Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Melisa Gun is a published fashion model and the reigning Miss New York US Nation 2021 titleholder. Since she was a child, just like every young girl; she always dreamed of walking down the runway, trying on different looks, participating in famous shows and working with brands.
Melisa has been a model since she was eighteen years of age and what began as a hobby turned into a second job for her. Melisa views the modeling industry as one of hard work and dedication, “There is definitely no place for laziness, irresponsibility, and lack of motivation here. People in this field know that to be a successful model you need not only to have good external parameters but also other important qualities – persistence, character and commitment”, says Melisa. Living in New York. Melisa decided to cast for Miss US Nation pageants, it was an opportunity for her to advance her modeling career and try something new.
She was selected to represent Miss Manhattan and later advanced to the state pageant that occurred on June 26th 2021, Miss New York East Coast US Nation 2021 and won the title for her state. Melisa is excited to advance to the national competition: Miss US Nation 2021, which will be held in Las Vegas, NV and put in her best effort to represent herself and the state of New York. One stereotype that Melisa would like to break about modeling and pageantry is bringing out the professionalism of the industry and showing others that just like any profession; modeling is a real career that requires effort and commitment on your part in order to succeed.
Something unique about the model of Turkish descent is that she speaks 4 languages – Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish, English and Melisa is now learning how to speak Arabic. Not only has Melisa lived in Turkey, but she has also resided in Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland while she was a child. Melisa has a passion for equestrian sports; she says that interacting with animals helps take her mind off daily routines. In 5 years from now, Melisa sees herself as the Face of a Fashion House, as a famous model and happy wife to a man that she loves.
Melisa has an impressive portfolio – she has been on the cover of GRAZIA, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, FHM, GMARO, Playboy, TOUCH, L’Officiel, MAXIM, Glamour and the list goes on for a long time.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Melisa Gün exceptionally talented fashion model and the reigning Miss New York US Nation 2021, here she talks about her fitness routine, diet, journey, and her success story.
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
You were born at Kusadasi on the Aegean coast of Turkey and have lived in Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, and now residing in New York USA. You have been modeling since you were eighteen years old and what began as a hobby turned into your profession. You have been on the cover of the World-leading Magazines. This propelled your modeling career to the height where you have been at the top of the world of fashion and glamour modeling. Tell us more about this fairy tale journey?
Melisa Gün:
Oh gosh, yeah, that’s quite a journey! I started modeling as a hobby because I thought I might enjoy it, and then I realized I could turn it into something more serious and I started dedicating more time to it, learning to ropes and looking for ways to stand out. Modeling world is very competitive, but once you find your style and get to know other models, artists, photographers, it’s a real pleasure to do what you love. I have always been into fitness and I am glad that I could bring that passion into my work.
Having lived in different parts of the world and experienced different cultures, speaking more than one language, I think I can say that I have a good understanding of what is essential for each of them, and I also try to reflect it in my work. Being on the cover of magazines I used to look at the shelves when I was a girl, was a dream come true. We admired those beautiful young women looking glamorous, and now I am one of them, and I hope that I can inspire more people through my work.
Namita Nayyar:
It is dream come true for a model to feature in the iconic magazine “Playboy”. In November 2021, you were featured on the cover of Playboy Australia. Elaborate on your experience working with Playboy. And how it has been a catalyst to your meteoric rise as a glamour model?
Melisa Gün:
I suppose being on the cover of Playboy is a dream of every model, for me it was something I had always wanted to achieve, so when it finally happened, it was one of those moments you know you can never forget. I loved working with them and I had a great team looking after me. For a model it’s crucial to feel comfortable during a photo shoot, because you need to feel relaxed and be able to enjoy yourself, otherwise it may reflect badly on the results and the photos may not come out the way you want them to. So yeah, I had the time of my life working on those and I hope it was just the beginning for me and that I’ll get to feature in some of the Playboy issues in the future.
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
After school you graduated from the University of Aegean in physiotherapy. Then you entered the Faculty of Medicine at Istanbul Medipol University in Istanbul and wish to become a neurosurgeon. Tell us more about this aspect of your career?
Melisa Gün:
I have always thought that health is one of the most important aspects of our lives and I wanted to get an education that would allow me to help people get fitter and healthier, hence both degrees. I guess knowing a lot about how our minds and bodies work has helped me in my fitness journey and in getting the results I was hoping to achieve. I believe that it’s necessary to have some practical background that you can be proud of, that’s why my medical studies are so essential in my life, as it means having more independence and experience, plus I just love helping people in any way I can and I believe that my education will assist me in that as well.
