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Birthday Exclusive: Into the Life of Model & Vine Star Lara Sebastian

lara sebastian

Model, dancer and Vine star Lara Sebastian has collaborated with several Top Viners in short comedic skits. She has also featured in the reality series Beauties & the Boss in 2011.

She also featured in an Air New Zealand commercial and Far East Movement music video, both featuring Snoop Dogg.

On the special occasion of Lara’s Birthday on April 15, Women Fitness catches up with her to grab some fitness, fashion and motivational tips!
Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You are a Model, Dancer and Vine star who collaborates with several of the top Viners in short comedic skits. Tell us more about your incredible journey so far and how it all began?

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

I began dancing at the age of 11 in Calgary, Canada. I had a natural aptitude and passion for it right away and always knew it was something I would pursue. I moved to Vancouver, BC after high school to be a part of a dance company and continued my dance training under the best Canada has to offer.

After discovering that all of the major commercial dance auditions are held in LA, I decided this was my next move!
Once attaining a work visa to dance in the United States, I began auditioning with the best, for the best! I landed some amazing jobs including music videos, commercials and a guest performance on Dancing with the Stars!

Shortly after that career-making performance, I found myself collaborating with some of the top Youtubers and Viners in the world! With their help, I learned the formula to comedy and how to shoot, edit and produce my own skits.

Besides dancing, and modeling, I love being able to create content that makes me people laugh!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Introduce us to a day in the life of “Lara Sebastian”?

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

A day in the life is hard to describe because it is vastly different day-to-day! I could be travelling the world to places like Europe, Brazil, Mexico, Asia, Iceland, the Virgin Islands. (Places I have visited this past year) I could be in Los Angeles attending auditions, workouts, hikes and meetings. I may be attending social events or out trying the newest restaurant! I’m a big Foodie!

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

I would say I eat about 75-80% clean, and the remainder of the time I enjoy myself and eat with no restriction. Eating clean to me means no processed foods, natural, organic and fresh produce and fish. I always eat breakfast and I never deprive myself of foods that I want.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Do you take some kind of skin treatment to keep it young and glowing and secondly what you do to your hair to make them look so stunning?

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

Thank you! I ensure regular hair cuts and at-home conditioning treatments, so that my mane stays healthy. My skin regimen is simple. Always wash my face before bed. Use a toner and an oil-free moisturizer. Always wear sunscreen!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have to travel a lot for your professional career. What is the one best and the one worst thing about all the travelling that you do?

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

Best- experiencing new cultures, meeting interesting people, trying different foods and being able to share it all via social media.
Worst- I am always losing something…


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Share with us your Top 5 Must-Do Exercises.

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

Squats, any oblique ab exercise, push ups, treadmill on high incline, yoga, DANCING!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Tell us about your current Top 3 Fashion Absolute Must-Haves.

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

Clean white sneakers
A great (comfortable) pair of leggings
A dope hat

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have featured in an Air New Zealand commercial and Far East Movement music video, both also featuring Snoop Dogg. How was that experience like?

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

So much fun! I actually booked the commercial while on set for the music video! You never know where your next job will come from.. Be professional at all times! You’re always on interview.


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding models, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of modelling?

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

I know its cliché, but be yourself! Don’t try to conform to what you think is “trending”. Your uniqueness is what sets you apart from the rest!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

With an audience of over 250k followers on your Instagram account @larasebastian you’re a social media sensation and an internet leading star. How does it feel that you are able to influence the healthy lifestyle of so many individuals?

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

I love that I have an audience that is so supportive of me! If I can give back by sharing my experiences and knowledge with them, I am ecstatic!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and message for our readers?

Ms. Lara Sebastian:

Embrace what is uniquely you! Be kind to others. Treat your body like a temple. Be proactive! Read, travel, eat, love and enjoy life!

To know the latest about Lara Sebastian do check out her social networks:

Women Fitness Team thanks Lara Sebastian for giving her valuable time for this interview and quenching the thirst of her fans to know more about her and made this interview happen.


All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness

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