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Kourtney Reppert: Leading Glamour and Fashion Model Talks About Her Weight Loss Journey, Diet and Beauty Secrets

Kourtney Reppert

Kourtney Reppert is from Leesport, Pennsylvania. She is a leading glamour and fashion model with a blossoming career also she is a single mother. A multi-faceted business woman, accomplished model and Instagram star, Kourtney has successfully built her brand and has been featured in reputable publications including FHM, Maxim, Sports Illustrated, and many more! She has been named ‘Philadelphia’s Hottest Blonde’ by WMMR, as well as ‘Philadelphia’s Hottest Sports Babe’ and ‘Model of the Year’ by the Phillies and Flyers.

As a child, Kourtney was an artistically gifted girl, who loved nature and being outdoors. She took up swimming and playing softball, and it was then when she discovered her love for fitness and being active.

Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Kourtney Reppert an American glamour & fashion model, Instagram star and a business woman to talk about the secret to success story, weight loss journey, diet, and exercise routine.

Namita Nayyar:

You are from Leesport, Pennsylvania. During high school, you attended Image International Modeling School, in Allentown, PA; it was around this time that you began to seriously consider the idea of modeling. You then moved to Philadelphia and worked at Neiman Marcus as an aesthetician and marketing manager for a skincare line. Later you took to start your career in modeling. This propelled your modeling career to the height where you have been at the top of the world of fashion and glamour modeling. Tell us something about this fairy tale journey?

Kourtney Reppert:

It’s everything but a fairy tale, but it has felt like a dream come true. Following your passion in life is a complete and utter privilege; many never have a chance to have. I felt that way from time to time when life knocked me down, and that’s why after putting in years and years of work, I’ve been able to look back and tell you about my strength and my will to never give up. The grit I’ve gone through has changed me for the better, made me a better person, and I want to make this world a better place. People deserve opportunity, they deserve chances, and we deserve to create an environment for just that. One of the biggest challenges and what has saved me in every way as a person is becoming a mother. If it’s any fairy tale I can think of, it’s being given that gift of motherhood. I am grateful for so much. 

Namita Nayyar:

You lost 100 lbs. after having your son. Tell us more about this amazing and inspiring weight loss journey?

Kourtney Reppert:

I fell in love with Kourtney all over again. I finally took care of the little girl that was also neglected by giving all of me to my son because I was all he had. He gave me self-discovery; he gave me a will to lose weight and help women out there facing the same issues and struggles. It made me respect people who looked good. It’s truly a way of life and a healthy one at that.

Namita Nayyar:

You are a world-leading media personality, model, influencer, aesthetician, entrepreneur, and brand ambassador. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?

Kourtney Reppert:

Wow, Thank you, I’m blushing. But, I wish I had this cookie-cutter answer for you. A lot of my success has come from struggling so much in life. I have been on this never-ending search of who Kourtney is as a person and a business mogul, and I feel like I have done an excellent job at figuring out what my interests are over the years. I genuinely feel like this is the beginning of some incredible opportunities by sticking to my heart and path. I would have never imagined that the young girl I was on the pitcher mound in a small town would be living in LA with a dream come true.

Full Interview is Continued on Next Page

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2021 Women Fitness 

Namita Nayyar:

During high school, you were an active athlete. You used to play sports from softball, swimming, and basketball to field hockey, cross country, and volleyball. What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?

Kourtney Reppert:

I got into the weight room, and that’s where the magic happened for me. It does something mentally, where you begin to look at things differently. Your body feels pain, and yet it rebuilds itself. I also had a pitching coach since the age of 12, and I just loved being active. I was a very hyperactive kid, and I think my parents felt relieved when I was playing something. Every season I played a sport. I loved it, I love being active and to be honest, sports are genuinely what helped me become a better adult, and a healthier one at that. I leave it all up to my trainer when I get into the gym. I like being bossed around or told what to do in the gym. However, when I can’t get into the workout, I love going on long hikes with resistance bands, or a weight jacket. Anything to keep my heart rate up and provide a good resistance at the same time!

Namita Nayyar:

Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Kourtney Reppert:

Oh yes, I am very much on a strict diet. I don’t think that will ever change because of my food allergies, but I love food. I have experimented a lot with my diet, and I have found that meal prepping works best for me. Icon meals are my absolute favorite brand that I get. The food is beyond delicious, and I love that it comes with all the macros already measured and printed out with your name on it. I feel like even though they are delivered to me, and I have picked them out, they are just specially made for me. I have been with Icon Meals for over a year, and to me, it’s the best quality and morally ethical company out there.

Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.

Kourtney Reppert:

You only see what I want you to see, but the ones closest to me will tell you that I struggle with my skin. I have self-taught myself over the years about aesthetics because I never had the best skin growing up. I struggle with food allergies. When you have a profession wearing enormous amounts of makeup in miserable weather for hours at a time, it can become a never-ending vicious cycle of maintaining good skin. So, I have to always stay on top of it, and it’s still a struggle. Over time, I hope I can open up on my acne, psoriasis, and allergic reactions I have dealt with over the years. I have been loyal to getting facials by John Tew at Dr. Motykie’s office here in Los Angeles. My basic staples are this, I try to drink as much water as I can, wash my face twice a day, take vitamin A, collagen, and turmeric to help with any inflammation. I also see my hair girl about once a month for conditioning treatments in between colors.