Namita Nayyar:
You have interests in equestrian sports, fitness, practical shooting, winter swimming, surfing, playing the piano and saxophone, rafting, chess, and also like to jump with a parachute. You have been active from early childhood, as a teenager, and became a master of sports in running, 200 to 400 meters with barriers. How your active sports life since early childhood has been a source to make you a perfect model demanding odd long hours of work and stress on one’s physique?
Melisa Gün:
I can’t imagine my life without movement. For as long as I can remember, I have been active, but I wouldn’t say that I’ve been fanatical about it even though I am proud of the results I achieved in sports when I was younger. Having such a varied background probably prepared me for my modeling career, as I do not shy away from long hours and busy schedule and I know how to sustain myself and maintain good mood and stay active and positive. It’s hard work, but when you love what you are doing and enjoy yourself and the company of people you work with, then it is much easier to get through the longest of days.
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2022 Women Fitness
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
You were selected to represent Miss Manhattan and later advanced to the state pageant that occurred on June 26th, 2021, Miss New York East Coast US Nation 2021, and won the title for your state. Tell us about your experience of winning this prestigious beauty pageant title?
Melisa Gün:
It was absolutely surreal and amazing! I entered the pageant because I thought it would be a great experience and let me learn something new about myself and being a model. It’s a tough competition, but if you know your worth and just focus on showing your best, then you’re in with a good chance of being noticed. When you’re preparing for competitions and pageants, you’re bounds to spend even more time making sure you look your best, so I add more sport, I pay very close attention to my health in general – you don’t want to get ill the day before the contest! – and my diet in particular. You simply cannot allow yourself to be lazy or complacent, you have to work hard, but when it all pays off in the end and you get the cherished crown, you know it’s all been worth it!
Namita Nayyar:
You have one of the most perfect chiseled sculpted physique. Women and Models of your age aspire to be just like you. Tell us the secret to this stunning personality?
Melisa Gün:
Thanks! I wish I could say that there’s some magic to that, but it’s all down to hard work and dedication. I always aim for the better, always look for ways to improve myself. You just need to decide what you want to do and work out a way to do that and stick to the plan. It may not be easy at first, but once you get used to a certain way of going about your days, you won’t be able to imagine doing things differently.
Think of your own morning routine, because mornings are the most important, talk to a specialist who can help you with your fitness regime, find something you like doing and that makes you happy and aim to get better at it. I would also say that it’s necessary to stay positive and keep an open mind, happy people are more attractive. I guess it’s all about finding some kind of balance between your everyday life and your work, not forgetting to have fun and relax with friends and family because you deserve it.
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
You are a leading media personality, model, Instagram sensation, beauty pageant winner, and fitness icon. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Melisa Gün:
It feels like juggling sometimes, but it’s rather enjoyable and I’m always up for a challenge. Knowing how to manage your time is absolutely crucial, you need to dedicate some time to yourself and just switch off for a bit to recharge your batteries so that you could face another day. It doesn’t mean lazing around, but a day with your loved ones and a trip to the countryside or an amusement park can do a world of good, or just stay in and watch your favorite TV series – anything that you can think of!
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Melisa Gün:
Depending on my current goals, I work with my fitness coach and we decide together what regime it best for me. However, I’d say running or jogging in the park is something I’m quite partial to when I don’t need to have any rigorous training. I prefer having a healthy combination of strength and HIIT, as well as some abs and stretching – it all depends on the areas of my body I need to work on and my current plans.
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Melisa Gün:
That’s very simple: combination of abs training and paying attention to what I eat. I know that I’m almost constantly in the public eye with my job, and I know that people look up to me, so I don’t want to disappoint them and want to enjoy what I see in the mirror, so I do abs workouts regularly.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Melisa Gün:
To make sure I always look my best, I’m very conscious of my nutrition and diet. I avoid snacking and late night meals, however, since my job quite often means odd hours, I try to keep some fresh fruit in my fridge as well as low-fat yogurt and something that can sustain. It doesn’t mean that I don’t treat myself from time to time, I do go out with my family and friends and enjoy all kinds of food – New York is a wonderful place where you can find all kinds of cuisines!
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Melisa Gün:
That’s a tricky one as it’s hard to say there’s something in particular. As I mentioned before, I love fresh fruit so you could say that its apples, grapes, pears – that sort of thing. When it comes to keeping things to a minimum, it’s definitely carbohydrates, which means I make sure I don’t eat a lot of bread or pastries, I’m also careful with sweets, even though sometimes it’s hard to resist, and I definitely try to avoid food that contains fats, just to be on a safe side.
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.
Melisa Gün:
Enough sleep! In all seriousness, first thing to do is to find out your skin and your hair type, based on that you can find the products that are suitable for you. Make-up can hide your skin imperfections, but when you have to wear a lot of it several hours a day, it can also make things worse, so I clean my skin properly, moisturize it and look after it the best way I can. Same with the hair: I love my gorgeous locks, but when photo shoots and fashion shows I sometimes have to use a lot of hairspray and other styling products which can affect the health of my hair, which means I need to look after it and give it some rest when I can. And I always consult specialists if I have any questions.
