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5 Immunity Building Exercises For Women At 50

A moderate active lifestyle is most beneficial for building a strong immune system at any age and especially at 50. Taking up any physical activity like, walking, swimming, jogging, yoga etc for most days of the week will help to ward off building up of toxins. 

Starting a New Routine 

  1. Brisk walking: The older we get, the more susceptible we become to infections and inflammatory diseases. A daily fitness walk is the best activity for everyone but even more specifically for people above the age of fifty years to build a strong immune system. You will be on your way to a much healthier you with walking, lowering your risk for heart disease and diabetes, stroke, cancer, osteoporosis, anxiety, cognitive decline and depression. You will have a stronger back, healthy weight and less inflammation. Just walking 20 – 40 minutes a day can boost metabolism even when keeping the caloric intake, the same.
  2. Cycling: The Thymus gland in our body makes immune cells called T-cells that begin to shrink with time, typically after the age of 20. But in women who are cyclists, the production of T cells is more. Regular cycling helps preserve muscle mass and strength with age while maintaining stable levels of body fat and cholesterol. According to the scientists, cycling can help keep the immune system young too. In fact, cycling can keep your immunity high into your 80s. Even higher than adults who maintained a sedentary lifestyle in their mid-20s found the most recent study.
  3. Swimming:  Swimming is a low impact form of exercise and is idle for women over 50. It provides a great cardiovascular workout as well as a workout for the whole body including the arms, back and shoulders. According to a study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. staying immersed in cold water for one hour, three times a week and found significant increases in white blood cell counts, attributed to cold water being a mild stressor which activates the immune system, meaning fewer colds.
  4. Strength Training: If you are new, meet a certified trainer.  The trainer can help you identify the best types of strength-training moves for you. The trainer can also show you how to properly perform the exercises. Consider the following types of strength- or resistance training: weight machines, exercises with your body weight, resistance bands. 
  5. Yoga: It’s difficult for our body to keep the pathogens at bay when the immunity levels are down in women with age & people around us are sneezing and coughing. Yoga, perhaps, is one of the most effective and time-tested natural immunity boosters that we can adopt for a healthier life. It is an ancient art that strengthens the body and relaxes the mind. Regular practice of asanas like, Shishuasana (Child pose), Setu Bandhasana (Bridge pose), Halasana (Plow pose), pranayama, Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), Dhanurasana (Bow pose), Matsyasana (Fish pose) is beneficial.  To increase immunity, asanas that increase energy flow to the neck region should be practiced.


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