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Catnip – Nepeta cataria

Other Names: Catmint, Catnep, Chi Hsueh Tsao (Chinese), Field Balm

It is a mild antibacterial. Chew the fresh leaves for a headache or toothache.
It helps stomach aches by calming the nerves. Catmint is a mild relaxing herb. Very suitable when you feel like staying home to relax, listen to some music and let all your stress float away. It has a nice flavor. Cats seem to like it too, when they eat it they apparently become very excited. This is an excellent herb for children and will help calm them during the trials of teething, colic and restlessness. When given for colds and fevers, it helps the person get the rest that they need. Catmint has it major action on the digestive system and also has a relaxing effect through its 3rd and 4th chakra activity. A tincture makes a good friction rub for rheumatic and arthritic joints, and, as an ointment, teats hemorrhoids.

It produces a comfortable, relaxed high-feeling and stimulates the imagination.

For tea, take 25 grams and boil it together shortly with 1 liter of water. Let it steep for 15 minutes and then add honey or whatever you like to improve the taste. Smoking Catmint is not recommended.

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