@simon_j_morton on Instagram
British model and Instagram influencer Eliza Rose Watson is here to break stereotypes. A strong believer of age is no bar, she believes that the modelling industry is now changing and there is no limit to where you can reach.
Women Fitness President joins the stunning beauty Eliza Rose Watson on her journey to stardom.
Namita Nayyar:
You are an extremely talented model. Walk us through your spectacular journey and tell us how it all began?
Eliza Rose Watson:
Well thank you, it is more the photographers I work with really! But going back to the question – I’d had modelling experience when I was younger, then drifted away from it to pursue a different career. I’d always kept up a fitness regime, but by chance I visited a new gym and bumped into a fitness photographer. I thought at that time I was ‘past it’ in terms of modelling – I was in my late 20s, and I suppose I had that narrow minded belief that only those younger than me could start a modelling career. But I went for it anyway, thinking ‘what have I got to lose?’ and did my first fitness shoot at 28 years old. I am very glad that the industry proved my belief wrong. I feel I am a better model now at nearly 31, than I could have been when I was younger, as I am more comfortable in myself, and more body positive than I was before.
@simon_j_morton on Instagram
Namita Nayyar:
Your Instagram bio says “gym rat”. In these tough times, how are you managing to do your gym workouts?
Eliza Rose Watson:
I guess the Instagram bio says it all – I have always been into fitness, so it comes naturally to me to try and maintain this in tough times. I see fitness as medicine for my mind more than anything, and with all this uncertainty, fitness is my only constant. So this is all the motivation I’ve needed to maintain a regime.
It has taken some improvisation though! When it comes to resistance exercise, I like to train heavy in the gym, so it has been a learning curve to swap my low rep, heavy weight workouts to routines using lighter weights like those I have at home, for more reps. I also find it very difficult to train in the same place as I relax, eat and sleep (my home) and so I have taken to dragging my kit outdoors, and see this as a bit of a warmup. I’m now getting used to it and I find training in the fresh air outside really beneficial – so much so I will miss it when our gyms finally reopen!
Full interview is continued on next page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2020 Women Fitness
@simon_j_morton on Instagram
Namita Nayyar:
Introduce us to a day in your life- At work and at home?
Eliza Rose Watson:
A typical day for me needs to start with a glass of lemon water with apple cider vinegar, then fresh coffee! After the coffee, the day can begin 🙂 I like to begin my day with meditation. I have a simple 15-20 minute practise only, but it really helps to clear my mind and ready me for the day ahead. On days off from shooting, I’ll spend the morning answering messages on my subscription site, then get my body moving in the gym (or these days, in the forest by my home!). I’ll post some pictures for my subscribers, and then give my social media some attention. Of an evening, I would usually see friends, but these days my quarantine companions are my two cats who are great cuddle company.
When I am shooting, I’ll pack some snacks (because when I am hangry, it shows in my images..) and travel to a studio. Modelling is harder than it looks when it comes to anything fitness related, it is almost like a constant pilates class – there is lots of tensing and flexing while I pose, so I am pretty exhuasted post shoot. I am a real home girl, and will usually cook myself some dinner and chill with a good book (and of course post on my Instagram!).
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine that you may like to share?
Eliza Rose Watson:
When it comes to resistance training, I have no crazy exercises to share that you guys won’t have heard of before, I’m afraid! But I was taught that the simplest exercises are usually the most effective, and I have found this to be true. I stick to big compound movements at the beginning of my routines, and will go heavy on these. My favourites for my lower body are squats and deadlifts, and for my upper body, presses and rows. After these come isolation movements – like many others out there, I focus a lot on my glutes, as well as my shoulders, aiming for a sculpted hourglass look. I also like to give attention to my mid back, for postural reasons – there is nothing worse than noticing hunched shoulders in a pose after I see the results of a photoshoot, and was told that if I only focus on the bigger muscle groups in my back and neglect the smaller ones, this can happen as a result.
For cardio, I find endurance training hard as I get bored so fast! So I opt for HIIT over steady cardio most of the time. For my HIIT workouts, I switch it up a lot to try to keep my body challenged. I begin with sprints, and then circuits of a few upper body focused movements, a few lower body, and of course abs.
Namita Nayyar:
Share the diet that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit? 5 foods you absolutely love.
@simon_j_morton on Instagram
Eliza Rose Watson:
Again, I feel I should come up with some crazy diet as an answer, but I’ve tried them all and have found the best one to be the most boring – a healthy balanced diet consisting mostly of wholefoods, ensuring I hit my protein requirements with each meal. I want to be real here though – I certainly don’t live on boiled chicken, rice and broccoli. I have learned the hard way that if I don’t treat myself and loosen the reigns now and again, and if my food is not tasty as well as functional, this can leave me feeling deprived and can lead to bingeing.
