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New Heart Guidelines To Stop Newborn Defects

New Heart Guidelines to stop Newborn Defects

The American Heart Association estimates that out of 1,000 births, nine babies will have some form of congenital heart disorder. Congenital cardiovascular defects are the most common birth defects. 

Keeping in line with the above statement, the American Heart Association released new recommendations to help women reduce the risk of giving birth to children with heart defects. These recommendations are as follows:

Aspirin and other drugs containing salicylate are not recommended throughout pregnancy, especially during the last three months, except under a doctor’s supervision. Acetylsalicylate, a common ingredient in many OTC painkillers, may prolong pregnancy and cause excessive bleeding before and after delivery. Another drug that can cause severe birth defects is Accutane, or isotretinoin. Accutane, a derivative of vitamin A, is a powerful prescription drug that can clear severe cystic acne, but can cause birth defects (such as heart defects, small jaw, cleft palate, and skull and facial disfigurements) in about 1 out of every 4 exposed fetuses. Accutane can also cause miscarriages. 

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