From dancing professional ballet to teaching exercise and nutrition classes, to competing and placing in figure competitions, fitness has always been a big part of fitness expert and wellness coach, Janine Delaney’s life. Whether you are in your 20’s looking to put on some muscle, your 30’s looking to get your figure back after having kids, or even looking to shed those last few pounds as you enter your 40’s, she’s been there and knows exactly what it takes to make those changes in your life.
At the age of 49, Janine started her social media brand a little over one year ago and has successfully spread her words of encouragement and inspiration to nearly 2M followers across the globe.
She is a full-time Psychologist, wife of 20 years and mother to two teenage daughters. Janine is living proof that age is just a number and we are only as old as we allow ourselves to feel.
Women Fitness unveils its April Special Interview with the inspirational woman, Janine Delaney, who can make heads turn with her jump rope stellar performance.
Namita Nayyar:
Janine you are a doctorate in psychology, a qualification that must have involved relentless dedication and hard work. What attracted you towards this field of education and what role has it played in your own life?
Janine Delaney:
Getting my Doctorate in Psychology is one of the accomplishments in life I am most proud of. It was not always easy and there were times I felt like giving up, but I pushed through. One of the best pieces of advice I received was from my father, who told me my education was an investment in myself and something no one could ever take away from me. His words were what kept me motivated.
I choose the field of Psychology because of my fascination with the power of the human mind. To this day I remain a firm believer that our physical and mental well-beings are closely interconnected. We must take care of both in order to be our best. Understanding this connection has helped me get through all life’s challenges and also allowed me to live in the moment and be grateful for my blessings.
Namita Nayyar:
You have been a professional ballerina, are an exercise and nutrition specialist, a fitness influencer and hold multiple titles in NPC Figure Championships. With these feathers in your cap, share your journey up the hill?
Janine Delaney:
I love adventures and my life in fitness has certainly been a roller-coaster ride. It started as a child when I fell in love with ballet pretty much as soon as I was able to walk. From that moment on, I spent every waking moment escaping into my world of dance.
I danced professionally for many years and when it came time to give that up to pursue my education, I decided it was time to share my love of fitness with others and started teaching exercise classes. It was a great way to inspire other women and let me still feel connected to my childhood passion. Eventually as I grew a family of my own, I ventured into more individual endeavors and competed and placed in several figure competitions. I even joined an adult soccer team at the age of 45 without ever having played a team sport when I was younger. I am not going to say my foot skills were very good, but I was able to help out my team by being the fastest runner and running anyone off the field.
Then, just two years ago, as I was approaching the age of 50, I had the crazy idea to venture into the world of social media. My goal was to show people that age is just a number and you are only as old as you feel. The rest is history.
Namita Nayyar:
Being a home maker, a mother to two teenage daughters and an entrepreneur how do you balance juggling between these multiple roles?
Janine Delaney:
Great question and the answer is with great skill. It is not always an easy task, but I remember to try and live in the here and now and prioritise what is most important. I tell my daughters “Sometimes we have to work hard, but then we have a chance to play hard”. It’s all about keeping balance. Organization and planning are critical components of finding the time to fit everything in.
Namita Nayyar:
How would you describe your role as an aerobic instructor back in 80’s?
Janine Delaney:
The 80’s were such a great time to be involved in the fitness community. It was the time where people were finally recognizing the importance of taking care of themselves and diet and nutrition advice were hot commodities. I loved teaching and the energy I was able to pass on to my students. I will admit that I did look sort of funny with my leopard bodysuit, leg warmers and wavy permed hair, but everyone in my class had a great time and always came back for more. It was a memorable and invigorating time in my life.
Full Interview Continued On Next Page
All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting http:// www.womenfitness.net/ or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2018 Women Fitness
Namita Nayyar:
Your number one piece of parenting advice is to try and “not” fit in. According to you “The less we worry about what others think, the more we can follow our heart and chase our dreams.” Please Elaborate?
Janine Delaney:
In today’s society so much pressure is put on young girls to look or act a certain way. Social media with it’s false ideals, can often make these pressures even worse. I have always been proud of myself that as a young girl I never felt the need to follow the crowd and I lived my life and made decisions based on what felt good for me. This has been a wise choice and has served me well.
