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Herbs to Melt Away Cellulite

Cellulite is the other name for that bumpy, puckered and dimpled irregularities of fat collection under the skin. Cellulite occurs when collagen bands under the skin pull down, causing hills of fat to push up – resulting in that infamous dimpled appearance.

Chances are the problem is genetic and lies with the x- chromosome (only women have this which would explain why men don’t get cellulite). While all this may mean cellulite isn’t your fault, reducing its appearance is within your control. From a medical standpoint, topical Aminophylline cream has been helpful for some people. The preparation is applied to the affected area twice a day to reduce cellulite in some people. Aminophylline cream is available only through medical prescription so do not go out searching in the local chemist shops.

It is a result of weak skin cells and connective tissue. The key in repairing cellulite is to consume adequate amounts of skin-strengthening nutrients such as glucosamine, amino acids, lecithin, essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

FDA approved Cellulaze, a one-time laser treatment for cellulite, but before you opt for the laser option why not try the herbal treatment.

There are certain herbs that can assist in flushing the dreaded “cottage cheese’’ appearance.

Finally, strengthening the skin fibres, plumping the skin’s surfaces and breaking down the stubborn fat and toxins deposits, can help minimize the look of cellulite.

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