My five absolute favourite foods – this is tricky as I am a real foodie! But my day to day staples are shredded chicken (with plenty of seasoning), sweet potato, and avocado, and for my sweet tooth greek yoghurt with agave syrup. I can’t stick to this type of eating every day of course, so for my more relaxed days such as meals out with friends or when I feel I need some comfort food, a classic carbonara is my absolute favourite, finished with some ice cream!
Namita Nayyar:
Your daily haircare and skincare routine?
Eliza Rose Watson:
My skin is very sensitive and my complexion can become problematic if I use the wrong product, which can of course become a nightmare for photoshoots. I find the best way to avoid any skin dramas is to keep my skincare routine simple (I am really failing you with the crazy diets, routines, or beauty products here right). I go for as natural products as I can where possible. When I’ve been wearing photographic makeup I use a 2 step cleansing method, removing makeup with cotton pads and micellar water and then follow up with a natural face cleanser. I then use hyularonic acid mixed with a moisturiser. One of my favourite brands is Facetheory. I remove eye makeup with pure almond oil and I find this also conditions my lashes, and occasionally drench my hair with it too and leave overnight. I basically use almond oil for everything be it cooking, haircare, makeup removal and also on shoots to enhance my abs!
@simon_j_morton on Instagram
Namita Nayyar:
With over 222K Followers, give us 5 tips to grow your Instagram account?
Eliza Rose Watson:
When I started my Instagram I was always looking for the ‘quick fix’ to grow my followers. I always focussed on the numbers and became frustrated when all the ‘tricks’ and ‘hacks’ I found didn’t work. When I gave up on trying to grow it, and just began to enjoy posting for the sake of posting, that was when my Instagram began to grow. So here are five things I have learned..
1. Post quality content! This is the number one tip. People scroll instagram in seconds, and so that is all you have to make your post stand out from the rest. It takes time to create a good post, sure. But that time and effort will increase your chances of being noticed, and followed.
2. Be consistent! I try my hardest to post every day, and update my story. The accounts with far larger followings than mine all do this, and it makes sense – Instagram will give more attention to you, if you are seen to be consistently active.
3. Share the love! A lot of other accounts will also be trying to grow, so find accounts of a similar type with a similar following, and suggest a ‘story for story’. You each mention eachother in your story, and share the exposure you both get from popping up on eachother’s pages. There is nothing to be lost from supporting someone else, and a lot to be gained.
4. Engage! I do always try to reply the comments on my posts, and also where possible answer direct messages. By doing this, you’re encouraging your followers to engage more back with you and comment more, and the more engagement on your account, the better.
5. Enjoy it! As I said above, it can be easy to focus on growth and numbers and become disheartened. I have tried a lot of ‘tricks’ and ‘quick fixes’ to grow my account, but really the best way I have found is simply to enjoy creating and posting, be consistent, and be patient. My account will not double its following overnight and has taken over a year of daily posts, interaction, networking, and creating, to get to where it is today, and it will no doubt take another year before it grows substantially more. So I feel it is best to live ‘in the moment’ with your Instagram – make every post count and keep it fun!
Namita Nayyar:
Share with us a HIIT home workout that works great for your body?
Eliza Rose Watson:
I am not sure what is harder, picking my 5 fav foods or my single favourite HIIT workout! But this format tends to work for me:
1. Warmup, 5 min steady jogging
2. 10 mins of sprints: 20 seconds on, 20 seconds rest.
3. A circuit comprising of 4 exercises, alternating between muscle groups worked, using a 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off format with a 40 second rest after each circuit. An example might be:
a) Box jumps (or park bench jumps, or garden furniture jumps, whatever your quarantine situation allows!)
b). Mountain climbers
c) Pushup to plank
d) High knees
Rinse and repeat 4 times! I like to keep my HIIT short and sweet because I feel it’s easier to push as hard as you can, when you know the workout will be over before you have time to complain about it!
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and upcoming models who all are your fans? 5 tips to work upon their skills.
Eliza Rose Watson:
I am honoured to even think I have aspiring models look up to me really. But if there indeed are any, my 5 tips would be :
1. The industry is not what it used to be! If you’re there thinking ‘I’m too [big/small/old/young/tall/short] etc’, ignore that thought – all ages, shapes, and sizes of model can be successful these days! I thought I was too old, and also too short, but here I am modelling full time as a career. As long as you are passionate about what you do, and you’re prepared to work hard, you will achieve your goal!