Namita Nayyar:

You have been named “Philadelphia’s Hottest Blonde” by WMMR. Also named “Philadelphia’s Hottest Sports Babe” and “Model of the Year” by the Phillies and Flyers. Tell us more about how these professional achievements have acted as a motivator to further your professional career as a model and your hard work, tenacity, and endurance have been a catalyst to achieve these spectacular heights in modeling? 

Kourtney Reppert:

Having a passion for sports at an early age, I just fell into sports modeling quickly. I love everything about sports, the competitive thrill, winning, and working hard for something. Sports taught me a lot as a youth, and I took that into my everyday life in the goals I wanted to achieve in life. I combined my ability as an athlete and a model to make the impossible happen and become those things. Who would have thought that me, at 12 years old with a pitching coach by my side, that I would be named those things. I will never forget where it started, how it began, and how I created a life around my sports and the ability to be a woman and get right in there with the boys. If sports have taught me anything, it has empowered me to show my ability as a person and not what a girl can and can’t do because she is pretty. I am going to use all my strengths and focus less on my weaknesses.

Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding fashion model girls, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of modeling?

Kourtney Reppert:

You are going to want to quit a thousand times over and over. You will lose friends, create enemies, and become consumed by the ever question, “Am I good enough?” But you see, what modeling does is it allows you to evolve. It enables you to get back up time and time again because, with modeling, you can become whatever you want. You will create a life so busy that quality relationships will overpower the mean less ones. You will stand for things that others may not agree with, and you will accept beauty in all forms. I speak of some of the struggles I’ve personally gone through because that’s the real test. Getting in front of a camera is the easy part, it is what you do when you aren’t in the spotlight that matters. Modeling is a very lonely profession, and it requires an enormous amount of self-love and discipline. If you can get through some of this and create a life to better the world around you through your beauty, then the best advice is to have fun, be yourself, and stick to your morals on what you find is the ultimate price for fame. I will always seek out change and share my voice; my looks have just been one of my strengths to prove that I am human just like the rest.

Namita Nayyar:

You have done bold photo shoots with Yahoo and appeared on Fox Sports, Sports Illustrated, Yard Barker, Hollywood Tuna, Guyism, and many more.. How you are so body confident and advice to your compatriots?

Kourtney Reppert:

Would you believe me if I told you how crippling my job could make me feel at times? How much I had in my early 20’s obsessed over every flaw. The camera lights show everything, so there have been moments I was the most confident woman in the world, and there were times I would reschedule a job. Honestly, being a woman and having a woman’s body is one of the greatest gifts one can receive, and I truly believe we as women are judged by it so much. I never understood the meaning of “just are you,” but I get it now. You MUST own your life, you must take control and if that starts with being confident first. Once you master that, you can convince anybody that you are something special because you are. Confidence is King.

Namita Nayyar:

Tell us more about your entrepreneurial venture, “Tropic Beauty”?

Kourtney Reppert:

Tropic Beauty is my secret love affair. It embodies everything that I was once afraid of being a model to facing my fears, and now being the creative director feels like such a dream come true to me. To be this shy girl from a small town who embodies loving all shapes, sizes, and forms of a woman’s body gives me the ability to help give women the right structure in being the strong women they deserve to become.

Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and message for its visitors?

Kourtney Reppert:

First of all, thank you for this opportunity to interview me. I grew up as a young girl inspired by your covers, stories and the impact that being an athletic woman who embodies her beauty and ability to be badass, has probably been why I am even interviewing with you today. I want that for more women, more women need to embrace their bodies and know that just because we are women does not mean we lack strength. I believe that women of any size should love themselves, and it starts with being active and being kind to you.

Namita Nayyar:

Today social media plays a vital role in putting your message across to your followers and fans. What is your message for the 1.5 million followers on Instagram?

Kourtney Reppert:

That it’s ok to evolve. It’s ok to grow, and you do that by making mistakes and learning from them. Social media is such a new thing, and I have grown up with social media over the years, always following the latest trends. But I have also kept my distance in anything too mainstream and wanted to put out my art, while showing a side people don’t see. I am thankful that social media has been where I got my start; I did it all myself. I’ve built what I have from the ground up, and that’s something to be proud of. This is the creator’s time where we can create something out of nothing, and people will pay attention to it. So whatever it is that you decide to do, if social media is your calling, then make it where you can positively impact others. Help others with your knowledge, give a smile, and warm a heart. DO GOOD with it. Be the goodness in social media.

Namita Nayyar:

While COVID-19 lockdown restrictions are beginning to lift, many states have yet to give the green light to nonessential businesses. We all know what that means, still no access to the gyms. Switching to a home workout routine isn’t easy; kindly show us how to stay fit and avoid the #Quarantine15 with your guidance and tips?

Kourtney Reppert:

Taking walks have helped me in every way. I listen to music and try to keep my mental state from losing control. I felt like as a single mom, I’ve been living an already sheltered and isolated life because I was raising my son solo and working from home at the same time, but things are a bit different now. Much different. I have ankle weights, resistance bands, and I do lots and lots of squats.

Kourtney Reppert social media presence

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2021 Women Fitness

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