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“Good” Bacteria Significant In Weight Management

In recent decades the traditional three meals at home pattern has been replaced by snacking, junk foods and takeaways, contributing towards weight gain. This has been compounded by a decline in physical activity with expanding car ownership and new forms of home-based entertainment.

What has been further ignored is the  importance of thorough mastication and regular bowel movements. Constipation, exemplified by a bloated abdomen, has been closely linked with obesity and could be avoided by means of regular habits, abdominal exercises and a high fibre diet.

When food is not chewed to a creamy consistency, it is left undigested and most of it inevitably turns into toxic waste. When food is eaten without chewing, toxins are consumed instead of nutrients. For optimal health we need to have 80-85% of “good” bacteria in our intestines. Friendly bacteria manufacture many essential nutrients for our body, including vitamin K, B-vitamins, numerous helpful enzymes and other vital substances. Such “good” or Aerobic bacteria thrive in the presence of oxygen and require it for their continued growth and existence. In absence of enough oxygen in the cells of our body, “bad” bacteria take over and begin to thrive, causing an extreme amount of infections and disease. The pathogenic bacteria are anaerobic, and cannot tolerate gaseous oxygen. Taking care of our intestinal flora is vitally important! “Good” bacteria could be easily destroyed with countless factors, such as antibiotics, poor diet, overeating, stress, etc.

It has been researched that in the intestines of the healthiest individuals the ratio of “good” to “bad” bacteria is usually maintained at 85:15. It is interesting that healthy natural soil has the same ratio of bacteria as healthy human intestines. Having 15% of “bad” bacteria is essential to maintaining a strong immunity. According to multiple studies, in reality most people have a reversed version of this ratio. They usually have approximately 90% “bad” bacteria and only 10% “good” bacteria living in their bowels.


Bad bacteria and many other harmful microorganisms thrive in an acidic bodily environment (produced by sugar, wheat, meat), so  consume a diet consisting largely of alkaline-producing foods (fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouted grains and nuts).


Lifestyle factors to promote development of “Good Bacteria “

The above lifestyle and dietary changes can help restore good bacteria in your colon and prevent un-wanted weight gain.


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