Most women as they near the time of delivery tend to become more tense, which ups the agony.
Note, when you’re tense, some muscles are tightening and trying to hold the baby in, while the muscles in your uterus are tightening to try to push the baby out as the muscles are fighting with each other, the hurt experienced is more.
Tips to Facilitate Normal Delivery: Every mother’s Dream
All through your pregnancy opt for 30 minutes of movement, seven days a week.
Squatting opens the pelvis and helps the baby get into the ideal birthing position (head down, face toward back, chin tucked in). It’s most effective if you’ve been practicing your squats throughout your pregnancy and building those muscles in your legs. Try kneeling, sitting cross-legged, or perching on an exercise ball for as much of the day as possible. Or, open a door, hold onto the doorknobs on either side, and drop into a squat for one or two minutes with your knees wide apart. Pull yourself back up using the doorknobs. 30 minutes of movement, seven days a week. Hit the elliptical machine or stationary bike and aim to get your heart rate up or lace up your sneaks and walk whenever you can. Flexibility, especially in your hips, will help you when it comes time to push, so stretching sessions are important, too. Shoot for 30 minutes of prenatal yoga one or two days a week. (However, if you were not physically fit before becoming pregnant, check with your doctor to come up with a safe cardio plan for you.)
Move During Labor
When you begin labor, keep moving to stay comfortable. Walking, rocking, squatting, sitting, swaying, and switching sides while resting can help your body work with your contractions as gravity and mobility help baby move into the birth canal. Plus, movement eases tension and gives your mind something to focus on other than pain. Walk and stretch, sit on a birthing ball, and hop in and out of the birthing tub if it’s available. Movement of the hips, belly dancing, hula dancing, squatting, rocking, pelvic tilts, and such help maneuver the baby down and through to find the easiest path out of the mother. Call your doctor if contractions are getting progressively stronger and closer together no matter how you move. If they’re five minutes apart while you’re lying in bed but spaced further apart when you move to the tub or go for a walk, it’s probably not time to go to the hospital yet.
At home, light candles, close your eyes, follow your breath, meditate, and create an ambiance that promotes relaxation. Rhythmic breathing, meditation, self-hypnosis, and other relaxation techniques are excellent tools for all stages of labor.
If your contractions are so strong that your relaxation techniques aren’t cutting it, try moving to the tub or shower, change positions, or check in with your doctor or midwife about whether it’s time to come to the hospital.
Utilize Hot Water
Hot compresses, showers, and baths are a labor woman’s best friend. Warm water eases pain and allows muscles in the back, belly, legs, and perineum to relax while the uterus does its job. If you don’t have a deep tub, a shower will work. Hot compresses on a sore back and belly are also miracle workers. Keep in mind that spending early labor in a tub is perfectly fine, but it may lengthen the time between contractions for a while.
Eat right
A healthy mother means a healthy baby. Your diet should consist of a healthy dose of fruits, vegetables, lean meat, legumes, and dairy.
Choose dark green vegetables, a good amount of starchy food, and foods that are rich in protein. Your body needs extra iron during pregnancy so make sure you eat an iron-rich diet. Avoid organ meat. Avoid foods that contain retinol. Consume seafood in moderate amounts. Reduce your intake of sugar. Avoid eating street food as they may contain bacteria, which can harm your health.
Stay Positive and Refrain from Negative Birth Stories
You may come across both easy and difficult childbirth stories. Listening to negative stories would make you more nervous and anxious and may result in a panic-attack. If a fellow mother happens to share her nightmare of childbirth, just walk away from her. Say no to gossips.
Remember that not everyone has the same story of labor. Just because your friend had an unfortunate delivery does not mean you will have one.
Watch Your Posture
Keep your body aligned so that the baby can glide smoothly. Standing and sitting for extended periods, sleeping in awkward positions, wearing high heels and tight belts could misalign your body. Sit with a proper support to your back. There would be added pressure on your spine during pregnancy and mishandling your body can only increase the pain. Sit with folded or stretched out legs as hanging them for too long can lead to swelling. Do not slouch when sitting or bend to lift things. Do not rush down or up the stairs.
Choose a Provider and Birthplace that value Vaginal Birth
While choosing a birth place ask the attending doctor many questions about their rates of vaginal births (compared to c sections), as well as their intervention rates. If you don’t get a good feeling, move on.
Childbirth is an amazing achievement no matter how you give birth. If you choose to try for a natural birth, it’s wise to do some extra preparations ahead of the big day.