Danielle Palladino love for fitness began in her garage at the age of twelve where her dad gave her the foundation of weight lifting. Learning these functional movements didn’t just help her become a stronger athlete. They taught her some of the most important skills in life: hard work, confidence, discipline, camaraderie, sportsmanship, the power of the mind and dealing with success and failure. She did benefited from this experience not just in the weight room, on the soccer field, softball field, tennis court, and the track, but in her personal life as well.
Her Motto “Living a healthy lifestyle has a whole new meaning when it’s YOUR purpose” She knows this because as a mother of two incredible kids who inspire her to become a better human every day. Living a healthy lifestyle has a whole new meaning when your purpose is much greater than yourself. She is constantly growing, balancing and evolving as a mother, fitness instructor and business owner.
She began her Crossfit career under the instruction of Kenny Kane at CrossFit LA beginning in 2011 which sparked her to become a Trainer and Crossfit Level 1 Trainer where she is able to contribute to the well-being of the community by helping others find their own personal power using many of the same principles she has learned in her garage growing up.
She love’s seeing what her body is truly capable of doing whether it be running a 1/2 marathon at eight months pregnant, always trying to increase her deadlift max or being a National Physique Competitor. She is loving this journey and experiencing transformation of her body and strengthening her mental discipline which carries over into all parts of her life.
She says “What I love most about fitness is that every day when I choose to workout, whether that be lifting weights, going for a run, kayaking I am saying yes to something that is making me become a better version of myself. What I love about being a trainer is that I get to be a part of others’ journey in becoming the best version of themselves and there is nothing more rewarding than that“.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up Danielle Palladino an exceptionally talented Fitness and Cross Fit Trainer here she talks about her fitness routine, her diet, skin care, hair care and her success story.
Namita Nayyar:
Tell us about where you were born and grew up? Your fitness career began in your garage at the age of twelve where your father gave you a foundation in weight lifting. Learning these functional movements taught you skills in life: hard work, confidence, discipline, camaraderie, sportsmanship, the power of the mind, and dealing with success and failure. Tell us more about this journey of hard work, tenacity, and endurance?
Danielle Palladino:
I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. I was fortunate to grow up in an environment where we were always active. I don’t have any memories where my brother and I weren’t playing sports, riding bikes, snow or water skiing. It was at the age of 12 when my father gave me the foundation of weight lifting in our garage.
Learning these functional movements taught me skills in life: hard work, confidence, discipline, camaraderie, sportsmanship, the power of the mind, and dealing with success and failure. At an early age it teaches you to set your sights on a specific goal. Experiencing disappointment, leadership, delayed gratification and success are all key traits that are ingrained in you at a young age in sports. There is no question that these lessons and values carry over into all areas of your life as an adult.
Namita Nayyar:
You are a Fitness Expert, Celebrity Trainer and Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, Nutrition Coach, National Physique Competitor, Entrepreneur, and Mother. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Danielle Palladino:
I prioritize what’s most important, which is always my children and family. Then I find ways for the other aspects of life (fitness, nutrition, business) to amplify and improve what’s most important, my family. Being a mother of two incredible and adorable children, who inspire you to become a better human every day.
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness
Namita Nayyar:
Tell us the challenges and motivation your children, are to you to aspire and seek such a perfect chiseled sculpted physique?
Danielle Palladino:
Being a mom gives everything in life more purpose. I am no longer making healthy choices for myself. On a daily basis I am very aware of my own habits, and the language I use when referring to food or workouts. They are always watching and listening so it’s important to me to actually do what I ask them to do, not say one thing and do another.
For example, we eat our “growing food” (vegetables and protein) before we have treats. At ages 9 and 8 they know what macronutrient is going into their body and know the difference between processed vs. natural foods. I have made exercise and movement an activity that is fun and something we do together as a family since they were toddlers. From bike rides to push up challenges to pistol squats my kids are learning body awareness, understanding patience and learning new skills takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. Most importantly they are creating daily healthy habits that are a part of our lifestyle.
We now push and encourage each other. There are days I don’t feel like exercising and my son will ask me to go for a run or my daughter will write her own workout and want me to do it with her. Making it positive, doing it consistently and doing it together is the most important part of ingraining these habits with kids.
Namita Nayyar:
Your Crossfit career started under the instruction of Kenny Kane at CrossFit LA beginning in 2011 which was a catalyst that led you to be a Fitness Trainer and also Crossfit Level 1 Trainer. Tell us more about your Crossfit physical enduring journey? You have run a 1/2 marathon while being eight months pregnant. Tell us about your exceptional achievement and experience in running the marathon in such conditions?
Danielle Palladino:
I wanted to be sure to stay active while I was pregnant so I set a goal of running a half marathon. This kept me motivated throughout my pregnancy. I set a schedule for myself and stuck to it. I enjoyed the journey as much as I enjoyed the race. And when I had to stop to go to the bathroom, everyone was more than willing to let me cut the line!
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Danielle Palladino:
Exercises are not a one size fits all. I believe that people thrive off different routines depending on their goals and lifestyle. One thing that I believe all people, no matter what age or experience they have is the need to have a strength training routine.
