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Know these 5 Things about Health Insurance that Covers Maternity Before Starting a Family

Every woman experiences many stages in her life, with motherhood being the most significant. Every woman aspires to have children because it completes her, even though the journey to motherhood is not always easy, and there may be many obstacles to overcome. Women have changed along with the times. Earlier the average woman becoming a mother used to be in their middle 20s, but today women are planning late pregnancy and choosing to become a mother in their 30s.

As women get older, some face issues that can be readily afforded when one purchases health insurance that covers maternity. Therefore, a woman needs a health insurance plan that includes coverage for maternity benefits. An ideal plan would pay for hospitalisation, prescription drugs, diagnostic tests, and other postpartum childcare costs.

There are five things you should know about maternity health insurance in India:

1. Financial Protection

The average cost of delivering a child is about 50,000 to 1 lakh, though this can change depending on the hospital you select. Most people believe they will gather the financial backup by saving for it and later use it during pregnancy, but this fund can be compromised during times of emergency. However, the way that today’s youth live has changed, having a significant impact on their health and even complicating pregnancy. Health insurance that covers maternity is a must-have in today’s world, as childbirth costs are too high for a middle-class family to handle in one lump sum.

2. Starting Early

Most health insurance that covers maternity has a waiting period before the benefits of insurance kick in, which can range from 1 to 3 years according to the policy chosen, and only then can a policyholder make a claim. To ensure that the waiting period is completed by the time a couple is ready to become parents, they should purchase the policy before planning a family.

3. Add-on or Dedicated Policy

You can choose between two options while purchasing a maternity cover. You can choose a dedicated maternity insurance plan or comprehensive health insurance that covers maternity as an add-on benefit. The better option is to get exclusive maternity health insurance, which may be more expensive but has a shorter waiting period of 9 months to 2 years. A maternity-specific health insurance plan also covers the newborn. Joy Maternity Insurance Plan by Care Health Insurance not only gives protection to the mother but also protects the newborn for up to 90 days.

4. Maternity Benefit Act

Health insurance covering maternity should be purchased before conceiving and not after because it is considered a pre-existing condition, and insurers will not cover the expenses if purchased. Suppose you are a corporate employee and also a soon-to-be mother. In that case, many organisations offer maternity benefits to cover medical expenses and maternity leave of up to 26 weeks under the Maternity Benefit Act 2017.

5. Policy Coverage

Health insurance that covers maternity reimburses the costs incurred during childbirth. These costs include delivery expenses, pre-hospitalisation for up to 30 days and post-hospitalisation for up to 60 days, pre and post-natal expenses, and newborn cover.

Many couples fear starting a family because of the additional costs of having a baby. However, you can plan a baby without worrying about the financial burden if you have maternity insurance. It is also correct that medical costs for childbirth are rising each day, and only maternity insurance can help you cope with the expenses. Many insurance companies now offer health insurance that covers maternity to new policyholders. Compare all of the plans, as well as their features and benefits, and then choose the best maternity health insurance policy that meets your requirements and needs.

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