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3 Fitness Tips To Maintain Your Body After Fat Reduction

Going through fat reduction doesn’t mean you could be complacent about your health and fitness afterward. If you start becoming unmindful of your health and fitness routine, you might end up going back to your old self.

Getting a fat reduction treatment from medical spas or similar clinics may have been a life-changing milestone in your life. Perhaps it took you much effort, time, and money, as well as a whole lot of bravery, to have such a procedure done. Therefore, you’ve got to make it worth it. After leaving the four walls aof the clinic, the responsibility’s now on you to maintain your body and have an even better physique.

These fitness tips below might just be what you need to ensure your fat reduction treatment wouldn’t go to waste.

1. Cut Down On The Unhealthy Fats

If you don’t want to have body fat, try to avoid eating fatty food. But it’s important to make a distinction between healthy and unhealthy fats. While it may be good to deprive your body of unhealthy fats, it may not be beneficial to let go of the healthy ones. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be keeping your body attuned to the nutrients it also needs to get from the healthy fats.

Here are two basic principles you could apply in this pursuit:

2. Exercise Often

Along with eating well, one of the noted key players to maintaining all that fat you’ve lost through your reduction is through exercise. This isn’t just about looking good physically; it’s also about feeling good. The more you exercise, the more you’d be able to let go of any unnecessary and unhealthy intake of fats you may have gotten throughout the day.

First off, you’d burn extra calories, which could boost your metabolism. This means after you exercise, your body would continue to shed off excess calories as it would be able to burn your stored fat into energy faster.

If exercise has not been your thing in the past, it’d perhaps be safe to start small or short. You could always begin with half an hour a day as even that may be enough to keep your body in optimal physical shape.

With this in mind, here are five helpful tips to give you that boost in starting a habit of exercise:

3. Adapt The Mediterranean Diet

If there’s only one diet you want to focus on, perhaps one of the best would be the Mediterranean diet. This isn’t because of what you’re eating per se, but the principles behind the diet could be a reason it’s a good choice.

The Mediterranean diet is claimed to address the common pitfalls of a wrong diet. This is because it’s known to encourage you to share a meal with others so you wouldn’t have to be alone in your journey to healthful eating, along with exercise.

As exercise has already been discussed above, the focus now is on the emotions that come together with eating, also known as emotional eating. One very good way to keep your weight in the way it is now is perhaps to stop yourself from emotional eating. 

There are instances when your body would signal you to eat, but not because of hunger. Sometimes people run to food to give them comfort when they’re anxious, depressed, or stressed out.

Recognizing these emotional triggers means going back to one of the principles of the Mediterranean diet—sharing a meal with others. When you do this, you wouldn’t just be sharing a meal, literally. But you’d also have someone to talk to, in case a lot is going through your mind. It may not be good to just keep it to yourself. 

It might also be helpful to be mindful of the following:

As you control emotional eating, the Mediterranean diet is also believed to teach you to practice mindful eating. Here are examples:


With all these tips, it’s important to close with a reminder. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to losing and maintaining your weight. Your fat reduction surgery could already be a big leap in the process itself. But you have to take it even further to ensure you maintain all the fat you’ve lost. You don’t have to do everything above all at once. Try to take it one step at a time and see which among the tips above would work best in your favor. It’s also recommended to get advice from professionals on how you could best maintain your body after getting a fat reduction.

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