2. Don’t compare yourself to others. One thing I made the mistake of doing when I began was looking at other women’s photographs and trying to copy their poses, and comparing my own look and physique to theirs. The truth is, everyone’s body is different, moves differently, and looks different in the same pose. I for one, cannot model high fashion! I do not have the legs, or the height, or the grace! But I CAN model fitness and my body also suits glamour, so that’s what I do. I have found it much better to simply do what works for me, and embrace my own unique features rather than compare them to other women. This has helped me relax into my own style and has been a huge source of body positivity for me.
3. When you are starting out, you will get many offers for collaborations all promising you the same thing. Be selective! If you are going to collaborate with a photographer or makeup artist, do your research first. Your time is precious and shouldn’t be given for free to just anybody. Do they have a large reach online? Will they help you gain exposure or really add to your portfolio? Do their photos stand out? if yes, go for it. If no, don’t feel obliged to say yes to anyone who offers you a collaboration – just because you are new, it doesn’t mean you should be working for free with anyone who asks.
4. If you are modelling freelance, like I have done, this should perhaps be number 1 – safety. This isn’t so much the case with an agency, but for a freelance model, it is up to you to do your due diligence on anyone who tries to book you. If anything feels ‘off’, trust your gut – it is better to be safe than sorry.
5. Network and make friends! Modelling can be a lonely job. We work mostly alone, travel a lot, and there are no staff parties or work do’s like with many other jobs. It has been really important to me to carve out friendships in this industry – it is a misconception that models are ‘stuck up’ and that it is a cut-throat industry. This is simply not the case, except in perhaps reality TV shows. Most other models I have met are some of the most down to earth, grounded people I know, and it has been fun to get to know others as well as beneficial for my own career in terms of taking part in events alongside other women, sharing advice and tips, and getting inspo!
@simon_j_morton on Instagram
Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? Tell us your circuit.
Eliza Rose Watson:
I have to keep it real here again and tell you that my abs are far more a result of diet than they are training. I could do 100 situps a day and it would make little difference in comparison to eating the right foods and consistently following an all-round fitness regime. Compound movements all involve core work, and I make sure to include a core exercise or two in every HIIT circuit. These keep my abs strong but in order for them to show, this is down to diet. I avoid processed foods where possible, and stick to wholefoods for about 80% of my daily intake of food.
My abs are also hormonal! Once a month, for about a week, they literally disappear. This is literally due to water retention before my time of the month. For this reason I also ensure I drink enough water! I have found staying hydrated in order to avoid retaining water is key if I want my abs to pop and I ensure to hit 2-3litres especially a couple of days before a shoot. If I don’t get enough water, which realistically is not always possible especially when travelling, I do notice a difference in the definition in my tummy!
Namita Nayyar:
Five key factors to follow while preparing for a photo shoot.
Eliza Rose Watson:
1. Sleep! If I haven’t slept adequately, it will show in my eyes, skin and energy levels. For the best results from a shoot, I need to give it 100% of my energy. Sure there is photoshop but nothing really beats naturally glowing skin and bright eyes. All the products in the world are no match for a good night’s sleep.
2. Eat! Sadly, I have known people who believe it is best not to eat before a shoot. Like lack of sleep, if my body hasn’t got the nutrients it needs, my skin and eyes will be dull, your energy levels will be low, and I will be cranky! Essentially I won’t produce the same quality of images – no amount of photoshop can hide that. I always bring food to shoots and snack every 2-3 hours on a shoot if not more!
3. I always come prepared with outfits and makeup bag even if both makeup artist and stylist are present on a shoot. Might be overkill, but is better to be overprepared than find yourself not quite fitting an item or not having the right makeup product. If I feel like the clothes I am wearing don’t fit, or that my makeup is wrong, I am less comfortable in myself and won’t work to the best of my ability.
4. Arrive early. I feel like it is important to have some time to chat and build a rapport with the people I’ll be working with before a shoot starts. The right vibe is as important as the right makeup and outfits!
5. If it’s a fitness based shoot, I will always bring my minibands, and allow myself time to warm up my muscles. This can really enhance the visibility of my abs as well as giving the rest of my muscles more of a pumped look through a shoot, and also gives me a burst of energy.
Namita Nayyar:
Share a few words about the website Womenfitness.net and message for our visitors?
Eliza Rose Watson:
Before giving this interview, I had a browse of WomenFitness.net and am really pleased that there are some realistic and evidence based magazines out there for women! There is a lot of hype and BS on the internet when it comes to fitness, but I feel WomenFitness.net covers all bases from nutriton to exercise in a real and scientific way, with interviews by real people and articles by qualified professionals. I love it!
Follow her journey on:
This interview is exclusively taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2020 Women Fitness