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J.A. Steel: Award Winning Filmmaker & Actress Reveals Her Fitness & Success Story


J.A. Steel is an American writer, director, producer, editor, stunt person and actress best known for her role as C. Alexandra Jones in The Third Society. Steel was born Jacquelyn A. Ruffner in Greensburg, Pennsylvania and raised in Harrison City. Her acting began at age seven when she appeared in numerous school plays (most which she had written) and continued until she received a scholarship of a summer theatre program at age 14.

Steel’s career in the entertainment industry began at the age of 18 when she began managing bands and promoting rock shows, during the time she was attending the USC School of Cinematic Arts on a partial scholarship, and graduated from USC in 1992 with a Degree in Social Science and Communications. Shortly after graduating, she accepted a job as a production assistant for martial arts action star Sho Kosugi (Revenge of the Ninja, Black Eagle) Sho promoted her to Vice-President Development within six months.

In early 1993, Steel left Sho Productions to start her own company, Warrior Entertainment. The company’s main focus was on music management and in 1995, Steel negotiated the first contract ever between an American artist, Sasha Alexeev, and a Taiwanese record company, Rock Records. Alexeev’s album, Wintertales, was released in 1996.

During her two-year hiatus, Steel traveled extensively in Asia and even lived for a brief time in Singapore. Upon her return to the United States, she re-entered the entertainment industry and began planning her first feature from a screenplay that she had written in 1996. The screenplay, entitled Triad, was about an ex-motorcycle racer turned cop Cody Reynolds and his Asian partner, Michael Li. Cody’s girlfriend in the film was a vice-detective by the name of Sanchez.Steel sent out the script, but development executives claimed it was “too ethnic.” Sanchez became Jones. The executives were still not satisfied and wanted even more changes. In protest, Steel got rid of Cody’s character completely and changed the Los Angeles Police Department captain from the 50-year-old male stereotype to an African-American woman played by Sonya Eddy. Jones became the main character, the film title changed; and The Third Society was made.

Steel found herself both in front of and behind the camera writing, directing, producing, editing and starring in the film. She adopted the name J.A. Steel to direct, write and edit under. The “Jones” character in the final cut of The Third Society went uncredited, as Steel never originally intended to play the “Jones” character.

Steel races motorcycles, skydives, handles swords, competes in Muay Thai kickboxing, is a Master SCUBA Diver, and holds 22 marksmanship awards with various weapons. She spent two years in Army ROTC. Steel went on to write, produce, direct, edit, perform stunts and star in two more action feature films: the award winning Salvation in 2007 and Denizen. Steel also directed the short films Dive the Deep Blue and A Change of Plans. Salvation was shot using an Arriflex super 16mm camera.

Steel tapped into her music roots to write the song Angel Tonight for the soundtrack of The Third Society; and direct the music videos for Doesn’t Matter Anyway and It’s a Beautiful Day, both by the Emily O’Neary Band for The Third Society. She also collaborated with Edith Fung to create the music for the soundtrack of Dive the Deep Blue. Her third film Denizen was released in April 2010.

Awards won by J.A. Steel Films

Film Denizen Awards

  • 2010 Shriekfest Film Festival
    • Best song for warrior entertainment® for denizen “light of day” – finalist
  • 2010 Accolade Awards
    • Accolade award of merit for warrior entertainment® for Denizen
  • Accolade awards2010 Goldie Film Awards
    • Grand Goldie Film Award for Excellent Innovative Feature Film: Denizen
  • Goldie Film Awards
  • 2010 Park City Film Music Festival
    • Bronze Medal for Excellence for Denizen
  • Park City Film Music Festival2010 Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival
    • Glen Jensen – Best Actor in a Feature-Honorable mention

    Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival
    2010 Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival
    • Oklahoma soil feature – nomination

    2010 Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival
    • Best Sci Fi Feature – Nomination

  • Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival
    2009 Park City Film Music Festival
  • Silver Medal for Excellence for Denizen – the teaser trailer
    Park City Film Music FestivalFilm Salvation Awards
  • 2008 Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival
    • Oklahoma soil feature – 2rd place for salvation
  • 2008 Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival
    • Artists Soundtrack – 3rd place for salvation
  • 2008 Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival
    • Indie Auteur Actor – nominee for J.A. Steel – Salvation
  • Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival
    2008 Park City Film Music Festival• Bronze Medal for Excellence for Salvation
    2007 Park City Film Music Festival

