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Lauren Sesselmann: Exceptionally Talented and Accomplished Canadian Soccer Player, Olympic Medalist & “Fit As A Pro” Megastar

Lauren Sesselmann
Lauren Sesselmann: Exceptionally Talented and Accomplished Canadian Soccer Player, Olympic Medalist and "Fit As A Pro" Megastar

Lauren is an American-born Canadian-International professional soccer player and model. Lauren has been a professional soccer player for the last 5 years, playing with the Canadian National Team and in the Women’s Professional Soccer Leagues in the USA. She has had the opportunity to play all around the world at the highest level of performance and competitiveness.

Fitness is her life, and after being awarded at the London Summer Olympics, she felt incredibly inspired to share her very own training techniques to help others achieve their fitness goals! Lauren has had an amazing career, besides her phenomenal performance at The London Summer Olympics, she’s a Gold Medal winner at the Pan American Games in Guadalajara , Mexico in 2011.

Lauren grew up in Green Bay, WI. She excelled in basketball and soccer at Notre Dame Academy, winning 2001 state championship in basketball after an undefeated season. Lauren has set six soccer records as well as earned All-Big Ten, All-Regional, and All-American honors at Purdue University from 2001-2006. In 2013, she was drafted by FC Kansas City in the National Women’s Soccer League and was named to “Best 11” 2nd team. She then joined the Canadian national team in 2011. Since her father is a Canadian, Lauren acquired citizenship in 2010. The team won gold medal at the 2011 Pan American Games and bronze medal at 2012 Summer Olympics. She is currently playing for Canada’s National Women’s Soccer Team and Houston Dash in the NWSL.

Lauren Sesselmann is an exceptionally talented and accomplished International Professional Soccer Player, Model and Entrepreneur. She is in conversation with Namita Nayyar, President – Women Fitness.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You were born in Green Bay and have been a professional soccer player since the last five years, playing with the Canadian National Team and in the Women’s Professional Soccer Leagues in the USA. You had the opportunity to play all around the world at the highest level of performance and competitiveness. You reached the pinnacle of success on winning an Olympic bronze medal with Canada at the London 2012 Women’s Olympic Football Tournament and a Gold medal at the Pan American Games in Guadalajara , Mexico in 2011. What factors you consider were responsible that made you achieve that?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann: I have been extremely blessed with such an incredible career, but I don’t think I would be so successful if not for my underdog mentality and for my numerous “knockdowns”. My first 3 years in the pros (WPS) were a big learning for me…I worked so hard but was never given a chance to shine early on, I was told I wasn’t good enough, strong enough, fast enough, everything you can imagine I was told that. Everyone seemed to focus solely on the negatives instead of the positives of what I brought to the table. I lost a lot of belief in myself and my abilities for a brief moment and thought maybe I really am not that good enough. I remember chatting with my parents who I owe so much to, about the possibility of giving it up and they told me “If you want it bad enough keep on going until you get your shot.” I took their words and I sat down and created a vision/goal board and wrote out each milestone I wanted to reach. I decided to reach out to Canada, sent them game tape and told them to keep an eye on me, that summer when I was with the Atlanta Beat I was given a chance to play, joined Canada, and from there on out the rest is history. If it wasn’t for these “knock-downs” I don’t think I would be where I am today and lucky for me I was brought up that hard work is rewarded and when I woke up every day I was going to be better than I was the day before.

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2016 Women Fitness

Ms. Namita Nayyar: You have set about six soccer records as well as earned All-Big Ten, All-Regional, and All-American honors at Purdue University from 2001-2006. In 2009, with New Jersey Sky Blue you won the 1st ever WPS Championship with team and a Olympic bronze medal from London 2012. In 2013 you were drafted by FC Kansas City in the National Women’s Soccer League and was named to “Best 11” 2nd team. Tell us more about a day in the life of a professional soccer player ‘Lauren Sesselmann’?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
I am a very driven person, my days are crazy, but I love and embrace every minute of it. Between soccer and keeping my businesses afloat, time management is key. I usually get up about 2 hours before training, answer emails, take my vitamins, stretch and eat breakfast. I’ll usually go to training early because it takes me a little more time to warm-up than others because of injuries throughout my career. After training I’ll make lunch and relax for a little bit or get treatment/watch game film. Some days we’ll have a second training or a weight session. If I don’t, I usually like to go to Barnes and Nobles or a coffee shop and read or do some work. Then I’ll go home cook dinner/take supplements/stretch and roll out or take an epsom salt bath. And before I go to bed I’ll answer a few more emails, plan out my following day and read. People don’t realize that being a professional athlete is a full time job and a lot goes into being your best.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine that you shall like to share?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
When I’m in season we do a lot of different exercises to ensure we are strong on the field. We’ll do a lot of squats, resistance work and core work. When I’m not in season I love mixing it up with pilates for core, swimming for endurance and kickboxing for releasing stress and cardio work. One of ultimate favorite things I add every other day to my routine is some total body work on a slideboard or with towels on my hands and feet at home on a slippery surface. You can do so much in the comfort of your home it’s crazy. I do a bunch of workouts this way that you can check out at and on my youtube and facebook channels!!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
As I get older I am much more conscious of what I put into my body than when I was younger. I think when we are young we think we are invincible and just dive right in. I’ll be honest I have a major sweet tooth but I try to balance my diet the best I can. We burn a lot of calories between 1,500 and 3,000 just at practice on a daily basis so it is really important that we eat the right way. I never deprive myself from the things I like I just have learned to cut my portions and if I’m going to have pizza I pair it with a small salad or veggies to balance it out and not overeat. Because we run a lot we have to make sure we are consuming enough fat, protein, iron and carbs to keep up going and we make sure to take our daily supplements. I have a lot of food allergies as I’ve gotten older so I have sat down with a nutritionist to help me be more aware of what I’m putting into my body so I don’t suffer.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Do you take some kind of skin treatment to keep it young and glowing and secondly what you do to your hair to make them look so stunning?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
Thank you for the complement!! I definitely am a product junky and really take care of my skin. I wash my face twice a day and drink lots of water, but I have also found products that work for me which is key. I have really sensitive skin so I have to be careful. I love GlamGlow and Bosica skin masks, Jan Marini & iS face wash, Dr. Brandts or Kate Somervilles exfloliation, Neutrogena Acne toner pads (they are cheap and AMAZINGGG) and I splurge on La Mer moisturizer (I have tried so many and I swear by this worth the money) and at night I love Shani Darden’s “Retinol Reform” it has transformed my skin! I also take my supplements and a biotin for Hair, skin and nails as well as Fish Oil. For my hair I love Keratase hair masks and Oribe products!!


Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You suffered an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear at the 2014 Cyprus Cup, tell us how you were able to cope up and come back after that injury?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
I don’t think anyone could have prepared me for what I went through mentally, emotionally and physically. It is one of the hardest things I have had to overcome. Everyone is different in terms of injuries and I unfortunately had a really rough road. I was at the peak of my career when it happened and when I found out I was devastated but I was determined to come back even better. The pain that I went through was unimaginable, so many people doubted my return and that is what made me work even harder. My eye was on the World Cup and nothing was going to stop me. There were a lot of bumps in the road but stepping back onto the field made it all worth it. Most people dont even come back from a injury like that, so I was extremely proud of myself. Now I try to help others through the process, because it really messes with you mentally. So people need guidance and support and I am glad I can be that for them.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding professional soccer girls who all are your fans, they shall like to know from you, what they should do for their climb to ladder of success in the field of professional soccer ?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
I think first and foremost a lot of people want to be successful but a lot of people don’t want to put in the work to get there. Being a professional athlete is not easy, but if you are truly willing to give it your all, you need to go all in. First compose a vision board of what you want to accomplish and the steps it will take to get there, second approach each day with a positive and driven attitude, there will be bumps in the road, and you may not succeed at first, but if you want it bad enough never give up on yourself. YOU are the only one that is in control of your destiny and what you accomplish so don’t let anyone stand in your way. And always remember to HAVE FUN!!! Fun should always be a part of your passion!!


Ms. Namita Nayyar:
How did you feel before and after winning a gold medal for Canada at the XVI Pan American Games Guadalajara in 2011?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
Ahhh I can’t even put into words how amazing I felt. To first be a part of the team and to represent Canada was a dream come true. I had just joined the team and I was already a part of history, how crazy awesome is that? After that experience I was even more determined to make an impact and leave a legacy. Our team was making an imprint and I was a part of it all….I had to pinch myself every one believed I would be in that position…I was so proud of myself and I looked forward to many more incredible moments with the team.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Who has been your greatest influence and motivator in your success in the field of your career in competitive professional soccer?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
I know it sounds cliche but my parents definitely have been my greatest influence and cheerleader. They use to drive me 4 hours every day to training so I could play with the best team in the state and so I could sleep and do my homework. Since Day 1 they have helped push me day in and day out to go after what I want and to put the work in. They both were big athletes so having them help me along the way and motivate me to be my best and to have fun is such a great gift.
Ms. Namita Nayyar: You’ve launched a series of fitness DVDs called “Fit as a Pro”. Would you like to tell us more about this endeavor of yours?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
I launched “Fit As A Pro” about 1 1/2 years ago and it was the greatest thing I ever did. Fitness has been a huge part of my life ever since I was young and I love that I have a platform to give back and to help others embrace and love their bodies and motivate them to get on the right track for health and wellness. I have an incredible team of people that I work with to help grow the company and make my creative visions come to life. We have so much in store for “Fit As A Pro” and I can’t wait to share it with everyone. All of our workouts are based on the person on the go….all 10 minute quick intense no equipment workouts that you can do wherever you are in the world!! Check us out on twitter, Facebook, youtube and on our website!!!Find Fit As A Pro’s full programs on Amazon Video, Google Play and the iTunes Store.
Follow Fit As A Pro on:
Twitter: @fitasapro



Ms. Namita Nayyar: You made a feature film debut in June 2015 in the thriller “Dark Awakening.” Tell us about your experience and future plans, if any, in Hollywood?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
Ahhh it was such an incredible experience!! There is just something about being in front of the camera where you can play around with your character and come alive, it’s such an amazing and intense feeling. Being a part of “Dark Awakening” was such an honor to work with so many amazing people and I learned so much. And that performance has lead to other roles which I am excited about. I love acting and it’s definitely something I want to keep doing!!


Ms. Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website and message for its visitors?

Ms. Lauren Sesselmann:
I love every aspect of the website…it is a fantastic forum for women where they can learn just about anything they need to know…exercise, weight loss, pregnancy, beauty, nutrition and so much more which is incredible. I find that searching the web never really answers your questions to the degree you need them so having a website solely dedicated to women and their needs is extremely helpful and insightful. I think for visitors especially if you are new to fitness or just looking for something new to try their clubs are a great way to connect with others like you in your city. A lot of things we go through as women are not easy to do on our own so it’s great to have other voices you can lean on and talk to that offer support!!

To know more about Lauren Sesselmann’s “Fit As A Pro” Porgram, check out:

To get all the latest news follow her on her social networks:

Women Fitness Team thanks Lauren Sesselmann for giving us her valuable time for this interview and quenching the thirst of her fans to know more about her and making this interview happen.


All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2016 Women Fitness