As the mother of teenage daughters, I share this belief with them and encourage them to be uniquely themselves. The more we can explore what we truly value and the less we rely on others to tell us what that is, the happier and more adjusted we are as adults.
Namita Nayyar:
At 49, women think it’s unbelievable to have a desirable fit physique. But you did accomplish the same by building your six-packs. Share how did you go about achieving the same?
Janine Delaney:
As we get older it is natural for our bodies to change, but that does not mean we can’t still strive to be the best version of ourselves. My number one secret to keeping a youthful figure is “consistency”. I know this sounds like simple advice, but for many people it is not easy to make a plan and stick with it.
I don’t believe in radical diets or fads, or self deprivation to keep to a certain weight. I believe in creating and sticking to a manageable and healthy diet and exercise routine that allows for the occasional guilty pleasure. Eat clean, treat yourself well and do everything in moderation. The basics work.
Namita Nayyar:
According to you Janine “Fitness is more than what we look like– it’s a mind, body, and soul connection. All of these components must work together to create the best version of yourself.” Women and young girls need to be educated about the same to avoid playing around with their body and trying shortcuts to achieve desired goals. Your say about the same?
Janine Delaney:
Fitness should not be focused solely on physical appearances. It is so much more than that. Fitness should be about living a healthy lifestyle so you can feel good and have the energy you need to do what you want in life, regardless of your age. “Fit is about Feeling Great”
Namita Nayyar:
At the age of 48 you decided to do something totally outside the norm from what your female peers were doing. Instead of fighting the aging process, you decided to use your lifetime experiences in fitness, to embrace your maturity and show others that age is just a number and we are only as old as we let ourselves feel. When was the first time you shared your fitness routine on social media and what was the response. Who suggested you this idea?
Janine Delaney:
I love this question because I often wonder what the driving factor was to start sharing my fitness lifestyle on social media. I believe it was pure intuition that others needed someone more like themselves to relate to. I felt I was anything BUT the typical fitness influencer and hoped that other moms, career women, even young girls who were looking for imperfect role models, would find value in what I had to say. It turns out I was right and my message now resonates with over 2 million men and women of all ages, from all parts of the world, making them feel like if I can do it, so can they.
Namita Nayyar:
Squeezing out time from a busy daily routine is not easy for many, besides women tend to drop out on not seeing results on the scale? What would be your advice for the same?
Janine Delaney:
It’s easy to set a goal, but it’s hard to stick to it. I always suggest to people when they are looking to stick to any goal, to go out and buy a journal. In that journal, write the answers to these five questions: (1) What is my goal (2) Why is this goal important to me (3) How will I feel once I reach this goal (4) What obstacles do I expect to face and (5) How will I feel if I give up? Then, when you hit a rough patch, which we all do, go back to that journal and read your answers. You will feel a renewed energy.
Namita Nayyar:
What’s your fitness routine especially while travelling?
Janine Delaney:
When I travel for pleasure I try not to be too regimented about my exercise routine. I consider this a break from life and an opportunity to spend quality time with family. Instead of scheduling gym time, we take advantage of outdoor activities we can do together, such as water sports and hiking.
When I travel for business, the jump rope is my life saver!
Namita Nayyar:
Diet you swear by? 5 foods that are essentially part of your weekly diet chart?
Janine Delaney:
I am creature of habit and my kids make fun of me all the time because I eat the same thing consistently, although when we go out to dinner I definitely vary the menu.
My favorites are: (1) Oatmeal with fresh berries and cashews for breakfast (2) Quest Protein Bars as my go to snack or post-workout (3) Almond butter on rice cakes as a mid-day snack, (4) grilled chicken over greens and (5) Sweet potato anything.
Namita Nayyar:
You have been labelled as “Jump Rope Queen”. Skipping rope is an excellent complete body workout, since when have you been doing it? Tips on how one can minimize injury while doing the same and gain maximum cardio & strength benefits?
Janine Delaney:
I started jumping rope at the age of 42 (8 years ago only). I am not a fan of running and jumping rope was a fun and challenging way to get my body moving. I quickly learned the benefits, particularly for the aging body, including: cardiovascular endurance, muscle development, increased libido and mental clarity to name a few.
Jumping rope actually burns more calories per hour than running, swimming or biking. It is also considered a low-impact activity, which lessens the stress on your joints and reduces the risk of injury. If you are learning to jump, it is important to make sure you have the right size rope for your height and good shock absorbent pair of sneakers. You will be amazed at how quickly it will help you loose belly fat and increase your energy levels.