The results have significant health benefits. Not only is it vital for weight loss it increases bone density, joint flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, balance, agility, coordination, reduces the risk of fractures, symptoms of arthritis along with many more benefits. I enjoy many other types of exercise but I hope to live well into my 90s still doing some form of strength training weekly.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Danielle Palladino:
I am not a fan of fad diets like Keto, intermittent fasting or having food restrictions. I work with clients to teach them healthy lifestyle, not a diet with a start and end date or to just look good for a vacation. You need to learn how to have cake at your child’s Birthday and not feel guilty. You need to be able to enjoy yourself on vacation and not feel like you fell off the wagon. You shouldn’t have to make a separate meal for yourself than you do the rest of the family. I teach clients how to enjoy food guilt free while still maintaining their goals.
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.
Danielle Palladino:
My skincare routine is like my gym routine, in order to see results you have to be consistent. That’s why I love having a membership at Ovme. I get a facial or peel every month as well as a weekly vitamin B shot. Having expert eyes on my skin regularly helps me adapt to weather and hormone changes keeping it healthy all year around. I have the best hairdresser, Joe Klasen who not only gives me great cut and color but guides me on best products to use to keep my hair healthy.
Namita Nayyar:
The Athleisure brands you love to wear?
Danielle Palladino:
Comfort is the most important part in deciding what to wear when I work out. Nike, Athleta and Lululemon have nailed this.
Namita Nayyar:
Tell us five travel destinations you wish to visit?
Danielle Palladino:
Travel is very important to me. Experiencing and understanding other cultures is invaluable. I have been fortunate to have traveled to over 35 countries. Greece, Japan, Iceland, Thailand and Morocco are next on the list.
I am looking forward to Tulum in fall of 2022 when Jaclyn Stapp and I hold a fitness retreat. It is a Mind, Body, and Soul Interfuse. Bringing people together to not just reconnect with themselves but to connect with nature and others. If interested go to bethechangefit.com for details.
Namita Nayyar:
Five things you always carry in your bag when going for a fitness routine or to a gym facility?
Danielle Palladino:
Water, air pods, phone for my music and BE fit app where my workout is uploaded to, protein and bands.
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Danielle Palladino:
Five Foods I love: Egg whites (have had for breakfast every day for 10 years)
, All seafood, love fish, scallops, sushi, Filet, Dark chocolate, Homemade warm bread, and Halo Top Ice creamFive Foods I keep to a minimum: Pasta, Bananas, Smoothies, Rib-eye and anything processed.
Namita Nayyar:
An ideal date?
Danielle Palladino:
To me food and laughter is the best. Going out to dinner where we order lots of dishes on the menu to share followed by a comedy show.
Namita Nayyar:
You conduct popular “Be The Change” – a fitness coaching program on your website https://bethechangefit.com/the-program. Tell us more about this endeavor of yours?
Danielle Palladino:
Be the Change is a fitness program that allows people to build strong bodies and minds. She is passionate about helping others become the best version of themselves, so she created a program that’s not about restriction or self-punishment in the gym. Instead, it’s focused on creating positive change to achieve sustainable and long-lasting results.
This program is 100% virtual and it’s so well-designed it will become an effortless part of your life. Danielle doesn’t only provide effective systems; she also holds people accountable and supports them in the process of getting results. There are no fad diets involved no fasting or cheat meals, and no endless hours in the gym.
The Be the Change program provides something more valuable than that; a 3-step system and a holistic fitness solution tailored to your goals and lifestyle. The system consists of eating in a calorie deficit and learning to be in tune with your body; movement and science-based knowledge to understand your efforts and improve your habits; and creating a strong, resilient mindset.
Danielle’s fitness program is one of the most effective ways to lose weight, with clients shedding 5 to 10 pounds a month. However, the results go way beyond that. You will also benefit from balanced hormones, better sleep, increased energy, improved self-esteem and confidence, improve mood and libido, lower stress levels, and overall, a better life.
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding fitness trainer girls, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of fitness training?
Danielle Palladino:
In any industry, being distinct means being different – and the best way to be different is to be yourself. There is only one of you in all of creation. Easier said than done, because when you learn who you are and start having success YOUR way, there will be scrutiny and expectation (the two tyrants of leadership).
You cannot be extraordinary and ordinary at the same time. If you choose to be the former, the best and easiest way to do it is by knowing yourself, being yourself and developing the tools to handle/deal with critics.
Namita Nayyar:
Fitness Modeling and Physique Competition involves doing bold photo-shoots. How are you so body confident and advice to your compatriots?
Danielle Palladino:
Like anything, prepare and bring your best. Don’t compare yourself to others, always go out feeling amazing and know you are bringing your best. Enjoy the moment because years from now you will look back and think, “Wow, I can’t believe I did that!” Your family and friends are sure to be proud.
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and its message for its visitors?
Danielle Palladino:
The website is full of great information and insights. I think the best message I can give anyone is to start reading and implementing consistently. Figure out what works for you and what don’t – keep coming back and testing the strategies and tactics shared here.
Namita Nayyar:
Today social media plays a vital role in putting your message across to your followers and fans. What is the message for your followers on Instagram?
Danielle Palladino:
Not to strive for perfection, it doesn’t exist. Strive for consistency. Doing the little things consistently every day is what will get you results. If the perfect body came in a bottle everyone would be fit.
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2024 Women Fitness