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5 Exercises to Define Your Deltoids

In this article we talk about the triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint.

Your shoulders are composed of the larger deltoid muscles—anterior, medial, posterior—and smaller rotator cuff muscles that support the ball and socket joint. The deltoid muscles are the prime mover of arm abduction—moving the arm away from the body—along the frontal plane. The front (anterior) muscles are involved in shoulder abduction when the shoulder is externally rotated—think lateral raises with your thumbs turned up. The anterior deltoid also works with the subscapularis, pectorals, and lats to internally rotate the humerus bone, effectively turning your thumbs in and towards the center of the body so your palms face back.

To sculpt sexy shoulders, it’s critical to develop all three heads of the muscle. Doing so will help you achieve those sexy, round shoulders, which are a universal sign of fitness. Conversely, if all the heads are not developed, you can look flat from one or more angles. Strengthening all three heads is essential for injury prevention. Since all the shoulder muscles work together, leaving one under or overdeveloped, might leave you vulnerable to shoulder injury as well as discomfort in adjoining muscles like the back and neck.

 Do not use the same exact movements every time your train shoulders in order to prevent overuse injury.
  1. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

  1. Lateral Raises

  1. Front Raises

  1. Rear Deltoid Cable Rows

  1. Seated Top-Hold Dumbbell Presses

Training Essentials

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