    • Silver Medal for Excellence for Salvation – the trailer
    Park City Film Music Festival

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2016 Women Fitness

J.A. Steel is an American writer, director, producer, editor, stunt person and actress. Winner of several awards for her film making and as an actress. She is in conversation with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Your started acting at the age of seven years when you appeared in numerous school plays (most which you had written) and continued until you received a scholarship of a summer theatre program at the age of 14 years.You reached the pinnacle of success when you as a Director, Writer, Producer, Actress, Editor, Stunts & Fight choreographer, Producer of SoundTrack created the film “The Third Society”. Tell us about your journey that took you to where you are now in the world of acting and filmmaking?

Ms. J.A. Steel: I was always interested in writing and telling stories since I was very small. I got accepted to a summer theater program at a local college. It was the first time I had ever had used a video camera. The College had some teachers from New York to teach us and it was there I learned about screenwriting. I had already written several plays and a novel – but at 14 I wrote my first feature length screenplay.

Now, some 30 years later I have over 45 feature scripts on the shelf. I plan to spend the next 30 years making all of them. I just finished another edit of my fourth feature “Blood Fare” and I’m planning to start shooting another one of my scripts in April.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have selected a profession of being an actress in films that requires a lot of hard labor, technical soundness and excellence in different faculties to finally succeed, how do you achieve that?

Ms. J.A. Steel: Passion for the art. Passion for the craft. Passion for life and living. What an actress brings to a role ultimately is a culmination of life experience. The ability to show the audience the parts of your soul to reach out and draw them in to the character – you have to hold up a mirror to yourself and the audience. Technically, one can practice weapons and become proficient in stunts. Ultimately, in an action film it’s the eyes that do the acting and the eyes are the mirrors to the soul.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You are a leading actress, singer, producer, writer, editor and stunts & fight choreographer. How you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?

Ms. J.A. Steel: I really don’t know. I don’t think about. I just do it. I believe a lot in fate and destiny. Most of my life has just been a natural progression due to the course of living. Most people are afraid of dying – I’m afraid of not living.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have attended the 3 years of USC’s Filmic Writing program (1987-1990). How this education helped you in taking the role to creating successful films, being an actress and as a film writer?

Ms. J.A. Steel: It was interesting. The Filmic Writing Program tried to mold me into its version of Academy Award winning drama writer. That didn’t happen. At the end of my junior year – I was supposed to retake a practical filmmaking class called “290”. I didn’t. I changed my major to Anthropology my Senior year upon the recommendation of George Lucas and the Cinema School’s Dean Daley (who was head of the Production Program at the time). Having a film background and the views of a cultural anthropologist, I have the best of both worlds.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you shall like to share?

Ms. J.A. Steel: Running. Push ups. Sit-ups. More running. I have a jump rope I take with me wherever I go. Shadow boxing. Bag work. Before a project, I’ll build back up from one work out to two workouts a day. One morning. One evening.

If I’m between projects, I give myself a break. Exercise consists of walking. The level of fitness I have to maintain before and during a project – I have a tendency to get “burnt out”. Yes, I gain a bit of weight. But, I think it’s important people realize giving your body a rest is as important as the workout. My workout changes depending on my goals. Do I want to be healthy? Look a certain way? Or when I was fighting – it was training to win.


Ms. Namita Nayyar: Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Ms. J.A. Steel: My diet varies in accordance with my workout. When I’m at my peak performance – it’s chicken, fish, rice, fruit yogurt smoothies and no processed food.

Everything is nearly organic. I am a fan of “clean” eating. On my “cheat” day – some sort of red meat. Back in my kickboxing days, I had a nutritionist formulate a special diet for my metabolism and body type.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Advice and motivational words for our inspiring and budding women actresses who all are your fans, what should they do for their climb to the ladder of success in field of acting?

Ms. J.A. Steel: Find your own voice. Walk your own path. Train and work with other actors as much as you can. Study great actresses whom you admire and incorporate pieces of their style into your own. And most of all, have fun! People can tell if you’re enjoying your work.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Tell us about the experience of working in the leading role in the film Salvation, where you are also being a Director, Writer, Producer, Editor and Stunts & Fight Choreographer?

