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Eye Muscle Stimulation: An Option For Treating Presbyopia

Presbyopia is a refractive error which results from ciliary muscles becoming too weak and developing lack in range of motion to alter the curvature of your eye lens. It generally occurs after the age of 40, when the lens of the eyes become more rigid and does not flex as easily.

Increasing incidence in presbyopia is a result of  people living in modern society never view anything far away! They don’t live out in the country, in other words, they’re not looking at something a mile away. No mountains are even visible in most cities, and peoples’ vision is focused entirely on things that are close. So their ciliary muscles are “locked” in a state of constant contraction. This causes these muscles to tighten, just like your leg muscles if you never stretch out from time to time. Also the increasing use of mobile texting devices, cell phones, iPads, portable gaming devices and computer monitors prevent ciliary muscles from having any range of motion at all.

Due to lack of exercise (i.e. focusing on things at various distances), your ciliary muscles get flabby while also losing range of motion and then your eye lenses can’t achieve the focus they’re supposed to. So instead of the light rays striking your retina where they’re supposed to, they may strike a point inside your eyeball a quarter inch in front of your retina instead. Resulting in Presbyopia.

Healthy vision can be restored through simple exercises that you can do at home, in just a few minutes a day, using only your eyes and a simple tool – a pair of pinhole glasses. They’re like exercise machines for your eyes. You simply wear them for a few minutes a day, then walk around and look at stuff. This happens because the pinhole glasses are made with hundreds of tiny holes that change the light entering your eyes from an overpowering mass of light rays to a collection of lower-intensity, distinct light rays that effectively give your eyes a more “organized” pattern on which to focus.

Looking through the pinholes, exercises the muscles that control the shape of your lens, and as those muscles become stronger (over a period of several days and weeks), they become more capable of focusing light in the proper place on your retina. This means no more blurry vision.

Another exercise, Simply look at something on your desk, then look at something outside your window that’s far, far away (ideally, at the horizon). Alternate this process several times, then rest your eyes, and then repeat. Do this daily for a few minutes each day.

With added nutritional support for eye health (lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin and so on), these exercises can, over time, enhance the range of motion of your ciliary muscles and eye lenses. With these exercises, you may discover that you are able to reduce the intensity of your prescription glasses, step by step, until one day you don’t need them at all.

Recently, another option uncovered is treating Presbyopia with Electrostimulation. This painless technique uses electric signals to “exercise” the eye muscle that controls your close-up vision. One of the benefits of this technique is that it does not require surgery. This is a distinct advantage over invasive refractive surgery for treating presbyopia.

The study’s researchers treated 46 people who had mild presbyopia with electrostimulation. The researchers found that the procedure improved patients’ near vision by a little more than 2-1/3 inches. In addition, their overall near and intermediate vision increased by almost one line on the eye chart. Researchers also noticed the participants’ lens thickness increased, as well as a positive change in the curvature of their lenses. Distance vision, however, was not affected.

The length of benefit from electro-stimulation varied among the study participants. Some people needed treatment every two months to maintain near vision, while others maintained near vision for almost four months without treatment.

Note: The device has not been submitted for FDA approval. The researchers say that studies with longer patient follow-up should be done to confirm their findings.

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