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Amazing Fat Fighting Foods That Melt Stubborn Body Fat

Amazing Fat Fighting Foods That Melt Stubborn Body Fat

Reported May 09, 2008

Fat fighting foods works because they are rich in specific nutrients that stimulate thermogenisis (fat burning). For example, foods rich in chromium have the effect of maintaining blood sugar levels, which means less cravings, and a reduced desire to overeat.

Fl, USA, May 10,2008…………….You are what you eat. That is how a very popular saying puts it. Size is all about ones eating habit. If one is over weight, may be a conscious check on what one eats will reveal more. Wrong foods, wrong types of calories per meal, and also wrong patterns of meal each day can cause overweight.

The human body is like an “engine”. It needs certain foods at certain intervals each day, and if you don’t eat the right foods at the right times, then, those calories will be left unburned. The result is a store of calories as fat tissues. Why it may seem like a way out to reduce the level of fat and calories in takes, this will only serve a temporary measure but then after a while all weight loss comes to a halt. This is known as dieting plateau.

For instance, if you eat 2,000 calories per day, your metabolism will adjust itself in such a way as to allow your body burning 2,000 calories per day. If your calories intake drops to 950 calories per day then your metabolism again adjusts itself and your body begins to burn only 950 calories per day. That is why you may eat 950 calories and get fat why another eats 2,000 calories and still fits into those beautiful bikinis. That is if you don’t eat right.

While food could give you that load of weight that you sincerely and rightly want to shed, considering its health and perhaps some social implications, it has been scientifically proven that foods aid weight loss. Now what kind of food are we talking about here? Remember, it is not food that is the problem. It is the kind of food, pattern of meal and types of calories per meal that counts. So we are talking about foods doctors, scientists, medical researchers and nutritionists say help weight loss.

In a recent Californian study , doctors discovered that eating half a grapefruit before meals helped patients reduce their insulin levels for 2 hours after eating. The patients who ate the grapefruit before meals lost 1.6kg on average, compared to 0.3kg lost by the patients who were not given the grapefruit, making grapefruit 433% more effective at burning fat compared with dieting alone. Scientists gave one group of overweight women a whole-wheat protein to eat, and compared results with another group following a standard low calorie diet. The group who ate the wheat protein lost an average of 5.5kgs during the experiment, while the group who ate the standard low calorie diet lost only 2.8kg, making wholewheat proteins 96% more effective for weight loss.

In a study in Brazil, overweight, non-smokers with high cholesterol were given either fruits or meal replacement cookies to eat three times a day. Both groups consumed exactly the same calories, with a diet consisting of 55% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 30% fat. The group that ate the fruit lost 1.22 kg but the meal replacement cookie group lost only 0.88 kg, making the fruit 38% more effective for burning fat.

Fat fighting foods works because they are rich in specific nutrients that stimulate thermogenisis (fat burning). For example, foods rich in chromium have the effect of maintaining blood sugar levels, which means less cravings, and a reduced desire to overeat. To heighten your weight loss, all you need do is just add these hard fat fighting foods to your daily diet.

Fat fighting foods are hundred percent natural foods that include fruits, vegetables, proteins, fats, and herbs spices. To learn more about fat fighting food and more healthy weight loss options, visit

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