Ms. J.A. Steel: Any time I’m in front of and behind the camera, it’s always hard. My biggest mistake was not accounting for the cold when we filmed. We had practiced our fight choreography in 70 degree weather in Salt Lake City, Utah – when we got to Muskogee, Oklahoma it was 36 degrees. I had accounted for the rain – but the weather was unseasonably cold – as a result, we froze during the sword fight scene in the graveyard. We had to speed the fight scene up in post.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have won 22 marksmanship awards with various weapons, including 2 expert qualifications with a M-16. Tell us about this endeavor of yours?

Ms. J.A. Steel: I started shooting .22 caliber rifles when I was about 3 years old. My Dad would hold the rifle and I would squeeze the trigger. Growing up in Pennsylvania, kids were always hunting and fishing. At 12 I joined the junior rifle team at a local gun club and became the club champion. When I was 15 (with 4 more club championships under my belt) I was invited to go to the Pennsylvania Junior Olympic Shooting Camp. I went. At 16 I became a Distinguished Expert Marksman and got invited to the Olympic Shooting camp to train for the 1988 Olympics. I declined. Training was expensive, there were no guarantees and I had my sights set on Film School. At USC I spent two years in Army
ROTC as part of the Trojan Battalion where I qualified Expert, twice.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Who has been your inspiration and motivation that led you to your success in the world of acting, directing, writing, producing, editing and being a stunts & fight choreographer in films?

Ms. J.A. Steel: There have been different people at different times. When I was little, it was George Lucas. Then I met him and realized he was just a guy. Now I draw inspiration from the people in my everyday life. They keep me going. Very recently, there is one in particular – but I’m not naming names.


Ms. Namita Nayyar: You wrote the song Angel Tonight for the soundtrack of The Third Society and directed the music videos for Doesn’t Matter Anyway and It’s a Beautiful Day, both by the Emily O’Neary Band for The Third Society. You also collaborated with Edith Fung to create the music for the soundtrack of Dive the Deep Blue.Tell us about this endeavor of yours in the world of music?

Ms. J.A. Steel: I always had a love for music. My Mom made me take clarinet lessons for seven years, but I never could really “hear” a song. In my early teens, I got a banjo and took to it immediately. When I started writing screenplays, I started writing the theme songs. I could transpose the banjo music to guitar, piano or any other instrument. It was really helpful when I started promoting and producing bands for soundtracks at USC Film School. I’m a better producer than I am a musician, so I found collaborating easy.

J.A. Steel on WomenFitness:  I think is fantastic! It has a lot of great information and advice for all body types and levels of fitness. Being healthy and fit is a lifestyle change.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: Your film “Denizen” won the 2009 Park City Film Music Festival Silver Medal for excellence in The Teaser Trailer category. Tell us about your experience working on this film?

Ms. J.A. Steel: I placed an ad in a local Salt Lake City Newspaper and was surprised at the result. I got a really great local band called “The Street” and their songs were perfect for the creating a driving emotional force for the characters. Janet Mayson, who was part of the “Salvation” crew and Mayor Greenwell in “Denizen” had a song called “Mid-Air” that she had written. I loved the song, so I used it. The original “Denizen” feature is the only film where I have no songs on the soundtrack. For the “Denizen” director’s cut on the internet, “Denizen: Descent”, I do have a few songs.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: With exceptional hard work you are credited with all your achievements. Do you believe that does the hand of Providence (Supreme Being) played a role in your success?

Ms. J.A. Steel: I definitely believe in a High Power/Fate/Destiny whatever one wants to call it. I have had tremendous setbacks both professionally and personally. Looking back, at times I don’t know how I got through certain situations – there had to be some divine intervention.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: What you wish to say about the website and message for its visitors?

Ms. J.A. Steel: I think is fantastic! It has a lot of great information and advice for all body types and levels of fitness. Being healthy and fit is a lifestyle change.

For me being healthy and fit is not always easy. Believe me, there are times I’d like to just have pizza and beer delivered. But, it’s nice to know there’s a website that offers insight to healthier alternatives. It’s never too late to be fit and healthy – and today is the perfect start! Thank you for having me and letting me share with your visitors!

To know latest about J.A. Steel check out at:  and

To know latest about J.A. Steel check out on her social networks:

Women Fitness Team thanks J.A. Steel for giving her valuable time for this interview and quenching the thirst of her fans to know more about her and made this interview happen.


All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2016 Women Fitness

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