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
Five skincare myths.
Melisa Gün:
Oh, there are so many it’s hard to choose just five! Some people still believe that hot water is good for your skin, or that tanning makes your skin better and healthier, or that you only need to wear sunscreen on sunny days or that moisturizes remove wrinkles or you only need to use them if you have dry skin. All those myths have been discussed at length and disproved, and yet you can still see articles on the subject.
Namita Nayyar:
Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.
Melisa Gün:
I love Balmain Sport Collection as well as Adidas, Under Armour, LV and Polo. I love clothes that make me feel comfortable while looking stunning and noticeable.
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
Five travel destinations on your wish list.
Melisa Gün:
There are so many! I would love to see more of the US, I’ve travelled for work a lot, but it doesn’t mean I’ve seen everything. I also have a list of places I’ve never been to but think that’d be perfect for a holiday destination: Canada, perhaps New Zealand or Australia. I’d also like to visit the South America – I guess it’s easier to name the places I don’t want to go to at the moment!
Namita Nayyar:
During the Covid pandemic, tell us more about your fitness routine to remain fit in such challenging times?
Melisa Gün:
During the pandemic, I had a lot more time for myself than I usually do and there were moments when it was tempting to get lazier, but I knew it’d be over sooner or later and that I’d need to get back to work, so I made sure I stayed active and worked out regularly at home or running in the park. It was also beneficial for my mental health, because, and it was especially true in the first few months, I was doing something I knew, something familiar, and it really helped me get through those days and emerge optimistic and hopeful.
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding fashion model girls, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of modeling?
Melisa Gün:
Believe in yourself and be yourself. Modeling is not an easy world and success won’t come at once, but with some luck and dedication you can achieve your goals, even if it means early starts and being away from home, just don’t forget who you are and know that your loved ones are there for you and they’ll help and support you if you need them. Modeling world is changing and there’s always demand for new faces and unique stories, you just need to tell yours so it’s heard.
Namita Nayyar:
You have been featured on covers of world-leading magazines like GRAZIA, Harper’s Bazaar, FHM, LAZIN, GMARO, Playboy, TOUCH, L’Officiel, Muscle & Fitness Hers, and Fashion Magazine NYC and had done bold photo shoots for them and also for your Instagram handle @drmelisagunn. How you are so body confident and advise your compatriots?
Melisa Gün:
I’m not afraid to take risks. While I understand I cannot be liked by absolutely everyone, I am confident that those who share my philosophy will enjoy my work and I do it because I take pleasure in telling the world that a beautiful woman can also be smart and independent, can learn something new and aspire to be better. We live in the world that gives us a lot of opportunities; we just need to be brave enough to take them.
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
Your idea of a perfect date?
Melisa Gün:
While I do admire grand gestures, I think little pleasant surprises and respect for a person you’re on a date with can go a long way. I’d say a walk through the city, a nice meal in a restaurant, maybe a movie or a day trip somewhere are all there among the things I’d enjoy doing on a date. I wouldn’t say no to flowers, and the most important qualities for me are honesty and generosity towards other people.
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and the message for its visitors?
Melisa Gün:
Womenfitness.net is a great source if you want to learn more about health and fitness and I am delighted that it exists because I believe that your visitors can find all the useful health and beauty information and advice they need.
Namita Nayyar:
Today social media plays a vital role in putting your message across to your followers and fans. What is your message for the 1.3 million followers on Instagram?
Melisa Gün:
First of all, thank you for being with me and believing in me. I may not have the time to respond to all your messages, but know that I truly value each and every one of you and hope that your lives are blessed with love and happiness.
Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
You once said about modeling “There is definitely no place for laziness, irresponsibility, and lack of motivation here. People in this field know that to be a successful model you need not only to have good external parameters but also other important qualities – persistence, character, and commitment”. Tell us more about this attitude of life of positivity and hard work that has been inculcated in you, deep feeling, great accomplishment, and gratitude towards the Almighty and all those who have been there with you in your journey of success as a recognized international model?
Melisa Gün:
Being a model sometimes means making a lot of sacrifices in your personal life and it can be heart-breaking. I wish to think that I have managed to find the balance between my professional and private lives because no matter what I do, I know that my family will always be the most important part of my life, that’s why I dedicate my every free minute to them and support them as much as I can. We’re best friends really, and they’re my biggest motivation, they’ve been there for me since the very beginning and it’s thanks to them and their support in all my challenges I have the energy to move forward.
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2022 Women Fitness