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Cane Fu Fighting

Cane Fu Fighting

Reported April 02, 2009

CANEGARDEN GROVE, Calif. (Ivanhoe Newswire) — There’s a new exercise trend. It’s not Kung-Fu. It’s “Cane-Fu.” The class is empowering seniors to fight back.

Cane Fu is a mix of aerobics and self-defense. Canes are the weapons!

“We can teach almost anyone how to break a chokehold with a cane,” Sheldon S. Zinberg, M.D., President and Founding Chairman of Nifty After Fifty in Garden Grove, Calif., told Ivanhoe. “That one movement alone makes them more secure.”

Cane Fu also helps the participants feel sturdier on their feet.

“I come here by referral by my doctor, and he’s amazed,” Lewis Cable, a class participant, told Ivanhoe.

caneThe seniors also report feeling safer when they go out and being more independent.



“We’ve had people with walkers and canes, who after a year in the program, no longer required their walker or cane,” Dr. Zinberg said.

Sixty-nine-year-old Cable is one of them. He came to the center 13 months ago in a wheelchair.

“It gives me much better balance,” Cable said. “I’m not afraid to go up and down curbs. I have no fear of going anywhere because I think I can defend myself.”

caneA new confidence that’s helping seniors stay healthy and strong.

Dr. Zinberg says reviews from members show his classes have helped reduce falls by 89 percent and fractures by 85 percent. Cane Fu classes are currently being taught around the country.

Sheldon S. Zinberg, M.D.
Chairman and President
Nifty After Fifty
(714) 823-4400

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