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Dunnebells 8 Week Program Is Here To Make You Fit! Check Out Our Review!

Transforming the bodies, minds and lives of women worldwide and raising a ton of money for charities at the same time!

This program contains all the tools you need to become the best version of yourself! The best part about it?

You are stuck with its incredible Founder Lucy Dunne to hold you accountable and to ensure you are always moving closer towards achieving your fitness goals.

Each program is customized so that you are ensured you have exactly what YOU need to be successful.

What Do You Get?


You will gain exclusive access and instructions to all the workouts required for this program. Gain confidence on the equipment and learn all the technical movements required to maximize your time spent performing each motion.


Customized easy to follow macronutrient numbers for you to follow during this program. Sample meal plans, grocery lists, tips and tricks are just a few of the goodies you will receive during your journey.


Accountability is generally the missing piece when it comes to fitness so this program ensures you never feel unmotivated, unsupported or unsure! There is a weekly check in questionnaire that focuses on your fitness goals along with your mindset so that we can work together and guarantee your on the right path. Additionally, a weekly phone call/video call is available so that you can discuss everything in greater detail and have the support you need.

4. 24/7 SUPPORT

You are able to call, text or email me any time so you never feel like you’re alone on this journey.


Access to private groups, discussions and other exclusive offers from incredible partners.

All of this for only $149.00!

You will be shown how to love weight training instead of fearing it. You will enjoy your new balanced, flexible lifestyle. We can have Sunday brunch and afternoon peanut butter snacks. Join her in looking like a babe while she does all of these things.

Next Round Begins Nov 11, 2017, Enroll yourself in now!
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