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Health in Argentina: An Overview

Health in Argentina: An Overview

Reported May 12, 2011

Vaccinations: No vaccinations are required to visit Argentina, however, there is a slight risk of contracting cholera, hepatitis B, and Dengue in the more remote regions of the country. An anti-malaria vaccine is recommended if you plan on visiting rural areas near the borders with Bolivia and Paraguay.

Water: The water in Argentina is drinkable, therefore consuming water shouldn’t be a problem. Although be careful when leaving the larger cities and entering less populated areas. It is safer and better for you to drink bottled water.

Food: Argentina Health and Food as in other countries, the healthiness or cleanliness of the food in Argentina depends on where you go to consume it. In general there are no serious problems with hygiene, nevertheless in the northern region of Argentina on the border with Bolivia, they are accustomed to successive outbreaks of cholera. Avoid consuming seafood and raw vegetables in these areas.
Malaria: It is a contagious illness caused by a protozoan parasite in the red blood cells, called plasmodium or Laveran Hematozoon, transmitted by the anopheles mosquito which dwells in humid, marshy areas. The sickness causes fever at regular intervals, following a rhythmic pattern (tertian or quartan fever), anemia, swelling of the spleen, and a general alteration of the health. The base treatment includes quinine and synthetic products. Theoretically, in Argentina, the illness is confined to the tropical areas near the borders with Bolivia and Paraguay, as well as some areas of Corrientes and Del Chaco.

Chagas Disease: It is a sickness transmitted by a vector insect, the “kissing bug” (triatomine). This insect carries a microbe in it’s blood that acts as a parasite moving in a cyclic pattern between the blood and the cells of the organism. The “kissing bug” only feeds on human and animal blood, and it transmits the microbe through its fecal waste, which is eliminated immediately after stinging. The person affected by the Chagas disease will have acquired a chronic illness that may cause death.

Dengue Fever: The only way to avoid Dengue is by preventing mosquito bites, which is how the illness is transmitted. It produces fever, headaches and muscle pains and later produces a skin rash all over the body. This illness does not have serious complications, however it can take up to one month to recuperate.

Cholera: The vaccine against cholera does not result to be very effective and the bacteria that produces this illness is water borne, therefore you should take precautions when you eat and drink. Some outbreaks of this illness have appeared in northern Argentina near the border with Bolivia, so be careful if visiting this region. Avoid raw foods like fish, seafood, and vegetables. Symptoms of this disease include continuous and liquid diarrhea, vomiting, cramps and weakness. If you contract Cholera, go directly to the nearest hospital and try to avoid dehydration.

Altitude sickness or Puna: In the high regions of Argentina that surpass 2,500 meters (8,200 ft.) above sea level, the altitude can have serious effects on the body. The lack of oxygen and atmospheric pressure may cause headaches, nausea, shortness of breath, and physical weakness in some people. The body should adapt itself to the oxygen shortage after a few days, although if the discomfort continues or gets worse (headache not yielding to aspirin, repeated vomiting, staggering and confusion), you must descend in altitude to prevent the development of acute mountain sickness which can be fatal. It is best to avoid smoking and alcohol, and to drink lots of water and to avoid excessive exercise. Keep this in mind if you wish to take the journey of De las Nubes Train or cross any borders.

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