Jodi Tiahrt is a twice All Natural Drug-Free Fitness Olympian. She holds over 76 titles in fitness, figure, bikini, and sports model competitions, with 36 first place titles, and had competed in 42 fitness competitions and three times as Fitness Cover Model. She has been featured on the covers of Playboy Sweden, Maxim Australia, FHM Australia, and many other magazines.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Jodi Tiahrt an exceptionally talented, Fitness Model and Expert, here she talks about her fitness routine, her diet, her hair care, skincare, and her success story.
Namita Nayyar:
Where were you born and had your early education? How you were inclined to the world of health and fitness? You have been doing fitness modeling and competing for more than 20 years. You have been on the cover of the World-leading Magazines. This propelled your modeling career to the height where you have been at the top of the world of fitness, fashion, and glamour modeling. Tell us more about this fairy tale journey?
Jodi Tiahrt:
I was born and raised in Tyndall, South Dakota, USA. I started gymnastics and ballet at the age of 5 and started weight training on a regular basis at the age of 12. I have always loved how weight training made me feel which propelled my fitness career into competing and starting my own Nutrition Company and personal training/nutrition business.
Namita Nayyar:
It is dream come true for a model to feature in the iconic magazine “Playboy”. In December 2021, you were featured on the cover of Playboy Sweden. Elaborate on your experience working with Playboy and how it has been a catalyst to your meteoric rise as a glamour model?
Jodi Tiahrt:
Landing the cover of Playboy was a dream come true! It was an amazing experience to be part of the Playboy legacy and be considered one of the most iconic women in history.
Namita Nayyar:
You did a Bachelor of Science Degree in biology (Pre Med) with minors in chemistry and health science. Tell us more about this aspect of your career?
Jodi Tiahrt:
Pre-medicine was my undergrad degree. I continued on with my master’s in exercise physiology. Having a science background has helped me to understand the body and create customized diets and workouts for clients based on their chemistry. It also helped me to formulate 15 flavors of Crave protein bars that were nationally distributed throughout the US.
Namita Nayyar:
You have competed in 42 fitness competitions, 76 titles, and are a 2 time natural Olympian (drug-free). Tell us about your experience of winning any one of the titles that have memories embedded in your heart?
Jodi Tiahrt:
Yes I competed in a lot of competitions. I would say the most memorable is my very first competition and also winning the Natural Olympia twice. Remembering where I started and not knowing what I was doing, to having mastered the sport, is something I will never forget. It was more about the journey for me. I think it is important to remember that we all start at Day 1, not knowing what we are doing, but with persistence, dedication and repetition, anything is possible.
Namita Nayyar:
You have one of the most perfect chiseled sculpted physique. Women and Models of your age aspire to be just like you. Tell us the secret to this stunning personality?
Jodi Tiahrt:
Thank you for the compliment. Honestly, the key to any physique is to be consistent with your diet and training. You don’t need to be extreme with it. Eat a balanced diet full of protein, moderate carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Find an exercise routine you enjoy and stick with it. Limiting the sugar and alcohol you consume is a huge part of maintaining a great physique and skin.
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President of womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2022 Women Fitness
Namita Nayyar:
You are a leading media personality, model, Instagram sensation, fitness icon, fitness competitor winner, certified personal trainer, nutritionist, Pilate’s instructor, fitness pole dance instructor, Celebrity Trainer, Lifestyle Coach, Media Host, and Product Representative. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Jodi Tiahrt:
Time management is not always easy. Yes, I hold a lot of titles but I think it is also important to remember that as we evolve we put more energy into 1 or 2 things. For example, since Covid, I don’t train people in person but strictly online through custom diets and workout programs. I also put more time and energy into being a social media influencer and building my Jodi Tiahrt brand. Titles I held in the past will always be a part of my life, but as my career evolve my focus will be on building my brand.
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Jodi Tiahrt:
I love to run. However, because I have really bad plantar fasciitis, I have to cross-train to keep my feet healthy. I also circuit train 4-5 days a week. I don’t lift heavy weights anymore simply because I am not looking to put on any muscle but simply to stay toned and curvy.
Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Jodi Tiahrt:
I honestly don’t train abs very much. I do some weighted crunches and bicycle crunches when I circuit train, but my abs are made in the kitchen. The secret to abs is in your diet. Limit simple carbs, unhealthy fats, alcohol, and sugar.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Jodi Tiahrt:
My diet is very consistent. I eat a lot of green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, and green beans), a moderate amount of protein (mainly chicken, fish, and eggs), and a moderate amount of healthy fats, and some fruit. I never eliminate carbohydrates and I don’t eat red meat.
