Laura Crane is a professional surfer who’s been breaking waves since she was 16. She’s represented the Great Britain team and taken part in the qualifying world series two years during that time as well.
Love Island’s Laura Crane recently revealed that she’ll be joining Team GB for next year’s Olympic Games. The 24-year-old will be an ambassador at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and announced her participation with an excited post on Instagram. She is also working on an exciting new mini series as well as working alongside charity young minds to help others on their journeys to recovery, implementing fitness as a great Go To.
Women Fitness joins the superbly talented surfer and Instagram star for an interesting conversation about her career, fitness and healthy goals.
Namita Nayyar:
From surfing to modelling and now being able to share your journey with thousands that watched you on TV! You’ve had quite an incredible journey till now and it looks absolutely bright in the future too! Tell us about your first reaction when you were contacted to be a part of love Island in 2018? Do you plan on doing other reality shows too?
I was actually contacted by love island the year prior to be on the show but in that time I was still unsure on wether or not I was going to return to the surf tour, and I was also weary that I was maybe not mentally ready for such a life changing experience. But when they contacted me for last year’s I knew that I was ready and I was so excited at the prospect of heading in to the love island villa, and still to this day seems so surreal that I was actually in there it was such an amazing experience that I will be forever thankful for.
I had such an amazing time in the villa I but at the moment I’m really happy with my focus however I wouldn’t rule out the more challenge based reality shows. I LOVE a challenge .
Namita Nayyar:
In an interview you said, “Being a surfer and travelling the world and modelling put all these pressures on me as a girl growing up in that industry.” Tell us more about the pressures you faced as a young model and surfer?
I think for a young female in a male dominatied sport you have to grow thick skin very fast and learn to give as good as you get . Aside from being away from my family for most part of the year from the age of 15 which was for sure tough at times it also has made me the person I am today and I truly believe I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t had to grow up and learn all the things I had to at such a young age .
I think the things I found the hardest as time went on were the pressures that I put on my self to always be the best I’m VERY competitive which is amazing when you are in a competition but if things don’t go to plan it makes you really punish your self and that was hard for me to always get a grasp on , and the modelling side of it was the same I always wanted to deliver the best photos and look the best I could and when social media came around I started to think that I was never looking as good as the other girls and that was hard for a young girl .
Namita Nayyar:
You are healthy & look fit now and much more body confident. Share with us the workout routine that you follow to look this way?
I love working out and always have it just does something to my mind that makes me feel so good, I like to do a variety of different things, obviously surfing I love to run, cycle, yoga, skate, pilates, weights, and I do a bunch of different gym classes too.
Full interview is continued on next page
All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting http:// www.womenfitness.net/ or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2019 Women Fitness
Namita Nayyar:
A healthy breakfast for you includes? What do you like to have for dinner? And on weekends?
Breakfast usually eggs or some yogurt fruit and granola.
And dinner usually some protein chicken or fish and some veggies some salad and I love sweet potato.
Weekends … I love going out for dinner with mates my go to is ALWAYS sushi.
Namita Nayyar:
You were a popular contestant on Love Island 2018. What are your best memories from the show?
Best moments would have to be making some great friends, doing the challenges, and learning how far I’d come to be able to take part in such a show.
Namita Nayyar:
What strength training routine do you follow? And how do you manage stress?
I have always used exercise to deal with stress nothing clears your mind like it, I also meditate in the mornings.
Namita Nayyar:
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Positive, strong, ambitious.
Namita Nayyar:
What’s your reaction on “body shaming” becoming popular among teenagers?
I HATE it with a passion it’s one thing in this world that makes me so so angry, no one likes how it feels so the fact you would do it to others I just have never been able to get my head around, I think this was one of the made reasons for me gaining courage to share my story to show that no matter what someone looks like or how there life seems you never know what they have been through or what battle they are fighting so don’t judge what you don’t know.
Namita Nayyar:
What’s a day off with friends look like?
Usually something outside I love being in the outdoors, surfing or beach days are my ultimate favourite!
Namita Nayyar:
Your favourite activewear brands are?
Sweaty Betty, Yamamay’s new capsule collection.
Namita Nayyar:
You’ve also spoken about the pressures of social media. What do you feel is the best way to deal with it?
It’s such a powerful tool I think it can be amazingly used in the correct way yet on the other side can be so destructive I have felt the power of both sides and I just think it’s so important to take time out from it and live in the moment and not create your whole life and mental state around what you look like or what other people look like on Instagram and I firmly believe in trusting the praises of life there is no point in sitting at home sad that you’re not on a sandy beach sipping a cocktail because it just means you have an important journey to learn before you are ready to be there.
Namita Nayyar:
Best memory from your first ever photoshoot.
I remember turning up having no idea what to do and literally standing there with my hands on my hips pouting thinking that’s what modelling was ahah.
Namita Nayyar:
Your morning beauty ritual before a photoshoot? Your haircare routine includes?
Face cleanser and some spf face moisturiser. Usually Dermologica.
Hair care I always use hair masks they are a life saver for me my hair gets so dry from surfing and being in the salt and sun so they literally save me from having dreadlocks haha!
Namita Nayyar:
Mental Health is taking a toll on so many people nowadays. What makes it even more dangerous is that it may sometimes go undetected! With your new YouTube channel launching, how do you aim to talk and tackle issues regarding mental health?
My youtube series is a huge passion project and we’ve spent a year trying to get it right. I have some really amazing guests on it who have all been through huge journeys and used fitness as a tool to combat their mental wellbeing. The reason I have asked the people I have to be a part of this series is because I think individually every viewer will be able to relate to one of the stories so it should reach even people struggling in the very moment.
I really hope it has as great and impact as it has to me putting this together.
Namita Nayyar:
Message for your fans on Women Fitness.
I have a quote I like to live by that is tattooed on my ribs “when it rains look for rainbows”
Which basically means that every ‘negative’ can be made in to a ‘positive’ and when you start to see this your life becomes SICK !!!!
You can follow Laura on:
- https://www.instagram.com/lauraloucrane/
- https://twitter.com/laura_lou_crane
- https://www.facebook.com/LauraCraneSurfer/
All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting http:// www.womenfitness.net/ or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2019 Women Fitness