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Abortion and Contraception in Moldova

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Abortion and Contraception in Moldova

– Reported, June 11, 2013

The number of women of reproductive age suffering of different diseases is continuously increasing. At present each second woman reaches the reproductive age with a severely modified maternal terrain. As a rule, every second pregnant woman suffers of anemia, every third woman – of urogenital system chronic infection, every fourth woman – of digestive and cardiovascular system diseases. In their turn, according to the data provided by the National Scientific Practical Center of Reproductive Health, Medical Genetics and Family Planning, these diseases cause sterility in 12-15.0% of cases, infertility – in 15.0 % of cases, pregnancy complications – in 70.0% of cases and delivery complications – in 80.0 % of cases. The study confirms that over the last decade there was registered a three fold increase in the number of pregnant women caring complex extra genital maladies, which are health and life threatening both for mothers and their potential children.


A series of statistical indicators prove that in the Republic of Moldova the reproductive health has been in a poor state over the last years, in spite of some positive trends. The health of teenagers and young people is a key problem for the time being. . Studies reveal that over 70.0% of those working in this field suffer from different diseases. .

Tobacco, drug, and alcohol addiction has become worrisomely spread among teenagers and young people. These phenomena foster high rates of HIV/AIDS infection and sexually transmitted diseases.

The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases reached an alarming level. In 2004 there were registered 357 (253 on the right bank) HIV positive people and 53 (51 on the right bank) people infected with AIDS. As the emigration level and fertility level increased, the birth rate decrease drastically.

At present the maternal health in Moldova is also adversely influenced by the high incidence of abortions. Up to present, in the Republic of Moldova, the abortion keeps being one of the main family planning methods, or the main method of birth rate control. The abortion-related complications are regarded as the main reason for maternal morbidity and mortality, and the expensive treatment is another problem, given the limited financial resources.

When the republic of Moldova gained its independence, it inherited the reproduction and control methods used on the territory of the former Soviet Union, when the fertility level got suddenly reduced below the substitution level, the induced abortion was the main method of fertility control, and the modern contraceptive methods were underused. The ignorance and the fatalist attitude towards health, tolerance for avortion coupled with the high availability of this method can be regarded as the main factors that turned the abortion into the main birth rate control method. These methods were also shaped by the strong moral principles that condemned pregnancy before marriage and extra-marriage pregnancies, disapproving the sexual education in schools, discouraging the open discussions about sexual intercourses and pleading for a condemnable attitude towards sexuality.

The above measures helped decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions, pregnancy-related mortality and morbidity. Implementarea Programului National de asistenta în planificarea familiala si protejarea sanatatii reproducerii a contribuit, în special, la reducerea numarului de avorturi în republica si la micsorarea mortalitatii materne. The modern birth control methods are used more frequently and hormonal contraception method is becoming more and more popular.

Unfortunately, the reproductive health in the Republic of Moldova is still under the level of present possibilities and requests. Maternal, perinatal and infant mortality exceeds the level of developed countries.

The priority areas in the Reproductive health care field of Moldova are as follow:

Family planning. The right to realize the reproductive function. Contraceptive options.

Safe pregnancy. Preconception care. Perinatal care and diagnosis. Prevention of giving birth to children with congenital malformations.

Teenagers and young people. Sexual and reproductive health among teenagers and young people. Services friendly to young people. Education in school.

Reproductive tract infections. The prevention and management of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS infection. Prevention and treatment of reproductive tract infections.

Abortion. Secure abortion. Pregnancy interruption services. Post abortion conceling.

Infertility. Infertility prevention. Infertility prevention and treatment.

Domestic violence and sexual abuse. Prevention and management of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Trafficking in human beings. Trafficking prevention. Migration.

Genital and breast cancer. Diagnosis and management of genital and breast cancer.

Aged people. The sexual health of aged people. Counseling for menupausal women.

Men. Men’s sexually-reproductive health

The Present Strategy aims at improving the people’s reproductive health and providing the Moldovan citizens with the opportunity to fulfil their sexual and reproductive functions for them to reach a healthy sexual development and maturation and have safe sexual intercourses, have as many children as they want under secure and healthy condition, avoid contacting any reproductive or sexual diseases, benefit from high quality services in case of sexual and reproductive dysfunction, not to be subject to or affected by violence and other sexual and reproduction abuses.



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