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Jodi Tiahrt:
Five foods I absolutely love are oatmeal, salads, apples, almonds, and peanut butter. 5 foods I never eat are pizza, fried food, alcohol, French fries, and desserts.
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.
Jodi Tiahrt:
Having health and skin starts on the inside. What you put inside your body eventually shows up on the outside. I do get regular facials to keep my skin on point. But I also am a huge advocate of drinking close to a gallon of water a day, eating a lot of vegetables and fruits, and limiting your exposure to the sun. If I do go outside I always put on 50 SPF to protect my skin. Staying away from alcohol also is key to keeping your skin and hair looking flawless.
Namita Nayyar:
Five skincare myths.
Jodi Tiahrt:
- You need expensive products to maintain great skin.
- You only need sunscreen in the winter.
- There are products out there that limit wrinkles
- You should buy skincare products based on your age
- A spray tan helps the skin from sunburn.
Namita Nayyar:
Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.
Jodi Tiahrt:
- Sketchers go runs
- Fabletics
- Bia Brazil Active wear
- Lululemon
- Nike
Namita Nayyar:
Five travel destinations on your wish list.
Jodi Tiahrt:
- Bora Bora
- Maldives
- Greece
- Dubai
- Australia
Namita Nayyar:
During the Covid pandemic , tell us more about your fitness routine to remain fit in such challenging times?
Jodi Tiahrt:
During Covid, I started running outside and circuit training in my house with bands and dumbbells. I honestly fell in love with running outside and prefer it over treadmill running. I also got creative with my home workouts and still continue to do 95% of my workouts at home.
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding fitness modeling girls, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of fitness modeling?
Jodi Tiahrt:
Get your face out there. If competing is your thing, start doing competitions. Nowadays, you don’t have to compete to get exposure. Social media is a great avenue to get in front of companies to see you. Be consistent and persistent with what you do. Repetition is the key to success. Don’t expect your first attempt to be a homerun. Put in the time, and realize it is about the journey.
Namita Nayyar:
You have been featured on the covers of world-leading magazines like Playboy Sweden, Maxim Australia, and FHM Australia, and had done bold photo shoots for them and also for your Instagram handle @iamjoditiahrt. How you are so body confident and advise your compatriots?
Jodi Tiahrt:
Self-confidence takes time to build. I think the best way to gain self-confidence is to do hard things. Challenge yourself, do things that scare the hell out of you, and realize we all fail at first. I think once you can accept this, you really stop caring what others think and you start living your best life. It is better to try something and fail than to say you wish you would have tried.
Namita Nayyar:
Your idea of a perfect date?
Jodi Tiahrt:
My perfect date is to take me to the beach. A romantic walk along the beach is one of my favorite things to do. And it’s very romantic!
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and the message for its visitors?
Jodi Tiahrt:
Womenfitness.net is such an informative, inspirational website for women. Being a part of some key celebrities in the industry is such an honor. If you are new to fitness or a fitness expert, there is so much information about health, fitness, diets, pregnancy, new health trends, and most importantly women’s health. Learning the secrets of other fitness celebrities and their journey is also very inspiring.
Namita Nayyar:
Today social media plays a vital role in putting your message across to your followers and fans. What is your message for the 208k followers on Instagram?
Jodi Tiahrt:
Never give up on a dream! You are never too old to start. Do what makes you happy and realize you only fail by not trying!
Namita Nayyar:
On your website http://joditiahrt.com/ you offer The Empower Nutrition Plan and The Empower Nutrition and Training Program. Tell us more about this endeavor of yours?
Jodi Tiahrt:
My training program and diets are tailored toward a holistic lifestyle. Because of my extensive background, I work one on one with my clients in looking at their blood work when I write them a diet. It is very important to know what is going on inside their body with their health and their hormones when writing a diet and workout program for someone. Diets are individualized based on their inside chemistry so this is key to really helping clients build their dream body but also to help them to create a long healthy life.
Jodi Tiahrt Social Media Presence and Credits:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjoditiahrt
Talent Page: https://somniumlifestyle.com/jodi-tiahrt
VIP Page: https://joditiahrtvip.com
Management: https://www.instagram.com/somniumlife
Photographers: https://www.instagram.com/ez.onthe.eyes
Hair & MUA: https://www.instagram.com/stylesbysuzy & https://www.instagram.com/chicanajay