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The First Ever Selfridges Plus-size Model Mahalia Handley Talks Body Positivity!

mahalia handley
Photo Credits: Julie Healy
Women Fitness thought of catching up with the wonderful curvy model Mahalia Handley, this week. Mahalia is the first ever plus size model for Selfridges and launched the Body Studio campaign last year.

She has been featured in Vogue Italia as one of the models to watch out for! And she regularly trains with a trainer in London to stay healthy and a toned size 18.

Mahalia would one day like to advance as a Brand Ambassador & Foundation Ambassador to raise awareness with neglected issues within Society and address Healthy Body Awareness and Promote Positive Self Esteem at the general public.

Mahalia actively participates in Volunteer work with St Vincent, RSPCA, NBCF, Sex Trafficing Awareness, Troubled Youth & Community work.

Having already landed jobs for Cosmopolitan and the Kardashian clothing line, this body positivity activist Mahalia is the one to watch for in the industry.

Check out as Mahalia Handley talks about body positivity and much more in an exclusive interview with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.

Photo Credits: Julie Healy
Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have become an inspiration for millions of women and young girls all around the world since you became the first ever plus size model for Selfridges and launched the Body Studio campaign last year. Walk us through your spectacular modeling journey and tell us how it all began?

Ms. Mahalia Handley:

I started in the modelling industry when I was 18 years old, I worked with a small agency of my home town, I was also told that I would never really succeed in modelling and would be lucky if I were to book a job or two in my lifetime because of my look.  The next day I booked a TVC. A year later I moved to Sydney, Australia to sign with my now Mother agency- however on my first visit into them they also told me that I didn’t have enough work in my book or a strong portfolio, so I spent the next 9 months seeking my own modelling work and involving myself into as much projects as possible, one day after a runway event I met with the owner of a well known agency in Sydney and after we had a chat about what had brought me to this point into my life he encouraged me to re-apply, which I did. I got in contact with my mother agency and would not let them rest until they knew how great I was and how much work I had been involved with since our last meeting, a week later I signed with them. I worked in Sydney modelling until I was 23 and then decided to move London to try a different market.

On my first visit over I met several agencies but fell in love with Bridge Models and the professionalism they showed and drive they also had, that I myself felt too. I thought it a perfect fit, and now I’m a full time model based in the UK. My modelling journey has started a lot later than a lot of other models and friends of mine who have been introduced into the fashion industry from youngsters of 14-16, but I wont let it stop me. I fight because I have a truth. I have a greater reason and message to promote which is why I haven’t and wont give up, My success is much bigger than me, as its not for me its for every girl out there who is battling with body image.

Full Interview on Next Page!

All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness

Photo Credits: Julie Healy
Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Introduce us to a day in your life.

Ms. Mahalia Handley:

A day in my life is a day that’s non stop. I wake up and follow a guide system that I created so that my mornings are started off right- if anyone interested in the exact guide it will be released on my website which is launching soon. After that its either straight to work or straight to the gym, as one must follow the other. I love to steam and sauna at the gym so when I hit the gym I always leave time in for that no matter what the order of events may be that day. Generally after work I’m either running home to get to work on my Website and Charity group or making my way to a Event or fashion Party. On my days off I like to read as much as I can, nap a lot and see friends and go out to eat. The work never ends but when you love what you do- your never working a day in your life.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine to stay fit and healthy?

Ms. Mahalia Handley:

I do a lot of work on my muscles grouping each week. I specifically made a budget so that each week I can train with a trainer, I’ve learnt so much about how far I can push myself and my body from my trainer. Muscle training is just as important as cardio. I like to have variety so that I’m always learning and I’m never bored of too much repetition. Body Barre has been my all time favourite as of late which is a combo of Ballet and muscles grouping. I like to row and swim a lot, but I’ve also been training in Krav Maga for a few years now and it’s a all over body workout mentally and physically and I like to be exhausted afterwards.

Photo Credits: Julie Healy
Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Tell us your Top 5 Favorite Healthy Foods or Recipes.

Ms. Mahalia Handley:

Smoothies: berrys, kale, banana, coconut water, watermelon, oranges and mangos

Cleaning juice, home brewed of one whole ginger, half a lemon, turmeric, fresh carrot juice and Manuka honey. Prep ingredients, Boil and combine and let sit after mixture has become a soup like content, after it’s cooled strain and have as a immune boost through your day and more frequently if your sick.

Steamed brocollini with almond flakes and chilli- my mouth salivates just thinking of it.

Cauliflower pizza, all your favourite pizza toppings but use cauliflower as the base!

Banana, oatmeal and blueberry pancakes with coconut yoghurt and fruit.

Photo Credits: Julie Healy
Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your haircare and skincare routine.