Namita Nayyar:
5 best stretching exercises to overcome sedentary lifestyle stiffness?
Janine Delaney:
Stretching is crucial. Make sure to stretch ALL parts of your body. My favorites are:
- Touching your toes from a standing position
- Standing up quad stretch to loosen those ligaments
- Child’s pose for lower back
- Take a towel in both hands and raise it over your head slowly rotating as far back as you can. The closer your grip, the more difficult it is.
- Bending to each side from the waist
Namita Nayyar:
You have spent hours writing content for your motivational posts. Share your favourite quote you live by everyday?
Janine Delaney:
Success is when opportunity meets preparation. My translation: The most successful people are those who work hard and also have a bit of good fortune. If you have a goal in mind, don’t jut sit back, get prepared for when opportunity knocks at your door. Be ready!
Namita Nayyar:
Describe a day in the life of Janine Delaney?
Janine Delaney:
This could turn into a novel because let’s just say right NOW is the busiest time of my life. Not only am I continuing to work in my career as a Psychologist, but I am also juggling my new found passion in the work of social media. On top of that my two daughters are now teenagers, which means I spend a large majority of my day driving around, scouting colleges and teaching my oldest daughter to drive. Fortunately, my husband of 20 years is a wonderful partner in crime and shares the household responsibilities. Oh, and did I mention we also have two adorable little dogs and are in the process of building a new home.
So, in a nutshell, wake up, go, go go, sleep and repeat ?
Namita Nayyar:
What has being an influencer taught you about branding and marketing?
Janine Delaney:
Being considered an influencer is an odd word to me, because I am really just being myself. I think that is the number one lesson I have learned, truth and authenticity always come out on top. The most important thing any company or person can do when it comes to marketing, is to be true to their values and beliefs. I have never worked with a partner whose products I didn’t use myself first. There are many temptations out there any many people who will reach out to you. If you don’t believe in the product, don’t support it. It’s as simple as that.
Namita Nayyar:
Sometime back you partnered with a fitness app company to develop your very own training app that could be used by people all over the world for anywhere/anytime workouts. Are you happy with the results and how far has it been successful in fulfilling its purpose?
Janine Delaney:
I have a partnership with Fitplan App which allowed me to create my very own 12 Week Total Body Tone program people can follow along with from anywhere In the world. I designed the program based on the workouts I do myself. You don’t need a gym and there is a new workout every day.
This has been one of the most rewarding projects I have been involved in so far because each day I get messages from new members telling me how much they enjoy it. I have many moms just like me on the program who are so busy they find it difficult to squeeze a workout into their day. They love my plan because I make everything easy for them and it is geared for all levels. My favorite stories are when I see before and after photos and hear how my workouts have helped someone feel good about themselves again.
Namita Nayyar:
As your brand continues to grow, it must be challenging to juggle between your career and family. Your favourite holiday destination and tips to relax after a long day?
Janine Delaney:
My family and I enjoy travel immensely. We have travelled with our daughters from when they were babies. As a career mom, it has always been so important for me to take that time away and really enjoy my family. We try and go on one relaxing trip per year to a resort destination and then take a second, more adventurous vacation where we get to experience another culture. This year we went to St. Lucia and Ireland.
Namita Nayyar:
Post-workout skin & hair care routine?
Janine Delaney:
Good skin and haIr doesn’t happen magically, you have to put the time into it and stick to a regular routine. I always make sure to wash my face, neck and shoulders after a workout and cleanse with a cotton ball and astringent. I only wear make-up for special occasions so my skin can breath and I wash my hair twice a week to avoid drying it out. Of course, I am huge on sunscreen all year round and moisturizer before bed.
Namita Nayyar:
For last 19 years Women Fitness has been dedicated to serve women all over the world. Share your view about the website. Also, do share a message for your followers?
Janine Delaney:
I absolutely love Women Fitness. It is a magazine of substance with many well-rounded topics. I feel like it has something for everyone. I enjoy the variety of articles and even though I have been involved in the diet and exercise industry for years, even I find novel and interesting content. It is a great read, with engaging visuals and I always recommend it to my followers.
Follow Janine’s journey on:
All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting http:// www.womenfitness.net/ or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2018 Women Fitness