offers its readers a variety of fitness, beauty and nutrition tips and tricks- so you can tackle your health and fitness one step at a time.

Namita Nayyar:

Do you follow any skincare and hair care routine, after a sweaty workout?

Camilla Akerberg:

I struggle to stick to a consistent skin and hair care routine and this is something I would like to get better with. When traveling- my skin care and hair care routine are the ones that seem to go out the window first unfortunately. A few things I always seem to come back to, or have episodes of consistent use is hair/skin and nail vitamins and I love Rosehip oil for my skin. I love making this at-home-remedy for a facial cleanse/exfoliation. You need the following products:

Mix together and gently exfoliate your skin, I then leave this on for about 20 minutes before washing off in the shower.

Namita Nayyar:

Foods to boost your strength and stamina? Supplements idle for women of all age?

Camilla Akerberg:

Complex Carbohydrates that release energy slowly into the blood stream are great for stamina and strength. Bananas are a great source of carbohydrates as well as potassium and vitamin B6 which also help with energy levels.

Fatty fish like tuna and salmon. Salmon is a good source of vitamin B12, vitamin D and omega-2 fatty acids which help reduce fatigue by decreasing inflammation in the body. Vitamin B12 combined with folic acid produce red blood cells and increase the effect of iron in the body. This will also help increase your energy. Fatty fish also increase the antioxidant CoQ10 in your body which is known to improve energy and strengthen the immune system.

High Fibre vegetables and whole grains like Sweet Potato, broccoli, brussle sprouts, quinoa and brown rice. Brown rice has less starch than white rice, and is easier to digest. Brown rice is high in fibre, vitamins and minerals and has a low GI value which mean it doesn’t peak your blood sugar levels. This help you maintain good energy throughout the day. The manganese content in high fibre food aids enzymes in your body with carbohydrate and protein breakdown to generate energy. 

Protein is vital for building stamina and strength. Eggs are an amazing source of protein and high in vitamins and minerals. 

Green leafy vegetables are a great source of iron, fibre, vitamin B complex and Magnesium. Iron is needed in the body to create haemoglobin which aids with circulation and supplying oxygen to your muscles. Other high iron food sources include lentils and white beans. Magnesium assist nerve and muscle function as well as macronutrient synthesis and electrolyte balance. Magnesium can also be found in nuts and seeds and whole grains.

Vitamin C boost immunity and help with increasing energy. Citrus fruits, cantaloupe, broccoli, yellow bell peppers, kiwi fruit and berries are all high in vitamin C.

Nuts and seeds are high in zinc, Vitamin E and Magnesium and high in protein which help you sustain your energy throughout the day.

Namita Nayyar:

Taboo foods to get a flat stomach?

Camilla Akerberg:

If you are looking to tone up- you may be aware that a lot of the work is done in the kitchen. Cleaning up your diet is the key to getting fat-loss results. So, what are some foods that you should limit in your diet? Don’t cut out food groups, and realize that having something a bit naughty but nice is okay- if it’s in moderation and an occasional thing.

To get a flat stomach, here are some foods you should be eating less of- limiting in your diet:

Namita Nayyar:

After a long hard-working day, what do you look forward to? Stress -busting tips?

Camilla Akerberg:

Here are some of my stress- busting tips:

  1. Have a shower to help calm yourself
  2. Tea: Chose a night tea or “relax tea” that doesn’t contain caffeine, like chamomile tea or Green tea which contain L-theanine, an amino acid that reduce stress. 
  3. Sleep more
  4. Meditation
  5. Exercise
  6. Connect with nature
  7. Take a break from your electronic devices
  8. Read a book
  9. Rub a few drops of lavender oil to your palms or spray on your pillow to help calm you down, reduce stress and aid your sleep. Other essential oils that can stimulate tranquillity is chamomile oil and vanilla oil.
  10. Try the following supplements to reduce anxiety and stress:
Namita Nayyar:

5 things we’ll always find in your gym bag?

Camilla Akerberg:

I’m going to go through the 5 pieces of equipment I travel with, that are light weight, small enough to easily fit into your suitcase and cost savvy. 

Namita Nayyar:

Fitness & Diet Resolutions or goals for 2020?

Camilla Akerberg:

I’ve got so many exciting things to look forward to in 2020 and fitness related goals that I will work hard on to achieve. Here are my top 5 goals:

My Fitness Fashion Goal for 2020: We will be attending Miami Fashion Week with my active wear brand team to showcase designs for En Garde Apparel in July 2020. I am so excited to inspire women around the world to not only train and eat better- but also feel confident in what they wear and feel amazing in their active apparel. 

My Fitness Travel Goal for 2020: I will continue to train fitness retreats around the world. I love combining my passion for fitness and travel in one and letting people experience a part of the world with an active routine and a fun group of people.

My Online Fitness Goal for 2020: Online training programs at! I can’t wait to continue helping people around the world to be a better version of themselves. I want to update and release a new nutrition program in 2020 and update my recipe eBook. 

My personal diet resolution for 2020: Balance. Sustaining a healthy diet through travels and changes in routine. I want to listen to my body, be good with portion sizing and limit sugar in my diet. I still want to be able to enjoy something naughty but nice at times – but do so on occasion and in moderation. I don’t want to cut out food groups or put my focus on continuously counting my calories or macronutrients, this can become an unhealthy obsession and make you not listen to your body’s hunger cues. I want to use my knowledge about nutrition and my body’s needs to make healthy choices- I want to eat real, fresh, whole foods, and try out new recipes that are both healthy, nutritious and delicious.

My personal training resolution for 2020: Keeping up with my training routine wherever I may be in the world. I want to try new ways of exercising, try out different classes and learn as much as possible from other coaches and experts. I want to add in plenty of variation into my training to keep it fun and train with friends and loved ones as much as possible. In 2020 I want to work more on my flexibility and do more yoga. In February I am heading to Bali for a month of intense training and will complete my Yoga Teacher Training with the Joga Yoga school in Canggu ( which I am thrilled about. I am thrilled to take my skills to a new level and can assist others with their yoga practice. 

Namita Nayyar:

Message for your 300K followers on Instagram?

Camilla Akerberg:

Instagram is great and all that, but don’t forget to live. 

Enjoy quality time with your family, your friends and loved ones. 

Give more- one of the greatest levels of happiness is helping someone out without expecting anything in return. 

Move your body more- spend more time outside in nature and breath in the fresh air! 

Explore more and travel when you can. 

Never stop learning. Set goals and work on them.

Be kind to others, and don’t be too hard on yourself, you’ve got this- be kind to yourself too. 

Remember that sometimes we all need a helping hand- accepting help is its own kind of strength. 

Nourish your body, listen to amazing music, go out and dance with your friends now and then. 

And occasionally… just sit down in a quiet place, think of all the things you are grateful for, big or small- and just enjoy the right now.

Follow Camilla’s journey on:

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting http:// or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2019 Women Fitness

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