Ms. Mahalia Handley:

I like to use a lot of natural products on my skin and home made masks, when I travelled through Vietnam a naturopath taught me her passed down recipe of a face mask which is avocado, pressed and Finè greater oats, turmeric, green tea, honey and a tiny bit of milk which you combine and mix into a face mask, apply once to skin and when it’s dried it’s first coat apply a second and leave on for thirty minutes, make sure not to overdo the green tea or your face will go a lovely tinge of green.

Skin is very important to clean and keep healthy, exfoliate once a week and cleanses twice daily. Always make sure you moisturise!

As for my hair I’m a firm believer in letting the natural oils care for your hair, I wash my hair twice to three times a week with salon quality products as they are the healthiest option for your hair and I always make sure to have a treatment once a month.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: 

In the present day scenario, with the rise of social media, how do you think has social media impacted an everyday woman, bringing in multi-fold opportunities to them? Also, what according to you is the one worst thing about it?

Ms. Mahalia Handley:

I remember when Facebook just started to become a thing and when everyone once upon a time thought that Instagram wasn’t really that great, haha I guess that shows my age on this outlook but I guess its also safe to say I’ve seen the rise of social media over the years, I think that the best thing social media has been able to do is to reach mass audiences in a positive manner on showing us how we are all alike, and how unity can be found. If I want to talk to young women about body image I know its going to have a greater effect as it can reach girls far and wide- worldwide and this is powerful, think of the love and guidance that can be shared.

In conjunction though there are times when social media can be overwhelming. The worst thing to me about social media is the fiction behind a lot of posts, we can create and show a particular lifestyle and in doing so false pretense begin. This can also have an effect on girls far and wide and I really hope that the more I speak about the truth behind ‘picture perfect’ posts on my own social media will help girls who feel like they have to look or be a certain way.

Photo Credits: Julie Healy
Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Tell us your Top 5 Fashion Secrets to look gorgeous and glamorous?

Ms. Mahalia Handley:

Wearing matching underwear. When you know your put together and feeling sexy underneath the confidence just oozes out .

Always buy your best pieces ahead of time, pre spring SS17 collections is during winter and so forth. Stay ahead, don’t buy it in the middle.

Pamper yourself at least once a month- I have a day every three weeks were I give myself a luxury treatment, schedule and budget it in to your monthly routine.

Eat well, one of the best sayings I’ve ever heard is “this weeks food is next months body” remember that you are providing your body the fuel and energy that you need.

Indulge. Indulge in some treats for yourself, don’t be so persistent in a one diet fits for all mind frame. Indulge in a treat for yourself whatever it may be at least once a month. Your special to you, you deserve it.

Photo Credits: Julie Healy
Ms. Namita Nayyar: 

You have modeled for many top magazines and brands like Vogue Italia and Selfridges. What is your motivation and inspiration behind being body confident?

Ms. Mahalia Handley:

My motivation came from a very personal experience. When I was growing up there was never anyone who looked like me in commercial or high fashion. No curvy girls and no girls with diversity. It used to make me really sad and I had a lot of negative feelings towards body positivity and to my own self worth of view of beauty. Each year with every growing birthday the more passionate I became about showing representation of this exact matter. I’ve always been a fighter, so it made sense to me that if I couldn’t see the diversity being represented then I had to become it, not just for myself but for other girls growing up and not seeing diversification or self love.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

The fashion industry has had an incredible breakthrough, getting over the norm of stereotype shapes and sizes, but it still has a long way to go. What according to you are the 3 lessons that it still needs to learn?

Ms. Mahalia Handley:

Persistance would be the first. Yes I think the fashion industry has made strides and bounds to change and there have been plenty of people who have helped it along the way, but its needs to be pushed so hard that it becomes so extremely normally to have different body shapes and ethnic races that we no longer look at it as a special campaign or move by a company, but more that its just the norm.

That curvy/Plus size does not have to mean only Sexy/Lingerie/Swimwear. This is something I often talk about on my social media a lot as there are not enough Plus size Models in editorials and High fashion as there is in Lingerie.

That  ‘fat’ padding is and does have a negative impact of self image and does not help to create a safe and positive outlook on body positivity. It actually does the complete opposite and is harmful as it is a secret way of creating a desired body effect rather than having faith and love into different body diversification.

Photo Credits: Julie Healy
Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and message for its visitors?

Ms. Mahalia Handley:

Body Positivity comes from within first and foremost. I am here to help you find that as are all others who are body positive ambassadors. We are here to show you how great you are and we want you to find that light and love inside yourself, embrace it, nurture it and then share it with others who may be battling. Take care of your body, eat well, exercise and work every damn day on your mental stability- tell yourself how great you are and live it!

To know the latest from Mahalia Handley, Follow her on

Women Fitness Team thanks Mahalia Handley for giving her valuable time for this interview, enlightening us and our viewers and quenching the thirst of her fans to know more about her.


All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness

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