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Lauryn Alease Williams A.K.A., “LA Love The “Boss” Talks About Going Pa-Vegan & Lots More!

Image Credits: The Wolf Pack @packvisuals

Lauryn Alease Williams A.K.A., “LA Love The “Boss”, is the true definition of a great triple threat and more. LA Love is all set to take over the world and show other young women with hard work and dedication anything is possible.

Born in Glen Burnie, Maryland and ever since she could remember, entertaining is all LA Love ever wanted to do. After exploring and experimenting with different forms of music, she’s developed her very own music style of rapping and singing.

From her outrages style down to her bold relatable rap lyrics along with modelling, acting & being a health and fitness motivator, she’s here to make waves.

Women Fitness President joins the stunning musician on her journey in music, fitness & lots more!

Namita Nayyar:

A healthy morning ritual that you follow? Which time of the day serves as the right time for you towards writing songs?

LA Love:

A healthy morning ritual I follow is, definitely getting up and meditating along with having a cup of celery juice every morning on an empty stomach. I also like writing songs towards the mid day or nighttime. I feel more Bossy with my Raps towards those hours lol! 

Namita Nayyar:

From where have you developed your style of rapping and singing? Your inspirational role model?

LA Love:

Well I Can Definitely say Growing up I listened to a lot of old school music from the 70’s / 80’s but far as Rap I Really Loved Missy Elliot, Biggie, Lauryn Hill, and Andre 300. 

Image Credits: The Wolf Pack @packvisuals
Namita Nayyar:

What was the most challenging part of your weight loss journey? Five tips you learned about weight management?

LA Love:

I will definitely say I was challenged with my weight at the age of 12. Eating a lot of junk food and not being consistently active with my workouts that year I started gaining weight I did not Like, so I realized I had to get serious with my diet and start making Fitness a Lifestyle not a Hobby. 5 Tips I’ve learned from weight Loss Management are definitely:

Namita Nayyar:

Exercises that are an integral part of your workout routine? Five must-do morning stretches?

LA Love:

It’s great and especially because it highlights and supports women and My 5 Favorite Must Do Workouts Are 

Full interview is continued on next page

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2020 Women Fitness

Image Credits: The Wolf Pack @packvisuals
Namita Nayyar:

Introduce us to your latest music album? The song that relates closest to your personality?

LA Love:

My latest music EP I dropped a few months ago “HOW I DO IT” is my baby, available on every streaming site. This project is very close to me because I was able to give my audience DIVERSITY with the music but still was able to be authentic to who I am as an artist. My favorite song on my EP that relates closest to me would have to be “Flex On The Weekday”. Not only is it a vibe I’m speaking some real truth in my lyrics about the Game and why I’m a Boss on and Off camera.

Namita Nayyar:

Your meal after a workout? The secret to those killer abs. How far is it true that abs are made in the kitchen?

LA Love:

My favorite meal after a workout would have to be shrimp salad with beans and fresh greens along with vegan ranch. There’s really no real secret to “Killer Abs” it’s about how hard your willing to work, and abs are definitely made in the kitchen. Doesn’t matter how many workouts you do if your food habits aren’t good all that hard work is for NOTHING! 

Namita Nayyar:

Favorite meal of the day? What does it contain?

LA Love:

My Favorite meal of the day is definitely dinner because I personally am my hungriest after all day intensity. I usually will go for a nice bean bowl with guacamole and rice.

Image Credits: The Wolf Pack @packvisuals
Namita Nayyar:

Top 3 healthy snack options? One diet myth you would like to share from your personal experience?

LA Love:

Top 3 Healthy Snack options for me are:

One Diet Myth from my own experience is your body doesn’t need many heavy Carbs. No, your body needs good Carbs in moderation, also depends on your workout intensity and what your looking to achieve. 

Image Credits: The Wolf Pack @packvisuals
Namita Nayyar:

Define Women Fitness for WF viewers.

LA Love:

Women Fitness is All about Women EMPOWERMENT, inspiring each other to be Greater and walk in our own Fitness Journey Strong and Independent.

Namita Nayyar:

Share your workout in a week now during a lockdown?

LA Love:

My Workout during Quarantine right now is definitely 2 A Day workouts for 3/4 Hrs, 5/6 Days A Week 

Namita Nayyar:

Social media is instrumental in today’s era. Two things you love and hate about it?

LA Love:

Well I would definitely say Social Media made me who I am today and it has its Pro’s and Cons like anything else, but The Pro’s are I get to interact with my fans from all over the world and also make an impact in people’s live through my Work and Dedication. Cons, well things can become overwhelming with demands of certain content and consistency, also Social Media can become addictive, almost like a high. If anything, it’s all about balance and being able to separate your Personal time from your Business. 

Image Credits: The Wolf Pack @packvisuals
Namita Nayyar:

Biggest fitness/weight loss/ beauty myth that needs to be busted? How would you rate your achievements as a performer? The best compliment you ever received?

LA Love:

Well A Beauty Myth that needs to be Busted is Washing your Face twice a day will keep your Skin clear. You are what you eat so everything you eat will come out in your pours no matter how many times you wash your face lol. I just use Dove Bar soap once in the morning and I’m good to go. Anything else is just slight water on the face and or face wipes. My Achievements as a Performer I rate a 10 not being bias, I just give my all to Everything I do. I have a Motto go Hard or Go Home! The Best Compliment I’ve ever received was my Body almost looks “Fake” as it’s so perfect like a Mannequin. 

Image Credits: The Wolf Pack @packvisuals
Namita Nayyar:

Athleisure brands that you love?

LA Love:

I Love Nike and Puma for Athletic Wear and Tennis shoes of course. 

Namita Nayyar:

Any advice you would like to give to your younger inner self?

LA Love:

Advice I would give my younger inner self would be, be patient do what you Love and follow your heart. Taking 1 step always leads to Big Doors opening at the right time.

Namita Nayyar:

Resolutions or goals for 2020?

LA Love:

My 2020 Goal was actually giving up Meat and I did that! No Chicken, No Steak, No Beef, No Pork etc. just Seafood. So I’m Pa-Vegan lol. Pescatarian that eats Vegan ?

Namita Nayyar:

Message for your 3.1 Million followers on Instagram?

LA Love:

Message for My 3.1 Million Followers On Instagram; never let anyone tell you what you can and CANNOT do. Hard work beats Talent when Talent doesn’t want to Work. 

This interview is exclusively taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2020 Women Fitness

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