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Parts Used – Root.

Sarsaparilla is anti-inflammatory and cleansing, and can bring relief to skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, and itchiness, and help treat rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. It has a tonic and specifically testosterogenic action on the body, leading to increased muscle bulk, and it has a potential use for impotence. Sarsaparilla also has a progesterogenic action, making it beneficial in premenstrual problems, and debility and depression associated with menopause. In Mexico, the root is still frequently consumed for its reputed tonic and aphrodisiac properties. Native Amazonian peoples take sarsaparilla to improve virility and to treat menopausal problems.

Blood purifier; breaks down uric acid; good for liver problems, rheumatism, skin disorders, hormone excesses, inflammation and gas; a natural steroid; produces testosterone, estrogen, cortisone, and progesterone; use with ginseng for body builders; good for psoriasis and other eruptive skin disorders; antidote for poisons; diuretic; increases metabolism and perspiration; stimulates breathing when one is congested; aids circulation to rheumatic joints; produces anabolic hormones; helps women produce natural progesterone

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